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Married at first sight full episodes

Chapter 3024
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Chapter 3024 Birth rates started falling as fewer marriages took place.

Even newly introduced government policies were unable to incentivize the younger generation to marry and have children. © Camryn and Tasha soon arrived at the manor’s entrance while chatting.

As most guests were arriving at that hour, the Houses’ outdoor parking lot could not fit that many cars.

The employees were directing the guests to park outside the manor or by the roadside, which already had a long row of cars parked.

“Ms. Tasha.”

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One of the maids called Tasha the moment she walked out. : Tasha first greeted the guests who had just arrived and got someone to guide them into the manor.

After looking around, she could not spot Mrs. Longbottom. She asked, “Where’s Mrs. Longbottom?” “She’s still in her car. It was just parked.” The maid pointed at a luxury car not too far away.

In the car, Carrie had spotted Camryn and Tasha. She used to attend banquets often with her mother and had met Tasha several times. However, they never interacted much. Although she could recognize Tasha, the same could not be said for Tasha.

After all, a young lady of the Newmans had never been on par with the House’s young lady in the past. = Tasha was also Elisa’s best friend. They were inseparable.

Carrie thought, ‘Why is Camryn with Tasha?’ She had never been able to befriend Tasha in the past. She could not help but feel jealous upon seeing Camryn, whom she had always trampled on, being acquainted with Tasha.

“Please control your emotions, Mrs.

Longbottom. You only have to stay at the banquet for half an hour. Don’t expose anything.” Longbottom's bodyguard reminded Carrie coldly.

Her heart trembled when she recalled

Mr. Longbottom’s ruthlessness. She quickly said, “I understand.” “you should get out of the car,” said the bodyguard.

The Houses had invited many influential ladies of WIltspoon’s business world and their daughters to the banquet.

Some CEOs also attended the banquet to accompany their wives.

This was the debut appearance of “Mrs. Longbottom” in Wiltspoon’s high society, so it would be best if Carrie kept a low profile and refrained from being arrogant.

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Two bodyguards left the car first. One of them opened the car door for Carrie.

Carrie wore a red dress with a shawl

that night. The color red complemented her fair skin, giving her an air of nobility. Lr As she still had young, bouncy skin, she only applied light makeup. It made her look youthful and gorgeous. © With a red bag in hand, she checked her surroundings after getting out of the car before walking toward Tasha and Camryn with her bodyguards.

“Mrs. Longbottom.” Tasha had a polite smile on her face as she greeted Carrie.

“I’m the host’s daughter, Tasha.

Please come in, Mrs. Longbottom.” After meeting Carrie, Tasha was certain that she did not know her.

Therefore, she introduced herself and invited Carrie into the manor
