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Madam Is A Sensational Figure In The City

Chapter 807 - Almost Became a Mother In Law
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Chapter 807: Almost Became a Mother In Law

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Mrs. Bai, my time is precious.”

“We will find Yuxi a suitable husband and her capricious character now is indeed because I’ve spoiled her. I hope you can turn a blind eye to it, Miss Yan.”

“Do all you people of the Bai family like to be selectively blind? I’m very busy, how can I have so much time to pay attention to Leng Yuxi? Miss Leng is the one who always likes to pester my husband.” Yan Jinyi changed her posture and leaned back in her chair, “Mrs. Bai, don’t you think that your daughter, who has such a brazen behavior, is the one that should be taught a lesson?”

“What Yuxi did was certainly wrong, but has it occurred to you that if you hadn’t appeared, Yuxi would be the one marrying Xishen now?” Leng Jing continued to be unreasonable.

Yan Jinyi suddenly realized that this woman could be immoral for her daughter’s sake.

‘You really think you’re great as a mother, don’t you?’

The love Leng Jing and Bai Moliang had for Leng Yuxi had reached a perverse level. It was no wonder Leng Yuxi’s character was so twisted.

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She smirked and asked, “Madam Bai, do you think I should thank your daughter for giving Mr. Huo to me?”

“Miss Yan, do you usually like to misinterpret the meaning of others’ words like this?”

“Don’t you mean that? Oh, right, the Bai family and I are not of the same kind in the first place. My friends and I may not understand your language. In that case, I’ll trouble you to pay for tea while I take my leave now.”

Not giving a chance to Leng Jing speak, Yan Jinyi smiled faintly at her and turned to leave suavely.

Parents don’t even lead by example these days. It was no wonder that their children were just as vile,

Fortunately, she didn’t have such relatives. Otherwise, she would be the huge demon.

She was starting to miss Huo Xishen again.

Yan Jinyi didn’t hide at all. She immediately gave Huo Xishen a video call.

As expected, Huo Xishen was in a meeting.

His phone was still with Assistant Wen who immediately opened the door of the conference room and hurried over when he saw that it was Yan Jinyi who called.

The company’s top executives were very displeased with his actions, but when Assistant Wen spoke, they all chickened out.

“Mr. Huo, there’s a video call from Mrs. Huo.”

‘It’s a video call. Seems like Mr. Huo and Mrs. Huo are in a very loving relationship.’

That was what everyone thought.

Huo Xishen took his phone calmly and looked at everyone around him coldly instead of picking up immediately. “Do you want to stay behind for dinner?”

“Mr. Huo I’ve already reported my work progress. I’ll get going now.”

“Mr. Huo, I need to pee, I’ll take my leave now.”

“Mr. Huo...”

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In less than half a minute, only Huo Xishen was left in the large office. At this point, Yan Jinyi had already hung up.

In the nanny van, Yan Jinyi stared at her cell phone screen and cursed her heart out. ‘How dare Huo Xishen not pick up my calls?’

After cursing, she began to come up for explanations for him.

‘Maybe he is busy?’

‘Well, after all, he’s the president of a huge company, it’s normal for him to be busy with work!’

‘But the Bai family has been harassing me again and again because of him. Do they really think I’m a pushover?’

Huo Xishen happened to call her back. Yan Jinyi deliberately waited for the phone to ring a few times before she picked up.

“I was in a meeting.”

“Mm-hmm, the person who almost became your mother-in-law looked for me today.”

Huo Xishen replied righteously, “Darling, you must be joking. Since when has there been someone who almost became my mother-in-law?”

He was very affirmative.

“Leng Yuxi’s mother said she would give me five million to make me leave you, but unfortunately I think the money is too little. She ought to give at least 50 million.. Don’t you think so too, Mr. Huo?”