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Madam Winters’s Fight For Her Children

Chapter 57
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Chapter 57

Adina smiled faintly. If she could get back half of the shares today, her visit was not a total waste. As for

the remaining half, she believed she would be able to get them back after some time.

She chuckled. “Dew and I are sisters. She doesn’t need to thank me.”

Old Mrs. Daugherty was not very healthy, so it was already difficult for her to find the strength to attend

the banquet.

When she finally saw the eldest granddaughter who went missing for four years, she finally felt rest

assured, so her body instantly sagged down again. “Simon, prepare the shares transfer agreement now.

They will sign it now.” Old Mrs. Daugherty coughed before she coldly gave her instruction.

She was sick, so she could pass away anytime. She had to sort this trouble out before she died.

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“Grandma, there’s no need to rush this, right?” Dew suppressed her unwillingness, and she said, “It’s the

same to sign it again tomorrow.” Ruby also said, “Yes. Mom, why should we rush it now? It’s your

birthday today. It’s not too late if we handle the transfer of the shares tomorrow.”

Old Mrs. Daugherty frowned. As she was about to speak, a bone-chilling voice suddenly came from the

entrance of the dining hall.

“What are you talking about? Why do you sound so lively?”

A tall figure got in from the entrance.

He was dressed in a black suit, and he emitted an imposing manner like an emperor who had everything

in control. His face was like the handicraft that was carefully carved by God. No matter from which angle,

not a single flaw could be seen on his face. As soon as he walked inside, Dew’s eyes brightened. She

was in disbelief. Duke really came! It was her grandmother’s birthday today, Out of courtesy, she had

called to invite him to attend the banquet.

These years, she invited him whenever the Daugherty family organized a banquet, but he never showed

up, so she also did not put any hope this time. Who would expect that when she finally ran out of hope,

he would come? Duke really came! Dew could not hide her excitement, she stepped on her high heels

and went forward. “Duke, why didn’t you tell me when you were coming? We should have waited for you

to start the banquet.”

Duke drawled indifferently, “I just passed by, so I came over to wish Mrs. Daugherty. Mrs. Daugherty, this

is top quality tea. I hope you will like it.” He put a gift box that was wrapped exquisitely in front of Old Mrs.

Daugherty. Old Mrs. Daugherty knew that the Winters family was quirky, so she did not mind his

indifference. She just asked the servant to add one more set of cutlery. Then, Duke took his seat. Aaron

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and Ruby were extremely happy. These years, Duke never stepped into the Daugherty family, let alone

having a meal in the family. But he came tonight.

Did this prove that Duke had finally decided to marry Dew?

Other people from the Daugherty family were also very happy. If Dew really married into the Winters

family, they could also have their status promoted. “Duke, please try this food. Its taste is authentic. It’s

pretty good…” . Dew excitedly added food for Duke. But the man looked indifferent, as usual. “Don’t you

know I have mysophobia?” “L…” Dew instantly became speechless, and her face turned blush. “So…

sorry, Duke. I was too happy, so I forgot about this.” She immediately took away the food from Duke’s

plate. Their conversation made the atmosphere at the dining table very awkward. Duke also seemed to

have noticed this. His clear eyes subconsciously skimmed over Adina before he indifferently asked,

“What were you talking about? Why didn’t you continue?” “No… nothing.”