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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 576: Max defeats Matumba
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Matumba was collecting energy to unleash his big divine attack and all of Max's senses were screaming for him to run, however Max knew better than to attempt something so foolish.

He could not outrun or hope to dodge a divine attack, what he could do-

No- the only thing that he could do was stop Matumba before he uses his divine attack by using one of his own!

' Although the Agni-Astra will provide you with the ability to cast a divine attack as a mortal, in the end it will take a toll on your body Max, the power of that move is no joke ' Drax said in Max's mind as he reminded Max that although the Agni-Astra allowed him to use two divine attacks, the cost on his body to withstand those moves would be evident, just like it was on Falken when he used his big move.

' I know grandpa Drax, but it's the only shot I've got ' Max said in his mind as he pointed his right hand towards Matumba and began channelling the Agni-Astra's power to cast one of the most powerful pre-loaded attacks on the divine weapon.

[ Blazing Onslaught ]

Max poured his power into the [Blazing Onslaught], creating a cascade of seething fireballs. Each was brighter and more furious than the last, bursting into the air like fiery serpents. Each flame was not merely fire, but divine fire, brimming with raw energy that caused the surrounding air to crackle and pop in response to its power.

From the mountaintop, Max's attacks looked like miniature suns because of how bright and hot each fireball was.

Matumba, sensing the divine essence embedded in the onslaught, froze. His eyes widened in disbelief. He already had his suspicions that Max was secretly a tier6 god to be able to go toe to toe with him so it made sense that he had divine essence at his disposal.

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What shocked him was just how fast he cast that attack!

The more powerful the attack, the longer it usually took to cast it and mastering such a move took several decades at minimum to reach a mastery level where one could instant cast it, which meant that he was not only fighting a formidable opponent but most likely an old monster.

The impossible reality caused him to reassess Max's true nature and he felt an unsettling sense of urgency rising within him.

Then, as the first fireball from Max's onslaught was about to crash against him, Matumba quickly summoned his own divine essence. A brilliant green light surrounded him, and the air became heavy with the smell of fresh earth and the sharp tang of metal. The ground rumbled beneath his feet, his body glowing with an ethereal light as he held his four swords aloft.

[ Mercenary Whirlpool ]

The divine essence surged into his swords, the blades glowing with a brilliant green hue, as they started spinning around him in a terrifyingly fast whirlwind. An overwhelming aura of divine power radiated from the swords as they danced in the air, creating a whirlpool of pure destructive energy that met Max's incoming fireballs.

Max did not have knowledge about this attack, but if Regus was here he would have recognised it in an instant.

It was one of Avan's signature attacks, one that he had often used in the Arena Of The God's to slaughter countless god's.

As the first fireball collided with Matumba's divine storm, a blinding flash erupted, followed by an earth-shattering explosion.

The ground quaked, the entire nearby mountain chain quaking fiercely as both vampires and mercenaries lost their footing and many fell through steep edges as a shockwave tore through the battlefield, pulverising rocks and searing the air with its intensity.

For a moment all fighting unanimously came to a stop as everyone glanced towards the blinding bright flash coming from the base of the mountain.

Everyone wanted to find out who came out on top of the fight between people who could create such powerful explosions, but the smoke, debris and blinding flash prevented anyone from getting a clear view.

But even as the smoke and debris filled the air, Max did not relent. The fiery dance of destruction persisted as fireball after fireball launched from his hand. Each of them homed onto Matumba's whirlpool of swords, their path unerring, their mission singular — to neutralise the divine storm. The cacophony of the repeated collisions drowned all other sounds in the battlefield, each successive explosion a testament to the raw power of divine energy.

But Matumba's whirlpool wasn't easily subdued. With every fireball that struck it, the whirlpool would resist, sparks flying outwards as the blades attempted to cut through the fiery onslaught. Yet, Max's divine fireballs were relentless. One after another, they struck against the whirlpool, forcing it back, slowly chipping away at its energy.

Max could feel the toll of this divine battle on his body. Each fireball he launched sapped away his energy, his body shaking with the exertion of maintaining such a formidable onslaught. He gritted his teeth against the pain and exhaustion, but his determination didn't waver. His mind was focused on one thing alone — to stop Matumba, no matter the cost.

There were countless times where Khnum had forced him into stormy waters where he would wrestle with massive waves for hours while only getting a gasp of air in between two successive onslaughts.

There were countless times where Dharti would force him to pick up boulders so big their weight threatened to tear his muscles apart but he persisted.

All that strength and conditioning training that he suffered for decades inside the time chamber was showing its worth today as Max a mortal who should not have had the strength to withstand the backlash of the divine attack Blazing Onslaught, one of Lord Agni's own creations, managed to shatter his limits and achieve the impossible.

" COME ON! FUCK! PUSH! I'M NOT GOING DOWN TODAY! " Max shouted as he began to scream on-top of his throat as he increased the speed of casting divine fireballs.

Slowly, very slowly, the balance began to shift. Matumba's whirlpool began to falter under the relentless onslaught. The brilliant green hue of the swords began to dim, their spinning slowing down. Each subsequent fireball caused the whirlpool to recoil, its once impenetrable defence now crumbling.

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Matumba was stunned. His divine storm, his most formidable attack taught to him personally by his master, was being neutralised!

Finally after what felt like an eternity for Max, he managed to break through Matumba's attack as the orc was pushed back with his attack being completely neutralised.

With a last ditch effort, Max cast 4 more divine fireballs before his hands felt like they were made of lead and refused to move even an inch.

Matumba moved to block them, to dodge, but their tracking was unerring. They swerved and turned, honing in onto him, their fiery trails painting a picture of his imminent end.

A special feature of the Blazing Onslaught was that it was a homing type attack that could not be dodged, hence despite Matumba's best efforts eventually the attack caught up to him and hit his body with divine fire that could not be extinguished.


A bone chilling scream could be heard for hundreds of kilometres from where the orc god stood as he felt burning pain all over his body from Max's flames that covered him in entirety.

Matumba scrambled to extinguish them but he could not as his HP bar continued to deplete rapidly every second.

Max watched with laborious breathing as his opponent burnt like a log of wood set on fire after being covered with petrol, as within a minute his HP which was already in yellow drained to 0.

In this way one of the most formidable tier6 god's on the dark faction side met his end at the hands of Lord Ravan Bloodfall in a thrilling battle of peak fighters.

[ System Notification - You have successfully killed a tier6 dark faction player in the Battle-Zone [ Dimensional Battlefield ]

You have been given bonus EXP for killing a god as a mortal ]

[ System Remark - From a trembling warrior unable to control his satiety to a bonafide Godslayer.

Your journey has been an interesting one to watch player, but if you think killing a god makes you one then you are as big of a fool as you once were ]