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Lycan's Prey by Jessica Hall

Chapter 270
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Chapter 21 281 Vouchers "We have a proposition for you." my father says.

"Which I don't fucking agree to," John's daughter says, cutting my father off.

"Ava, you will do as you're told, now sit there and shut up," John snaps at her, his aura rushing over her, and I thought it odd that she wasn't able to resist. She is definitely old enough to take over her father's pack, so why hadn't he handed it down to her yet? Was it the issue with the media? "Son, please just take a seat," My father says, and I growl, pulling a chair out and sitting down in it.

"Now, John and I have been in discussions over the last couple of weeks trying to find a way to put an end to this feud. We think we have cup with a solution that will benefit all of us, tensions are running high in the city, and we need to show those that reside here we are united, but that won't happen if a war is inevitable. So, Ava here is due to take over her father's pack, but with recent issues in the media, it has her pack nervous." "This is bullshit,” Ava curses under her breath and shakes her head. My lips tug up at her defiance, and Alpha John glares at her before he speaks.

Chapter 21 "My pack is nervous about my daughter taking over." "I wouldn't have to take over if you didn't..." she tries to protest, looking at her father with pure hatred.

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288 Vouchers "Ava enough, sit down and shut up, you have caused our family enough disgrace," Alpha John snaps at her. I will give the girl one thing, she had no issues standing up to her father. Instead of backing down, she stands up, placing her hands on the table, and glaring at her father menacingly.

"I am not even meant to be in the city; I wasn't the one meant to be Alpha. I should have been across the other side of the country in university by now, but you just had to get rid of..." Alpha John stands up and slaps his daughter before she can say more. Aghast, I jump to my feet.. A growl tears out offrom witnessing him hitting his daughter. It disgustedthat he could smack his own flesh and blood. Sure, she may be a little wayward, but he shouldn't have hit her.

"Sit down, you know not to mention that name," John warns her, his tone threatening, and I wonder who he was talking about. Alpha John always kept his family on his territory. He rarely let his daughter off pack territory unless escorted, but once she turned of age, he couldn't exactly stop her. I knew Alpha John's wife was rarely seen, only proving how controlling he was, but if she wasn't supposed to be Alpha, who was? Chapter 21 288 Vouchers back down. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Marcus's jaw clench, and my father nods to Alpha John, which pissesoff. How could he condone the man hitting his daughter like that? "As I was saying, Ava here is supposed to take over the pack. Due to her recent behavior, it is making my pack members nervous, so your father and I have found a way to not only end this feud but also help both packs." "I don't understand," I tell him, trying to figure out where he is going with this. I can tell my father is suddenly nervous, as he loosens his tie, something he would always do when he felt uneasy.

"You need a mate to produce an heir. I need someone to help take over the pack. My daughter clearly can't do it on her own. and has been troublesome, I need someone that can handle her, keep her in line." "What? Like you just did by beating her, and what the hell do you get out of this?" I ask, this tturning to my father. None of this made sense to me; they hated each other. Why would my father be suddenly siding with him? "Valen?" my father scolds. But it doesn't matter. I'm not about to pretend him hitting her didn't happen or that any of this made sense. Sure, I was an asshole, and so was my father, but not once did he ever raise his hand toand sure as hell he wouldn't slap a child or a woman.

Chapter 21 1.243 Wolters The outline of his hand stung her face like a red glow. I can't help but feel disgusted. Doing that to someone you expect to take over your pack is disgusting. It is no secret that Alpha John needed to retire. He was the oldest Alpha in the City. Clearly his ways of dealing with things were out of date.

Ignoring my father, I turn to John. “I fail to see how your daughter is to help with that issue." "An arrangement. We think you should take Ava as your mate. She can provide a strong pup for you, and I can ensure my pack they are in safe hands. It would also get rid of the negative media, and the city will look reunited," my father tells me.

"I know you aren't blind to those of our kind that have been going missing of late. We can't be fighting amongst ourselves when we may have an inevitable war coming with the humans," John tells me, shocked at what he just asked of me.

I shake my head. No wonder the girl is so angry. I am outraged that my father would even agree to this.

"Just think about it Valen, this is good for everyone in the city and for both packs. It will end the wars between packs which benefits both of us." "No, now get the fuck out of my hotel; I won't hear any more of this nonsense," I tell them, getting up out of my seat.

50.07% Chapter 21 288 Wouchers.

"Valen, just think about it, we still have tfor you to decide. No need to make hasty decisions. Nothing will be announced until the Alpha meeting in two months. Plenty of tto discuss this smore." "We don't need to discuss anything. Ava isn't my mate. I will have children with my mate and my mate only. Thank you for the offer Alpha John, but I am not interested," I tell him about to walk out the door.

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"I will give you stto think about it, Alpha Valen. The offer still stands, so think carefully. Reputation is everything" Alpha John tells me, his eyes darting to my father, who nods. I couldn't care less about my reputation; I was comfortable with who I am. Once again, however, I am cut off before I can answer, this tby my father. "How is the Alpha meeting coming along, have you picked a location yet?" my father says, cuttingoff as I was about to tell Alpha John to go fuck himself and get off my territory.

"It will be on neutral territory; now I think it is tyou leave," I snap at both men "Great, well send us the details, and in the meantime, you can think about what decision you want to make. It would be good to know for certain by the Alpha meeting so we can make an announcement." "There won't be an announcement. Your daughter is not my mate,” I tell him, but he ignoresinstead,gripping his Chapter 21 1288 Vouchers daughter's arm and tugging her out of the room. I growl at him.

"Enough, just think about it, Valen," my father says, watching them leave. The moment they do, I turn on my father.

"How fucking dare you, you just puton the spot. You didn't think to fucking ask before making deals with A before the likes of him, I won't go through with it and if you try that shit again, I will banish you from the city," I bellow at him. My father takes a step away from me. He has always been trying to control every aspect of my life since I took over, but this wasn't his choice and was way out of line. I had found my mate. I wasn't about to toss her aside for srivalry.

Alpha John's daughter not being good enough to becher pack's Alpha was not my issue, but this made things more difficult because now I had to convince Everly to letmark her before the Alpha meeting.

I would accept no one but my mate, but I had no doubt that disagreeing would only be the start of my issues with Alpha John and the shadown pack And Pcould already tell something was up with my father. He was keeping something from me, there was no other explanation for his behavior. So until I knew what it was, I was going to have to make sure he didn't find out about Everly. Chapter 22