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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master-Novel

Chapter 225 - Purplehaze City
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Chapter 225 - Purplehaze City

Rudra called up the status pannel for the city


City name : Purplehaze city

City Area : 464 km^2

Total population : 12 million

Security index : 45/100 ( Neutral)

Culture : 30/100 ( Poor )

Public order : 35/100 ( Poor )

Military : 0 enlisted

Education : 72% literacy ( good )

Unemployment rate : 33% ( very high )

Public sentiment : 25% ( very poor)

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Tax income : 0 gold

Overall evaluation : The city is yet to fully recover from the beast tide , the citizens have lost faith in the administration in the wake of the destruction left behind in the city.

The citizens are yet to fully accept a necromancer as an emperor , hence the public sentiment is at a all time low .

NOTE : If the public sentiment value drops below 20% there will be riots!


To say that Rudra inherited the city in a good state would be extremely wrong. The city was in a mess , and he had to clean the mess up.

The unemployment rate was very high , hence leading to crime , crime lead to a poor public order and a low public order translated to a low public sentiment value.

It was a vicious cycle , and improving on one or two parameters would not work , one needed to work on all the parameters to make the city a better place.

To handle the unemployment , Rudra immediately took two important measures.

1) He started the citywide wall building project , with a fixed salary of 30 coppers a day.

There were currently about 8 million people in the total population that were in the working age group of 25-55

Out of these about 33% were unemployed , meaning 2.64 million , unemployed youths.

Rudra wanted to build a citywide wall , about 30 meters in height , and double layered with space in between two walls all across the perimeter of the entire city.

This project would help the city twofold , one it would provide employment and work for the unemployed , and two it would create a good denfense around the city. The city could then hold off against any major attacks.

Rudra planned to make the entire city walls with reinforced concrete bricks , to have extra strength and durability.

The total time to complete the project was estimated to be 120 days and assuming about 1 million people took up the job , the funds required to complete the project would be about 20 million gold.

The project would only have costed about 7 to 8 million gold if Rudra did not use reinforced concrete , but the sheer cost of making a single Brick of reinforced concrete , almost triples the budget.

The cost is inclusive of wages , materials , transport and food costs and other miscellaneous costs.

Rudra decided to get architects and engineers from the lifestyle guild and make a core committee responsible for the project.

This would be his first decree as a mayor , a massive employment and city safety scheme. On the first day of assuming office , Rudra declared his plan , many people were skeptical about the whole plan , however many signed up for the ride.

The public safety index went up by 1% and the unemployment rate dropped to 30% at the end of day 1 as Mayor !


Day 2 Rudra introduced the military enlistment program , where interested parties would need to sign up for military camp , graduating from which they would become Purplehaze city military .

The military would only be answerable to the managing city administrators , and not the kingdom , however the enrolled soldiers cannot exceed 8% of total population . Which would be 960K soldiers.

Rudra would have recruited the entire 960K , if he could afford to do it , a soldiers pay was 1 silver coin a day , which meant 30 silvers a month.

The guild could only sustain about 100,000 troops currently with its bank situation. If the guilds financial situation improved in the future, they would hire more soldiers.

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Rudra got the 100,000 enrollment into the military camp on the very first opening day , hence the training and development of those troops started today.

Setting the graduation criteria from the camp to be level 70 , Rudra made sure that he would atleast get peak tier one , or tier two soldiers.

The camp would last for 90 days ... Aka 3 months.


Day 3

Day 3 Rudra declared revision to public safety laws , selling liquor now needed government permit , and only authorised taverns were allowed with the sale of alcohol.

Also blacksmiths were now required to keep a strict log of every weapon sold to anyone .

The moves were well received by the masses as the public security index went up by 2% .

Days went by And Rudra started to pour his heart and soul into developing Purplehaze city. However , he could not let his personal development stagnate.

Knowing that his work as a mayor had rendered him unable to go farming in the wild at all , however he still needed to find time to attempt the tier promotion quest.

Rudra had to score a perfect score on tier promotion quest , as only a SSS score was acceptable for the Won Knights.

While the 2nd tier promotion was not as massive as the first and third promotion , however , it had its own use as it gave a massive stat boost and a few usefull class specific skills.

Rudra had resolved to attempt the quest as soon as possible , he needed time to adapt to his new strength as the notice for the preliminaries of the VR Olympics should come anyday now.

Putting his focus back on managing the city , Rudra stamped documents after documents that needed his approval... Being the mayor was a thankless job....!

Reforms after reforms , meetings after meetings , going from one location to the other , Rudra had never been more busy his entire life. He was loosing a lot of guild money daily , he needed to work hard and turn Purplehaze into his dream city , only then will it get big enough to milk it.

/// Bonus chapter for hitting the golden ticket target , sorry I m late , however I wrote this chapter at 4 am , and made sure that I gave you guys something before I sleep , the other bonus would be given tommorow , again apologies . ///