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Madam Winters’s Fight For Her Children

Chapter 1297
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Chapter 1297 

“What method are you talking about?” Duncan asked, his 

tone filled with seriousness. 

Clearly, he had already guessed parts of it. 

“Hypnosis,” Adina said. “We’ll make him unconscious. before we use Mrs. Craig to get him to confess. I think that

should work, but…” 

It depended on whether the Craig family members were willing to go through with it. 

After all, the members of the Craig family might not find it easily acceptable if they used Mrs. Craig’s identity and

did not try anything else. 

Therefore, Adina gazed at Duncan inquisitively. 

Sure enough, Duncan’s expression darkened. 

He looked cold, and there was even a struggle in his eyes. 

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Was he willing to do it? He definitely refused. 

Even letting that b*stard, Rowan, mention his mother was an insult to her, let alone using her to make Rowan

confess.  But could he say no? 

He thought about his brother who started trembling. His  only family member was still waiting for that vital piece of


There were also countless people like Everett and Adina in the past who had been framed by bad people. They 

were also waiting. 

Duncan felt that if his mother was still alive and she knew that she could help so many people, she would be willing

too, right? 

She was tender, kind, and determined. She was the most gentle light in their family’s heart. 

Duncan was moved. After he glanced at Everett who seemed to be enduring the pain, he said, “I don’t have any

objections. I’d like to ask Everett for his thoughts once he sobers up.” 

Adina nodded. “Okay.” 

They could understand Duncan’s decision. 

Then, Duncan took Everett away. 

After Duncan consented, Duke used his connections to invite the best hypnotist. 

When they hypnotized Rowan for the first time, they noticed that his mental resistance was very high. 

Even if they put in the effort to hypnotize him, he would quickly resist once it involved the privacy of the smart

chips. His consciousness would resist the hypnotist, and 

they would fail in the end. 

At this critical point, Everett regained consciousness. 

After Duncan told Everett the situation, he remained silent for a while and made his decision.  Yes. 

He understood his mother. If the same choices were put in front of her, she would agree. 

Soon, Duke and Adina worked together to interrogate Rowan. 

At the beginning, the hypnotized Rowan could still resist. However, as the hypnotist slowly instilled things about Mrs.

Craig, Rowan could no longer resist. 

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He cried and shouted in the dream, feeling regretful. 

He never thought that she would die in front of him one day. 

He shirked the responsibility to Everett every time and dared not face the truth. 

He was the one who had personally forced the person he loved the most to die. 

When his tough heart was slowly punctured, Duke and Adina obtained the information that they wanted very


After they came out, Rowan was locked in the room, and  he regained consciousness. 

He collapsed as he cried out in pain. They could hear him from outside the room. 

However, Duncan and Everett looked cold and hard as  ever. 

They experienced the most tragic events, but they could reconcile with themselves. Meanwhile, Rowan would 

never be able to do that. 

Soon, the Winters family and the Craig family took action at the same time. Based on the information given by

Rowan, they successfully caught the criminal chain behind the scenes. They also managed to dig out the

information regarding the smart chip that had been implanted in Everett.