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Madam Winters’s Fight For Her Children

Chapter 79
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Chapter 79

George’s judging gaze was fixed on Dew.

She felt a shiver run down her spine, and it creeped her out.

It was the first time she had found George more terrifying than Duke.

She bit her pale bottom lip before she slowly said, “George, is there some kind of misunderstanding?

Adina and I are sisters. No matter how much I hate her, I wouldn’t kill her.

“Mom, since I’m asking you, it means I already know something.” George walked down the staircase and

firmly said, “I just want to hear it from you. Why do you want to kill her?”

Dew had never felt that frightened before.

Even when Duke spoke indifferently to her, he never stared at her in that manner.

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Why would a four-year-old kid have such a menacing power?

She suppressed her fright before she slowly said, “George, it wasn’t me. I’ve never thought of hurting

Adina, but your grandfather can’t tolerate her…

“George, do you know that Adina forced your grandfather to give away 25% of the shares? Since then,

Adina became Daugherty Corporation’s third shareholder. She has management rights in Daugherty

Corporation. She’s back because she wants to exact revenge on the Daugherty family. If Daugherty

Corporation falls into her hands, she’ll manipulate it until it goes bankrupt.

“Your grandfather built Daugherty Corporation from the ground. How could he stand to see it being

ruined? So, he asked me to find some people to kill Adina. George, I’m not as vicious as you think. I only

did it for your grandfather’s sake. I’m sorry. I made a mistake. George, can you forgive me?”

George squinted before he stared at her in an unfriendly manner. “You mean, Grandpa wants to kill his

own daughter?”

Dew nodded hard and said, “Actually, your grandfather didn’t want to, but Adina forced his hand. George,

if you can help us get back those shares that she’s taken, your grandfather will stop.”

George frowned deeply.

He walked away and sat on the couch. His demeanor was imposing, which made him unapproachable.

A few minutes later, he coldly said, “The conflict between Grandpa and Adina isn’t related to you.

Besides, I hope that you won’t commit another vicious crime like you did today. If you do

it again, don’t blame me for not accepting a murderer as my mother.”

Dew bit her bottom lip.

She was being threatened by a little b*stard.

She had suffered so much to raise these two b*stards, but they turned out to be two ungrateful

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· rascals.

Harold had always pulled a face at her.

Now, George had also started to threaten her.

She was their mother. How could these b*stards do this to her?

Dew’s chest heaved in anger.

She could no longer hold her rage back. She gritted her teeth and said, “George Winters, I gave birth to

you and raised you up. How dare you say such an ungrateful thing?”

When George saw her losing her composure, he felt disappointed.

He really did not understand why a woman like that could be their mother.

He used to fantasize about a mother’s love like many kids, but Dew was unable to give it to him.

She always pleased and flattered him, but there was no love in her eyes.

This woman just wanted the power and status of the Winters family. He and Harold were just the tools for

her to achieve that purpose.

Even if he had known about it a long time ago, he could not kick this woman out of his life.

She had given birth to him, and his body came from her. Without this woman, he would not have existed.