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Ma'am, The World Is Waiting For Your Divorce

Chapter 168
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Chapter 168

Jocelyn frowned tightly. Her neck felt rather itchy. She reached out her arm to scratch at it.

Her neck grew even itchier.

After a while, her face flushed red. She reached out her hand to feel her face. She felt extremely


She closed her eyes in pain. She felt like her entire body was heating up.

Jocelyn was not a fool. She could clearly feel that something was wrong with her. This feeling felt

extremely familiar. It felt like… she was allergic!

The more Jocelyn suffered, the clearer her mind was.

She thought about how everyone in the design department had a gathering in Luna Court when she

previously won an award in a competition. Back then, everyone found out that she was allergic to


She then recalled the bowl of pork congee that Yuni had taken for her today morning.

She thought that the congee tasted weird back then, but she did not think much about it. That was

because she usually did not eat seafood due to her allergy.

Now that she thought about it, there must be something wrong with that bowl of congee. She had gotten

an allergic reaction after eating the seafood congee!

Jocelyn felt extremely infuriated. However, the competition was still going on right now. She could not

look for Yuni to make her pay for what she had done.

She resisted the pain and started drawing her design draft.

When Skyler’s gaze landed on Jocelyn’s face once again, his expression instantly changed.

He took large strides toward Jocelyn and stood on tiptoes at her. “What happened to you?”

Everyone in the competition venue looked over at her curiously.

Jocelyn continued drawing while bearing the pain. She did not expect Skyler to suddenly come Over

She gritted her teeth and shook her head. “I’m fine!”

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Skyler noticed that there were a lot of red spots on her face. There were red scratch marks on her face

as well

She could not resist reaching out to scratch her face and neck while she spoke

Skyler’s frown deepened as he said, “Tell me the truth. Otherwise, I’ll send you out right


Jocelyn raised her head to glance at Skyler. There was an exasperated expression on her face. “I

I might be having an allergic reaction. However, I can still work. Don’t kick me out!”

After speaking, Jocelyn felt a wave of nausea. She almost vomited.

Skyler felt aggrieved and bad when he saw her in such a state. If he had not asked her to stop

competing, she might not have told him the truth. Just then, a middle-aged judge walked over and said,

“What happened?” Skyler had a heavy gaze in his eyes as he said, “She’s having an allergic reaction.

However, she insists on competing!” The middle-aged judge was rather worried. “The competition isn’t

the priority. Don’t endanger yourself!”

Jocelyn gritted her teeth and said, “I can do it!”

The middle-aged judge raised his brow as a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.” Alright, you

can continue. If you really can’t make it, don’t force yourself to do it!” Jocelyn nodded and picked up her

pencil stubbornly. She continued drawing swiftly.

Skyler cast a heavy gaze at her. His eyes were extremely dark.

He did not expect her to insist on competing in such a state.

Inexplicable emotions surged through his heart. He tried his best to calm down and look away from

Jocelyn. He then turned around and walked toward the judges’ seats.

Around ten minutes later, the screen of Skyler’s phone lit up.

He got up and walked out. He came back with a box of medicine in his hands. He walked into the hall

and headed straight toward Jocelyn. He threw the medicine on her table and said, “Take some allergy

medicine first if you want to continue drawing!”

Jocelyn felt so itchy all over that she was about to go mad. She cast a grateful glance at Skyler when he

extended a helping hand toward her and gave her the medicine. “Thank you!”

There was an unpleasant expression on Skyler’s face as he said coldly, “I don’t need you to thank me!”

Jocelyn took a bottle of mineral water and swallowed two pills. She then continued drawing the design


Perhaps it was a psychological effect or perhaps it was truly the effect of the medicine. After ten minutes

or so, Jocelyn’s body no longer itched as badly as before.

However, the red spots on her body were still there. She still felt extremely nauseous. However, it was

not as intense as it initially was.

Jocelyn resisted the discomfort with all her might and continued drawing at a faster pace.

The judges seated in front all knew about Jocelyn’s condition. They did not expect her to continue

drawing her design draft when she was in such a state. They all looked at her with gazes filled with


Time gradually passed by.

In the afternoon.

Lunch got sent over. Jocelyn did not eat anything at all. On one hand, she did not have the appetite to

eat at all. On the other hand, she suddenly was not sure if Yuni was the one who had given her the bowl

of seafood congee today morning.

She calmed down after taking the medicine. Suddenly, she thought of a problem.

Was Yuni so foolish to the extent that she would give her a bowl of congee with seafood in it so that she

would get an allergic reaction when she already knew that Jocelyn was allergic to seafood?

That way, the first person that she would suspect after something like this happened would be Yuni.

If Yuni was not the one behind it, could there be a problem with her lunch as well?!

Jocelyn did not dare to take this risk. Although the medicine that Skyler sent over alleviated her allergic

reaction temporarily, it was not a direct cure for her allergy. She still felt terrible. She only wanted to finish

drawing the design draft and head to the hospital right now. The others had their lunch while Jocelyn

continued drawing. The participants had a chance to go to the toilet during lunch. Jocelyn could not resist

vomiting after she went to the toilet. She felt extremely weak.

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Everyone at the competition venue now knew that Jocelyn was insisting on competing although she was

having an allergic reaction. Some of them cast compassionate and sympathetic gazes at her. Of course,

some of them cast gazes filled with distaste and mockery at her.

The competition ended at 5 p.m. Jocelyn finished drawing her design draft at 3p.m. After finishing her

drawing, she handed in her design draft.

She handed in her draft and rushed out straight away. She rushed to the restroom and threw


The few judges took turns looking at her design draft. There were looks of extreme shock in their eyes.

They must never have expected Jocelyn to be able to come up with such an outstanding design draft

while she was not feeling well.

The competition would go on for another two more hours. Skyler told the other judges, “I’ll send Jocelyn

to the hospital first. It’ll be bad if something happens to her!”

The other judges all knew that Jocelyn was from Prosperity Jewelry. They did not have any objections


Skyler walked out of the competition venue and waited for Jocelyn in front of the restroom.

After Jocelyn came out, Skyler looked at her and said, “Let’s go. I’ll send you to the hospital!”

Jocelyn felt terrible right now. She nodded weakly. Skyler took a step forward, but Jocelyn did not follow

him. He turned around and saw Jocelyn supporting herself against the wall. Her legs were trembling


His heart hurt for her, but he could not resist speaking up, “Why are you acting all tough? I thought you

were extremely capable!” Jocelyn did not have the energy to argue with him. “Wait, let me rest for a


Skyler felt aggrieved and angered when he saw that she was not willing to seek help despite how weak

she was feeling.

Suddenly, he took a step forward with a heavy gaze in his eyes. He then carried Jocelyn in his arms

bridal style.