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Ma'am, The World Is Waiting For Your Divorce

Chapter 115
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Chapter 115

Skylar’s expression was vastly different than before as if he was worried. Davis said honestly, “I didn’t

ask for details but she said that something happened to them and they’re currently in the hospital. I’m

going there right now!” Skyler stood up with a tense expression. “I’ll go with you!” Davis hesitated as he

thought about how Lexie and Jocelyn were Prosperity’s employees and nodded. “Okay!”

Lexie has always been a proud and cold person. However, after meeting Davis, she has not been as

cold as before. She was a bit distracted. “Jocelyn, Davis can tell that you’re tricking him if you say it like

that. Plus, even if we didn’t bring our cards, they’ll still be connected to our phones!” Jocelyn angrily said

when she saw her being so uneasy, “You’re so dumb, stop worrying. Once Davis hears that we’re in the

hospital, he’s going to come immediately and why would he think about something like that?!” Lexie was

rather suspicious. “Are you sure?” Jocelyn glanced at her. “You should take more initiative. Davis

wouldn’t know your feelings if you keep being so silent!” Lexie had liked Davis for six years and tried

looking for him for three years. Now that she found him, Lexie did not dare to express herself.

Lexie’s character was cold. Other than Jocelyn who understood her, no one else could tell how she felt

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

about Davis.

Jocelyn knew that ever since Lexie came to the information design department, she would be the first

one present and bring breakfast for Davis every morning,

Then, she would leave it on the front desk with it marked with Davis’s name.

Until now, Davis does not know that the breakfasts he ate were made by Lexie. Lexie’s mouth quivered

and her high spirits from when she was typing on the keyboard were gone.

She whispered, “I don’t… don’t know how to take the initiative. I thought that coming to Prosperity was

obvious enough!”

Jocelyn glanced at her. “Are you sure? Don’t forget that I’m at Prosperity Jewelry too and everyone

thought that you’re here because of me, including Davis!” Lexie did not say another word. She was quiet

until the car was parked in the hospital’s parking garage before she said, “I’ve liked him for too long, and

sometimes I’m afraid that he knows that I like him, yet I’m also afraid that he doesn’t. If he knew and

doesn’t like me back, then what should I do? If he

doesn’t know then I’ve suppressed these feelings for so many years and sometimes I feel like I’m

sinking…” Jocelyn’s heart ached as she reached her hand out to ruffle her hair. “You’re a great person

and he will like you!”

Lexie pouted. “Hopefully!”

The two of them got out of the car and Lexie supported Jocelyn as the two of them went to tend to their

injuries. They also took an X-ray to check if there were any bones broken.

After the x-ray, Jocelyn was sitting on the bed where she got examined by the doctor when Zayn rushed

in. Jocelyn was taken aback “Director Claude!” Zayn had a worried look “Jocelyn, are you okay?” Jocelyn

shook her head. “I’m fine, just sprained my ankle, and Lexie was worried so she brought me here to get it

checked out!” Zayn furrowed his eyebrows. “What about the injury on your arm?” Jocelyn was a bit

embarrassed. “I scraped it against the wall.” Lexie said, “Jocelyn, I’ll wait outside so you and Director

Claude can talk.” Jocelynn nodded. Zayn motioned for the doctor who examined Jocelyn to leave too. He

then looked at Jocelyn and slightly frowned. “Can you walk?” Jocelyn looked at her ankle which was as

swollen as a bun and said uncertainly, “I think.. I can!

Zayn felt a little helpless. “You should be careful to prevent any long-lasting injury. I’ve been trying to look

for you this whole time to apologize but never found a chance to!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Jocelyn was shocked. “Why do you need to apologize?” Zayn looked at her. “I know that that night during

the banquet my family held, you drank the bad alcohol. I invited you to the banquet and yet something

like that happened. It was my mistake and I’m very sorry!” Jocelyn quickly shook her head when she saw

Zayn’s apologetic face. “It’s okay, don’t worry about it, it’s in the past! Plus, nothing really happened to

me.” “You…” Zayn looked at her hesitantly. Jocelyn knew what he was going to ask so she quickly

explained. “I got to the hospital in time for treatment, took the medicine, and got through it without any

damage!” Zayn finally sighed. “That’s good, I don’t know how to make it up to you!” Jocelyn replied,

“Don’t worry about it, it’s in the past!” Zayn looked at her and hesitatingly said, “There’s something that I

don’t know whether or not I should tell you.”

Jocelyn raised her eyebrows. “What is it?”

Zayn pondered and decided to tell her to let her be mentally prepared. “Keep your guard up against Lily.

Even though she lost the plagiarism lawsuit against you, based on my intuition, she won’t let this go


Jocelyn’s eyes flashed. “Director Claude, did… did you hear about something?”