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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 573: The beacon is lit
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( War log day 15 )

Falken Twilight stood at the edge of his clan's camp, his dark eyes glancing down at the winding pathway that led up to their mountaintop stronghold.

He was expecting this attack to come sooner or later, his scouts had noticed that the enemy was gathering pickaxes to climb the steep slopes of the mountain and increasing in numbers since they understood well as to what it would cost to take down the orb on-top of the mountain.

An expression of deep disgust was etched onto his rugged features as he saw the swarm of human mercenaries marching their way up. The sense of treachery hung in the air like a thick fog. These men, once part of the light faction, had turned their coats for the dark side. A mercenary, by nature, had no loyalties but the thought of their betrayal made Falken's blood boil.

The sight before him was a vivid reminder of the cruel reality of war, of how desperation could turn brother against brother, could uproot alliances and shred any semblance of camaraderie. He understood their motivations, their decisions, after all, a mercenary's life was defined by survival and not by the cause they fought for. But understanding did not mean acceptance, and he felt a twinge of anger well up inside him.

His men were in position, their defenses impenetrable. The stronghold was built for defense, with treacherous paths leading up to it that could easily be used to their advantage. Falken had seen to it that every inch of the mountain path was booby-trapped, every weakness of the terrain was turned into a strategic advantage.

If the mercenaries eyed his orb, they sure needed to be prepared for a devastating battle ahead.

As the enemy began their uphill charge, the first of the traps sprung into action. Hidden spikes shot out from the ground impaling the leading group of mercenaries who were sent flying back. The screams of the fallen echoed through the mountains, a chilling testament to the ferocity of the stronghold's defenses.

Then came the hailstorm of arrows, followed by a downpour of burning oil, turning the mountain path into a death trap.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

For three hours the Falken clan made great use of the high ground that they held, causing piles of dead mercenaries to mount on their slope but the enemy were relentless, their numbers seemed unending. For every fallen mercenary, two more took his place, charging ahead with a ruthless determination.

Despite the onslaught, one figure stood out. A towering figure clad in armor, his weapon gleaming under the pale light of the moon, the Four handed orc warrior Matumba.

Matumba was a tier6 god who had been personally nurtured by Avans as the youngest one of his four disciples.

His agility was something that defied common sense for the large frame that he had, as despite having freakishly wide shoulders and four arms he could move more nimbly than a cat.

His strength was clear to all, as he carved open a path for his fellow mercenaries, brushing aside traps and defensive measures like they were mere nuisances. The fortress trembled with each step he took, his eyes fixated on the prize atop the hill.

[ Two Step Twilight Slash ]

Falken unleashed one of his clans secret moves, a sword slash that could cut down all the mercenaries that were trying to climb his mountain in half and nullify all the progress that they had made so far but Matumba stopped the sword slice with nothing but the bare metal bracelet on his arms as he looked upto Falken and gave him a sly smile.

Falken gritted his teeth, he knew what that smile meant, the opponent had just taunted him saying ' Is that the best you got? '

As Matumba continued to climb higher he finally reached the first defensive positions where the twilight clan soldiers were holding about halfway towards the mountain top and slaughtered them all, about 5000 men with just two swords that he held in his lower two hands while he kept his upper two arms crossed around his chest.

Falken who observed this scene knew that he could not risk fighting this battle alone anymore as he gave the call in na instant to light the fires.

" LIGHT THE EMERGENCY FIRE, SIGNAL THE BLOODFALL CLAN THAT WE NEED THEM " Falken shouted as his men scurried to fulfil his orders.

The emergency fires were lit, their glow piercing the darkness of the night, a desperate call for help in these dire times.

But as he Falken watched Matumba climb higher and higher as his men fall like livestock, he knew what he had to do.

Falken sheathed his sword, his eyes reflecting a hardened resolve. It was time for him, the leader of the Twilight clan, to personally step into the fray.

He looked back one last time at the burning beacon, praying that help would arrive in time. Then, with a roar, he charged towards the enemy, ready to confront Matumba and protect his clan's orb at all costs.

This was his fight, his responsibility. It was time for the twilight to fall upon his enemies.

No longer could he sit back and let his men be slaughtered by Matumba knowing full well that they are no match for him.


( Meanwhile Max )

Max was reading reports from back at Dombivli city as Asiva sent him a weekly report of things that had occured back in the real world.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

For now both Asiva and Severus had not informed Max about the true secrets of the Nightblade clan as they were waiting for the war to be over before revealing it to Max.

He was tired after a long day and was just about to sleep when he heard loud footsteps approaching his tent which alerted him that someone was coming.

A quick scan using way of the wind told him that it was DarkSorrow as Max adjusted his posture on the table he was seated to look more lord like.

A panting DarkSorrow entered Max's tent with considerable speed which caused Max's brows to furrow.

This must be something extremely serious if DarkSorrow came with such haste.

" My - Lord *huff* the beacon has been lit " DarkSorrow said while catching his breath as Max stood up from his seat at once and exited the tent to take a look towards the mountain top.

Looking at the blazing emergency beacon Max's mind began working at full speed as he made his decision at once to go help.

" The Twilight clan calls for your help my Lord, what will your decision be?

The scouts overlooking the mountain with a telescope suggest that the situation doesn't look favourable for the twilight clan at the moment " DarkSorrow said as he awaited Max's judgement with bated breath.

" Since the twilight clan has called for help, The Bloodfall clan shall answer!

I'll be flying out at once with Mira, but you go and inform Anna to prepare her legion near the dam at once.

The two of you come with the fourth legion as soon as you can. Hopefully I'll help Falken hold off the enemy until then " Max ordered as DarkSorrow did not waste a second longer since.