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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 429: Grand Gifts
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Vega was shocked to see Regus personally arrive in Dombivli City, although he did receive a very sincere invite by the Bloodfall clan to the event and had every right to be here should he choose to do so, it was shocking that he did come because such an event was in every sense beneath him.

As the Monarch he did not need to personally grace the coronation of any clan except the top3, but him still coming here personally meant that something big was about to go down.

" From the way you stare at me Vega, sometimes I feel like you are my ex lover, gazing at me with such passion and intensity, I can't figure if it's love or hate " Regus said as he joined in on the tense atmosphere and took a shot at Vega Titus.

" He's just a fanboy my king " Julian the number one Lackey said, backing up the king's comments.

Vega scoffed, he was not offended by such light comments especially when they were made within such a small audience.

Everyone here already knew that Vega and Regus were at odds, so there was no love lost during the exchange of such snarky comments.

" I'm happy to see you here that's all, it's reassuring to know that the political duties on Ixtal are light enough for you to attend coronations of small lords " Vega replied throwing a barb of his own as Julian frowned heavily listening to this comment as he let his aura flare a little.

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The waiting room began to tremble and some decorations began to crack under the pressure as Regus had to step in and tap on Julian's shoulder to calm him down, reminding him that these comments were all just fun and games.

Soon, it was Vega's turn to present his gifts as he walked out of the waiting room and entered the courtroom where the atmosphere was in stark contrast to the tension filled waiting room, where everyone was cheerful and happy.

Vega shook off his anger as he put on a small smile and presented his gift.

" For the Bloodfall Clan, the Titus clan has decided to provide military supplies.

State of the art air defence systems

30 Titus built frigate battleships


A Dark Gold grade full body armour blueprint to make the army self sufficient "

Vega's gift caused an uproar within the hall, as everyone looked at Max with extreme envy.

30 frigate ships would make it much easier for Bloodfall clan troops to patrol their territory and protect the land against space pirates.

Whereas air defence systems would make it much more difficult for enemies to land their troops on Bloodfall soil.

Finally, instead of providing military supplies to cover the full army in dark gold grade armour, improving their survivability by severalfold, the Titus clan patriarch decided to gift the blueprint itself which would mean that for generations to come, as long as the Bloodfall clan secured enough materials they could forge the armours for their growing army.

From an economic standpoint, each frigate cost 200 million gold coins as per market rate, 30 of them being akin to 6 billion gold coins, however adding it with the blueprint and air defence systems, Vega's total gifting amount was above 10 billion gold coins worth of gifts, about the same as all 33 lords who had gifted before him combined.

Even Asiva who was relatively calm throughout the gift exchange uptil now, shuddered with excitement at this gift as it was precisely what the Bloodfall clan needed to improve its security situation.

" The Bloodfall clan accepts your gifts wholeheartedly lord Titus " Max said with a visible grin on his face as everyone in the room clapped and cheered for Vega Titus as he took his seat in the courtroom.

Although many had expected Vega to go over the top for gifting the coronation of the lord he personally supported, nobody expected the gifts to be so exaggerated.

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Naturally, this made things hard for John Velter to follow, as his gift of 5 large sized merchant ships that could carry extreme payloads at high speeds with a market value of 200 million gold coins for each ship, paled in comparison to Vega.

Following the Velter clan, came the Caesar clan and despite Julian Caesar having no special love for Ravan, if there was one thing that he absolutely could not accept in life, it was coming up short when compared to Vega.

At his level a few billion gold coins were insignificant compared to his ego and personal image and since Vega's gift value exceeded 10 billion gold coins, he needed to at least match that amount to hold his head high in front of smug Vega.

" For the Bloodfall clan, the Caesar clan has prepared the right to construct ONE medium scale teleportation centre, where all construction fees and materials will be provided by the Caesar clan.

This offer can be cashed in anytime within next 3 years " Julian Caesar said as instantly his words caused an uproar within the courtroom.

Having a teleportation centre was the surefire way to connect one's economy to the universal stage.

Although Dombivli city did have a teleportation centre, it was the only planet under the Bloodfall clan that had one, and it was part of the reason why that single planet was responsible for more than 90% of the territory's trade and economy.

If they built a second teleportation centre on one of their planets, economic growth would surely follow and it would greatly improve the financial situation of the Bloodfall clan.

Apart from the obvious cost issues that a small clan faced to build a teleportation centre, the biggest problem was to obtain the corresponding Rhodium crystal that was large enough to act as the teleportation arrays centre piece.

Crystals of such size were extremely rare in the universe and even if one had the money to buy it, there was a waiting time of 10-15 years before one was successful in purchasing it.

For the Caesar clan to provide labour fees as well as the materials, the Bloodfall clan had truly struck gold this time.

" The Bloodfall clan wholeheartedly accepts the Caesar clans gift" Max said with a small smirk on his face as although he knew better than anyone that Julian only did this to hold his head high against Vega, the other lords who did not understand this dynamic were bound to believe that Bloodfall was not only supported by the Titus clan but also by the Caesar clan.