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Chapter 3009
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Chapter 3009 Liberty flicked Sonny’s forehead.

“What are you talking about?” Sonny rubbed the spot she flicked and told Duncan, “It hurts, Dunc. Can you blow on it for me?” &» Duncan immediately blew the spot and soothed it with his hand. He said, “You shouldn’t flick Sonny’s forehead so often, Liberty. His intelligence might be affected.” “How can he possibly become stupid from a flick? If he does, maybe it’s because he isn’t a bright kid from the start.” “I’m smart. I’m not stupid.” Sonny made a face at his mother and

quickly hid himself in Duncan’s embrace.

Dunc would protect him.

In the end, Duncan brought Sonny into the toy store.

After entering the store, Sonny did not need Duncan to hold him anymore. He took a few books and returned to Liberty. He raised his head and asked, “T already chose my books, Mom. Can I buy toys now?” Despite Duncan saying he would buy the toys for him, Sonny still asked for Liberty’s permission.

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He would give up if she insisted on not letting him buy any.

Liberty said, “You're only allowed to buy one. Choose slowly for the one you

like the most. You can’t buy more,” Sonny agreed.

He wanted to get more toys. However, since Mom said he could only buy one, he would take it. &» He quickly went to choose his toy.

Duncan watched as Sonny’s hand hovered over almost every toy. He looked like he wanted all of them.

Duncan turned his head to Liberty and said, “Let’s buy everything Sonny likes. My gifts to him.” “Don’t spoil him, Duncan. Let him choose only one. He already brought toys with him anyway.” Liberty was adamant about Sonny buying only one toy.

Duncan had no choice but to follow her


In truth, however, he would buy anything and everything Sonny wanted.

“There are too many people doting on Sonny. I don’t want him to be a spoiled child. Educating a child takes a long time, but it’s easy to spoil them,” Liberty explained.

She did not want Duncan to think that she was going against him.

“Besides, Sonny has a lot of toys. We don’t need to buy any more. Let’s just get him one and make him choose slowly. He has to learn how to give and take.” Duncan smiled. He said, “You're right.

Everyone loves him, but someone must be strict to ensure he doesn’t walk

down the wrong path. However, I’m sure Zachary won't let it happen. He'll keep Sonny in check.

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“Even Grandma May can do a great job training him, but she’s getting older and busy picking wives for her grandsons. She probably doesn’t have the energy to do more.” Liberty agreed. “I respect Grandma May a lot.

“She’s still moving around actively for her age. Seren always said Grandma May wasn’t around often. Sometimes, she would leave and not return for a long time.” “That’s how she is. She can’t stay at home because she thinks it’s boring.

She mentioned wanting to be outside as long as she can still move.”

While they were chatting, Sonny had chosen the toy he wanted.

“Mom, I'm done choosing.” ; Sonny brought the toy over.

Liberty asked, “Are you sure? You can’t change your mind after paying.” Sonny nodded vigorously.

“Yes. I’m sure.” When Liberty was about to pay, Duncan said, “I said it’s a gift to Sonny from me. I'll pay. You can’t make me break my promise to him.” “Okay. Go ahead.” Liberty led him to the cashier and let him pay.

After they exited the store, they walked around for a little more until Sonny

asked to return to the hotel.