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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 587: Destroying a legion alone
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Max knew there was absolutely no time to waste hence he went batshit crazy straight from the get-go.

[ Thunderblast ]

[ Inferno ]

[ Gale Storm ]

[ Rain Dance ]

[ Fireball x 1500 ]




-150,000 CRITICAL HIT!



-120,000 CRITICAL HIT!




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The sky became a plane of explosions as Max's spells met those of the eagle legion as the night sky was lit up from their raging battle.

A few died from Max's attacks, while the rain dance and gale storm made the environment very difficult for the eagle fighters to move in but despite these moves the eagle legion tried to out-flank Max and circle behind him to attack the Bloodfall clan fort as planned.

The instructions they had received were clear, they were not supposed to engage in combat with Max, they were supposed to focus on the orb and leave killing Max to their leader.

Max, who could not let such a situation arise, knew that if he got out-flanked by his opponents then it was game over.

He needed to contain every last one of them alone, no matter the cost.

[ Elemental Convergence ]


[ Wind Hurricane ]

[ Inferno ]


[ [ Blazing Hurricane ] ]

Often in his seclusion Max had dabbled with his ability to combine different elements to create a new more powerful attack, yet uptil now never did he feel the need to use any such attack.

Today however, he was forced to bring out a hidden card he was sitting on, as he combined his inferno spell with the wind hurricane spell to create Blazing Hurricane, an attack that created a massive vortex of fire and wind.

The eagle legion warriors who were trying to out-flank Max were stopped dead in their tracks as fast spinning- flaming winds cut off their path, forcing them to retreat backwards as the circle of fire became smaller and smaller.

" ARGHHHHH, COME ON DAMN IT! " Max cursed as every vein on his body threatened to burst out of his skin as he tried to contain a 2 kilometres wide Blazing Hurricane and forcefully compress it to become smaller.

[ Fire compression ]

Max activated fire compression and managed to round up every last member of the eagle legion within his flaming vortex as he somehow managed to shrink it to a 1km radius where the occupants inside became highly concentrated.

Tweety who watched this development from a distance panicked a bit as she sent an attack towards Max from distance, however, with his ever present way of the wind sixth sense Max managed to dodge it despite his own physical exertion.

Tweety would have attacked Max some more, but Mira absolutely did not allow that to happen.

Using her infinite mana reserves to her advantage she went equally crazy as Max using her biggest attack spells one after another on Tweety to forcefully keep the God occupied.

The tornado began spinning faster and faster under Max's command as despite the relentless attacks of the eagle legion troops against the spells boundaries, their attempts were either deflected back towards them or exploded upon contact while failing to do much damage.

The oxygen within the tornado began depleting fast as the eagles inside felt it increasingly difficult to maintain altitude with the weaker one's starting to faint one after another.

Slowly, but steadily, Max pulled the entire eagle legion down towards the ground as at that moment he activated his end-game.

[ World Ember ]

Max activated the second divine spell of the Agni-Astra, the one created for pure AOE destruction as he barely managed to give the attack some structure as a blazing inferno almost as terrifying as the surface temperature of a star where Max retrieved his Agni-Astra from engulfed the entire eagle legion reducing them to ashes within a split-second.








Max levelled up 7 times from a single attack as his head and body felt extremely dizzy from the effort of casting it.

Over a 100,000 trained aerial soldiers fell to his attack combo just like that as he achieved the impossible by neutralising them so fast!

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Despite the great work done, there was no opportunity for him to celebrate as he needed to instantly go back and support Mira who was beginning to get thrashed by Tweety, but the moment he tried to move his body he spat a mouthful of blood as his vision doubled and his muscle control worsened.

Dropping to one knee Max did a damage assessment and realised that rapidly casting so many spells as well as using Wind and Fire manipulation together on such a large scale had pushed him over the edge.

As if doing so much was not enough he even went further and cast a tier6 move and even though he felt like he could combat god's he was not a god yet and his mortal body could not take so much punishment so rapidly.

He needed to take a breather, he needed to rest for at least a few minutes before he could even think about moving again, but the question was could Mira hold off the angry Tweety for so long?


( Meanwhile Mira )

Mira did not like this harpy at all.

Compared to her large scaly body that was built for the best defence, the best vitality and the best practicality, the entire frame of a harpy was revolting.

Feet of an eagle, wings of an eagle and beak of an eagle, yet thighs, abdomen and face of a woman.

They were small, nimble with low vitality and natural defence. Yet such a lowly creature was managing to push herself, a proud black dragon back which made Mira furious to no end.

Despite her constant attacks, the Harpy managed to neutralise or dodge them all and then use her speed to land some attacks on herself.

Thankfully, Max seemed to be doing his job well as a side glance revealed to Mira that he had all the enemy troops trapped within a vortex of wind and fire.


Ignoring her, the Harpy sent a wind-cutter towards Max which the latter dodged but this exchange made Mira more annoyed then ever.

" OH NO YOU DON'T BITCH! " Mira said as she began to summon her clans most formidable ability. The ability to summon shadows.

From that point onwards, Mira shifted gears and became an embodiment of Rhea in her early days as just like her mother she pelted her enemy with relentless attacks consisting of shadows and fire.

A loud explosion that could have laid waste to the entire forest if not contained forced both Mira and Tweety to stop their battle for a second as the two glanced towards the source of the sound to see that the thriving legion floating in the sky mere moments ago was nowhere to be seen anymore.

Not a single bone, ash, or metal from armour left to show that they were once present in that area.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! " The harpy screamed in a high pitched voice as she seemed to have been placed in a deep shock.

She had been monitoring the battle develop for quite some time and had seen Max rounding up her troops, but never in her wildest dreams did she imagine that the enemy god was capable of casting a move of such pure destruction that it would instantly obliterate her entire legion.

" You mother****** I'll kill every last one of you myself! " She yelled, losing all semblance of sanity as she charged at Mira with renewed rage.