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Married to the Boss: A Love in Disguise by Ava Green

Chapter 25
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Married to the Boss: A Love in Disguise Chapter 25

“I dare to get closer to Leonard because Leonard is unmarried, and no one will gossip about me and Leonard. I

don’t have to worry about the rumors and slanders.”

Lumma did want to tell Adam so in a loud voice, but he was the leader of Hills Group while she was an insignificant

assistant. Adam could undo all her efforts with a single word, so how could she be serious with him?

Lumma didn’t say anything and looked at him silently, and Adam also stared at her.

It was Adam who was angry with Lumma for no reason, but now he looked at her, as if she had done something

wrong and was waiting for his judgment.

At a distance of a few dozen feet, Lumma felt as if she were being burned by his anger.

She sat back in her seat silently, picked up the fork, and ate with big mouthfuls.

After a long silence, Adam’s voice sounded again, but this time it was much softer, “Go back to rest early after

dinner. Go to see a doctor if you feel uncomfortable.”

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Lumma nodded obediently, “Yes.”

The usual Adam was enough to scare people, and the angry Adam was simply a terrifying existence like a devil, and

staying in the same space with him for one more second would be a torment.

Lumma ate some indiscriminately and quickly fled this dangerous place.

Lumma went back to her room. When the door was closed to shut out the eyes of all, the smile vanished instantly

from Lumma’s face, and the wound in her arm was still so painful that she ground her teeth.

Lumma did not want her weak side to be seen. She did not want to see sympathy or pity in the eyes

of others. It was only when she was alone that she dared to take off the mask that covered her true

self and reveal her true emotions.

The doctor had dealt carefully with the wound in her arm, but she had lost a piece of flesh, so how could it not hurt?

She smiled and said it had not hurt before, but it was all a disguise, as she bore the pain forcibly.

Lumma felt her arm ache, and so did her stomach. It was the pain of her period, but her period was always

punctual, and there were still ten days to come.

Lumma went to the bathroom to check. She was really unlucky. After her wound, the period came so suddenly,

which should be ten days away.

Lumma immediately called the front desk of the hotel for help. However, the hotel was not yet open for business,

so these personal items were not fully prepared.

Service staff told Lumma to turn right after exiting the hotel. About seven feet away was a supermarket, where

daily necessities were available.

Tampons were urgently needed. Lumma endured the pain, put on the down jacket, and walked out of the hotel.

There were few street lights outside the hotel, and it was drizzling, so it was too dark to see the road.

Walking alone on the dark and damp road, Lumma panicked when she heard the whining wind. She quickly

tightened her down jacket, as if it would be safer this way.

The supermarket was not far ahead. Suddenly, a wild dog sprang out from the side of the road and rushed towards

Lumma, making her tremble in fright.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly. She squatted down and touched the ground, pretending to pick up a stone, which

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scared the wild dog back a few steps.

Seeing that this method was effective against the wild dog, Lumma repeated this action, and the wild dog took a

few steps back. The wild dog soon realized it had been fooled, and rushed towards Lumma crazily.

When Lumma thought she was doomed, she closed her eyes in fright, but instead of the expected pain, she heard

the screams of the wild dog.

Such screams sounded on the rainy night, very frightening.

Lumma opened her eyes and saw Steve with a terrifying murderous intent in his eyes, holding a dying wild dog in

his hand….

Both Steve and the dog were scary.

Lumma subconsciously took a step back, “Mr. Cohan, why, why are you here?”

Lumma remembered that Steve did not fly to the western with them this time, but now he suddenly appeared in

front of her, which made her curious.

Steve glanced at her as impassively as before, and, without a word, turned and went away with the dying wild dog

in his hand.