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Lycan's Prey by Jessica Hall

Chapter 280
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Chapter 28 - part 2 When we enrolled the kids in school, Macey, Zoe, and I walked through; they barely had a library, had only one old computer to be shared amongst the kids. We decided to raise money for the school, so for two weeks, half of all hotel sales and room fees went to the school. It was clear the packs weren't going to help, but in a way, they did without knowing it by attending the fair we held at the hotel. We raised enough to buy new laptops, and the library actually looked like a library, half the shelves packed with different books.

"I just had an idea on what the bonus from the Alpha meeting can be used for," I tell Zoe.

"I still can't believe he paid it," I point to the run-down play equipment; Macey's daughter Taylor fell off last week and broke her arm on it after falling through the bridge between the two platforms.

Zoe smiles. "Thank you, Alpha Valen," she murmurs.

"Was going to ask those willing to cater for the event if they would take a double bonus for the night and the rest of the amount go towards the play equipment at the school?" "You know they will say yes, look how keen they were for the fair we held; everyone has kids that go here." Chapter 28 - part 2 "Yes, but it is also a big ask for them to put up with the Alphaholes," I tell her, and she snickers.

288 Wauchers "True, but they will be happy, you'll see," Zoe says, smiling. I could tell she was excited, we all got excited when it cto helping the other rogues and children.

Opening the back door, I let Valarian out and peck him on the cheek, and he instantly wipes it off.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask him. He scowls uncharacteristically.

"Who were you talking to on Saturday?" Valarian asks. He had been in a mood all weekend.

"Just the delivery people," I tell him, knowing exactly what he was referring to. He had been probingall weekend every chance he got about his father.

"You're lying, you said he couldn't mark you; I heard a man's voice. Zoe said mates mark each other, why did you say that man couldn't mark you? Is he your mate, is it my dad?" he asks. I glance at Zoe who mouths SORRY at me.

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"No, sweetie, it was a figure of speech,” I lie but his eyes narrow, reading straight through me, this kid was too observant. "Is this why you've been upset lately?" "Why isn't my dad your mate?" he asks, with a hint of demand Chapter 28 - part 2 11 263 Wouchers in his voice. Glancing around, I notice the teachers busying themselves, pretending not to overhear. All this over shomework. I sigh, wondering if I could find a way around this.

"Billy said you were a rogue whore and that is why my dad isn't around," says Valarian..

"He said that did he?" I ask with a growl. Billy was a little punk and him Valarian were always fighting "Yep, so I punched him in his ugly face, but then I thought about what he said, and now I want to know!" he demands.

"Ok, we can talk about this when you get home," I tell him, and he glares at me.

"The wind will change, and your face will get stuck like that," I tell him, and he huffs, folding his arms across his chest. His face doesn't budge. "Not here Valarian." "Fine, but when I get home, I want to know who my dad is, and why I can't see him," he says, frowning.

"I don't like them calling you and Aunty Zoe names," he adds, and I smile grimly.

"Well, Billy's dad is a rogue because he spat in his Alpha's face," Zoe adds behind me. Valarian makes a face of disgust.

3092% 288 Vouchers Chapter 28-pad 2 "See, nasty boy he is," I tell Valarian.

"You promise you will tell me?" he asks.

I sigh and look at Zoe and she frowns.

"I will tell you what I can." "Pinky promise?" "Pinky promise," I say, grabbing his little pinky, and his mood seems to lift slightly before he turns around.

Now, I had to figure out what I could tell him without giving too much away.

He rushes off toward the front gate with Casey, and I see Taylor there waiting for them.

"Hey Aunty, Zoe, Aunty Eva," Taylor calls. Waving brightly with her broken arm in a cast that was covered in brightly colored drawings and names.

"Hey, sweetie." "Can I cover swimming on the weekend?" Taylor calls out to us.

4505% Chapter 29-part 283 Vouchers "Of course, if you want, I will even ask your mother for a sleepover," I tell her, knowing I am off this weekend. It was the first weekend I had off in a year. The girls insisted, and I was actually looking forward to giving Zoe a break. Macey always joked we would never need a man because we had each other and were practically married with the way we handled the kids between us.

"Yes," Taylor fist bumps the air excitedly.

Zoe waves goodbye, and I climb back in the passenger seat. I sigh, missing my truck. However, on the short drive home, I drive past Alpha Valen in his Black Mercedes. The windows are blacked out, but it was the only one of those cars I had seen before.

"Pull over and turn around," I tell Zoe. She looks for a safe place to turn around and we turn back the way he was driving.

When we find his car, he is already out of it, and it is parked out the front of the public library. "Is that Alpha Valen's car?" Zoe asks, and I nod.

"No, no. Whatever you're thinking, no," Zoe says, pulling in beside it.

"What are you going to do?" "He ruined Valarie's car, so I am going to ruin his," I say. Also, I was still pissed off about the entire schooling thing. Seeing 54.31% Chapter 28-pan 2 1288 Vouchers the giant school two streets away that no rogue child could. attend irritated me. The kids always asked what the big building was they could see from the main road.

The pristine white sandstone school was erected when the first packhouse was, along with the church, the kids also. weren't allowed to attend. Packs were allowed to travel freely where they wanted as long as they went by the other pack's rules while visiting the other territories. A rogue wasn't even allowed to look, let alone attend anything that wasn't on the main street or in the designated rogue areas.

Getting out, Zoe squeaks.

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"Eve," she hisses when I grab the cans of hairspray and start digging through her trunk.

"What are you looking for?" "Got a screwdriver?" I ask her.

"You scratch that car he will lose it."

"Not going to ruin its paint. Besides, this crap will wash off with water" tell her. She rolls her eyes before rummaging around and passinga tire valve remover. "Why do you have that?" I ask. she shrugs, looking up at the sky.

70.12% Chapter 28-part 2 218 Vouchers "I may have used it on Micah's car a few times," she mutters, and I raise an eyebrow at her.

"And you are trying to stop me? You're just as bad as I am." "He owedchild support," Zoe huffs. I chuckle. I was planning on stabbing the tires, but this will work even better.

I set to work, and I toss Zoe the can of spray glitter, who uses it to cover his car while also keeping a lookout.

The air wheezes out of the tires quickly, and I race to the front window and write on it with the blue spray dye. 'Alphahole xx' I write instead of asshole.

I quickly rush back to Zoe's car, his tires all flat, and we laugh as we drive away. We did no real damage, but it would be annoying, yet I wondered why he was at the public library. "You know he will figure it out?" Zoe says.

"Innocent until proven guilty." "Who else would be genough to do that to the Blood Alpha," Zoe snickers. She had a point no one crossed him.

"Stuff him; he deserves it for making our kids attend shitty schools and for forcingto hold the Alb. Chapter 28- part 2 1288 Muchers

live and I doubt he will bat an eyelash at the cost to get it towed and fixed if he is willing to pay fifty thousand dollars for an Alpha meeting," I tell her. 9780%