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Lycan's Prey by Jessica Hall

Chapter 298
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Chapter 43 Valen POV Well, that was not what I expected as we left the cinema. What the heck did I just sit through? It was a damn kids musical with rainbow-colored trolls singing about rainbows and farting glitter. Marcus found the movie far more entertaining than he should have. I wanted to drill my own ears out, and Valarian glared at the screen the entire time, not impressed but the girls loved it. . I was with my boy, definitely not my cup of tea.

"Will you stop sniffing her? You are creepingout," I snap at Marcus as he places Casey back in the car. She fell asleep towards the end of the movie and had to carry her out.

"I need to know the soap Everly and Casey's mother use. The smell makes my mouth water," he says, sniffing her hair again. "Or maybe it's her shampoo?" he muses.

"There is something wrong with you," I tell him, and he growls at me, which makes Casey stir and jolt awake as he clips in her seatbelt before climbing into the passenger seat. Marcus starts humming and singing along as Taylor belts out one of the songs from the movie. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"What? It's catchy," he says, bellowing out the song like he was auditioning for the voice. His hands move like he was orchestrating the damn musical. We stop at the traffic lights 0.00% ||| O < y 3 788 Nouchers and I nearly jump out of my skin when he tries to hit shigh note, and the girls in the back stick their fingers in their ears while turning my head to look at him.

"What is wrong with you?" "Do you think it has a soundtrack?" he asks. I am about to say no, not wanting to hear a single one of those prancing troll songs again when Casey leans forward between the seats.

"Yes, it has one on, Spotify. You can download it. Mom downloaded it for me." Marcus turns, blinking at her before a devious smile splits onto his face, and he hands his phone to her.

"No," I tell him before suddenly Casey is using the voice commands on his phone, and next thing I know, it is fucking blaring through my car speakers. I growl while they all bop along to the lyrics I knew would be stuck in my head on repeat for the next few days.

"Right, that's it, I am dropping you home," I tell Marcus, unable to take much more of him encouraging the girls to belt out each track. I pull up out the front, and he pouts.

"Out," I tell him, and he turns, ruffling Valarian's hair, and he growls, trying to fix it. He then turns to the girls. "Got any more movie recommendations?" 14.73% +4 ||| < Chapter 43 288 Vouchers "Frozen, Frozen," they chant.

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"It has a singing snowman," Casey tells him.

"It's a movie date, also. Ask your mother what soap she uses. I need to getsthat," he says, and Casey sniffs herself.

"Huh?" "Your clothes," he says before reaching over and tugging on her braid. He sniffs it.

"Huh?" "Maybe ask about which shampoo too?" "Okay, weirdo," Casey says, and he jams his fingers in her underarm, making her giggle.

"What's that? Huh, what you call me?" "Fine, fine, you're not weird," she shrieks as he tickles her.

"That's right, I am awesoooommme, and way cooler than Mr. Cranky pants here," he sings before punching my shoulder. Casey and Taylor giggle before he hops out. I shake my head, heading back to the hotel. I now had to take Everly to the doctors. Even if that meant kicking and screaming, she was 28.22% ||| 0 < Chapter 43 11 288 Vouchers going. I would toss her over my shoulder if needed and drag her ass out.

Pulling up at the hotel, I see Zoe waiting out front. I had messaged Everly when I left the cinema to let her know I was on my way over, so I was a little peeved that she wasn't waiting when her appointment was in fifteen minutes.

Getting out of the car, Zoe is already at the door and retrieving her daughter and she unclips Valarian's belt before I have a chance to even get him out.

"Where is Everly?" I ask.

"In the kitchens helping the chef prepare for the dinner rush. Did they behave?" "Yes, of course. Ah, Everly's appointment?" Zoe bites her lip before pointing toward the restaurant, clearing reading the stern look on my face.

I grunt.

“I don't think she is going. She said she had to wait for an electrician, though Macey said she would handle it. Also, the dinner rush is approaching, and she has to sort out next week's rosters; we have a few off sick at the moment." I slam the door, which makes Zoe jump, and I didn't mean to startle her, but I was livid. I specifically told her what time, and 37.97% ||| 0 < Chapter 49 288 Vouchers she insisted on working rather than looking after her health.

"You alright with Valarian for a few hours?" "Of course, he can helpin the children's playgroup." Valarian sulks. "Why can't I cwith you and mom?" he asks, and my heart twinges at his upset face. "Because daddy is about to drag your mommy to the doctors kicking and screaming," I tell him. "But she said she would go?" Valarian says. I sigh, and Zoe shrugs before grabbing both of their hands. "Good luck," she calls over her shoulder as I stalk toward the restaurant. She had certainly gotten friendlier. I shove the doors open before walking into the kitchen to find Everly rushing around doing God knows what. "Everly," I call out to her, and she looks up. The entire kitchen also stops and look over at me.

"Busy, not now," she says, turning back to her task of helping the chef.

"Nope," I growl, knowing she was planning on ignoring me. I walk over to the steel table she was stationed at before grabbing the knife from her hand. I could see the wide-eyed 50.63% ||| < Chapter 43 19 288 Vouchers kitchen hands looking at me, but she was going. It wasn't up for discussion.

"What do you think you are doing?" she snaps at me, trying to reach for the knife I pried from her grip. I toss it in the sink.

"You have an appointment." she "Rebook, I am busy," she growls, and if looks could kill, would have turnedto dust. Good thing they don't. I growl back at her before, grabbing her around the waist as she went to reach for another knife from the block before tossing her over my shoulder.

"Valen, stop," she shrieks before punching my back as I start walking out.

"Don't you dare; this is humiliating. I work here, putdown!" "Are you going to walk?" "I told you I am busy; we are down three people today." "Wrong answer," I tell her before stalking out into the restaurant. Luckily for her, it wasn't filled, and I wouldn't have cared if it was.

"I'll walk, I will Goddamn walk," I ignore her, shoving the door open and honestly enjoying the view of her ass in my face, if 62.72% 0 < Chapter 43 1 798 Moschers only she were sitting on it.

"Valen, stop. I said I would walk." "Nope, I don't trust you," I tell her, walking toward my car when I feel her teeth sink into my back.

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"Ah, you damn cannibal," I snap at her before biting her ass. I must say I enjoyed her shriek more than should er ? e as she rubbed her plump ass. I swat her hand away, wanting to rub it myself, which earneda growl as I ran my hand over her butt.

"Don't bite unless you want to be bitten back," I tell her as I open my car door.

"I can feel it bruising," she snarls before I deposit her in the passenger seat. I slam the door and point at her En through the glass.

6 "Move, and I will put you over my knee if I have to," I warn her. Shen looks atbefore realizing what I said, and the look of horror on her face was comical. "You wouldn't," she says, her eyes narrowing.

"I would," I tell her before opening her door again.

"Go on, run and find out Everly," I dare her, and she looked 74.27% ||| O < Chapter 43 1 788 Vouchers like she was seriously considering it. I clip her seatbelt in when she folds her arms across her chest and glares out the windshield.

"Good choice, I spank hard,” I tell her pecking her cheek and side of her mouth.

"You are crossing the line, Valen Solace." "And you are getting on my last damn nerve. Do I need to make you pinky promise from now on?" She rolls her eyes, and I shut the door before climbing into the driver's seat.

"Wait, where is Valarian?" "Zoe," I answer, starting the car. "By the way, we are going to registry tomorrow. I am changing his last name." "Like hell you are." "Hyphenate it then. Either way, he is getting my name," I tell her, pulling out of the car park.

She never bothered arguing after that and remained quiet. When I pulled up at my Hotel, she looked at me.

||| Chapter 43 "I thought we were going to an appointment?" "We are. The pack doctor is coming here," I tell her, and she glares at me.

"No," she huffs, "Suit yourself," I tell her getting out and walking around to open her door. "Which is it, Everly, I carry you or you walk." Her canines slip out, and her eyes blaze with her fury.

"I will walk," she snaps before getting out and slamming my door. She stalks off toward the entrance.
