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Lust Knight (Web Novel)

Chapter 442: Not in the face
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Despite being surprised by the fact that Lucien blocked her Wind Slash, Alexa quickly understands the situation. She does not have a Sin within her soul to analyze the body of her opponents, but she alone concludes that Lucien has wind affinity and used that to nullify her attack.

And with that thought in mind, Alexa quickly swings her sword forward again, creating another Wind Slash. "Try to block this one too!!"


The incredible wind blade flies towards Lucien quickly. And he knows he is almost without wind mana, so if he tries to block it, he will run out of wind mana and still take damage.

He thinks about using his teleport skill, but that would consume a lot of spatial mana at once, so he quickly raises his golden naginata and holds it with both hands in front of his body.


That blade of wind could cut mountains made of solid iron but break in half when it encounters the shaft of the golden naginata. However, in addition to the force of the impact, wind waves continue to push Lucien backward.

His red hair sways wildly under that intense wind as he flaps his wings so hard not to be thrown back like a rag doll again. Then the wind waves pass, and he smiles at Alexa. "Such an amazing wind affinity..."

"Nice weapon..." She smiles back and then flies towards him, already starting other attacks. "Let's continue!"


At an incredible speed, but not her maximum, Alexa makes dozens of attacks with her sword. But Lucien manages to dodge or block them all, but each time her sword touches his naginata, his body, mainly his arms, suffers damage due to the strong impacts and her brutal energy.

[Interesting...] She thinks as she sees Lucien's hands being repeatedly injured but regenerating as fast as his armor. As she has ten minutes to knock him down, she wants to test all of his abilities and so take it easy on him.

And even with Alexa not using all her power, Lucien doesn't have a second to breathe. Her agility is superior to his, let alone her strength.

Whenever he avoids a strike, her sword is already heading towards him again. Alexa uses wind currents to help her redirect her attacks as well as to fly in any direction really quickly. And Lucien pays attention to all her movements, learning from her new ways to use the wind element.

While they exchange blows at an absurd speed, Lucien's group and the angels can only see blurs while listening to 'clang' sounds.

Lucien continues to smile because he is so excited about that fight, but Lust doesn't like the way things are going and talks in his mind. 'You are consuming demonic energy very quickly; if it continues like this, you will be unable to keep fighting before three minutes pass.'

'What can I do? She doesn't give me half a second to breathe.' He responds to Lust as he continues to fight Alexa.

'She's not using her full potential, which means she's curious about you...' Lust comments.

'I noticed that.' He responds. 'But how can we use it to our advantage?'

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'You have to give her more reasons to be interested...' Lust thinks for a few seconds and quickly responds. 'She doesn't expect you to be able to use other elements.'

Lucien quickly understands Lust's suggestion and begins to search within his body the manas of his wives, especially Rose and Maggie.

In the last few days, he trained to use those energies, and as soon as he is about to block an attack from Alexa, he creates a stone layer around his arm.


The stone layer breaks instantly due to the impact force, but that same force does not hurt Lucien's body, surprising Alexa.


He uses that second when she is distracted to attack. Knowing that she is going to block, he pushes the golden naginata towards her body using only his right arm.

[Heh...] Alexa makes a mocking expression while not only blocking that attack but also hits the golden naginata so hard that it flies from Lucien's hand away.


At the same time that Alexa's blade hits the golden naginata, Lucien attacks her with his red katana, which only appears in his left hand when it is just a few centimeters from her body.

[Oh??] Alexa just sees the red blur and mentally praises Lucien while also being surprised that he has two Soul Weapons. Having only one is already rare, let alone more than one.

Lucien is confident that his attack will at least hit her body, but as soon as his blade is about to reach her armor, a bright white light appears around her body and repels his sword, also momentarily blinding him.

[DAMN!!] He closes his eyes as he quickly tries to retreat, flying upward.

"You are not the only one who has two elements." Alexa smiles. She doesn't know that Lust had already warned him of her minor light affinity, of course.

Lucien's vision begins to recover quickly, but he hears her flying towards him even more quickly.


He hears her blade slicing through the wind and raises his golden naginata again, blocking her attack.


Lucien has to use all his strength and demonic energies to block Alexa's sword, but she is not making much effort while gazing at him with a curious expression.

"You are interesting, not gonna lie..." She comments. "But that's not enough for me to want to make an alliance with demons... you know how dangerous that would be."

"You are afraid..." Lucien feels that the bones of his arms are about to break as Alexa continues to force her sword forward, but he maintains a confident expression.

"Tsk..." Although she thinks that smile looks really good on his face as part of his charm, she doesn't like having someone so weaker than her being arrogant in front of her.

She stops holding her sword with both hands and still continues to force Lucien, so she smiles at him. "This is going to hurt."

Lucien knows what she is going to do, and although Lust tells him to use teleport skills to dodge her attack, he knows that if he does that, he will not have the energy to fight much longer, so he continues to look at Alexa confidently. "For sure..."


A slap; Alexa slaps Lucien in the face with her left hand while forcing him with his sword. Not a simple slap, but a slap that carries the true strength of a middle Immortal Realm angel.

First, Lucien feels his face burning, then that deafening sound makes a mess with his senses while he feels a terrible pain radiating from his face to all of his body.


He is brutally thrown back towards the ground while the sound of the slap echoes for several miles. Everyone quickly understands what happened, what makes Lucien's wives and troops upset and sad.


"LUCIEN!!!" Amelia is the first to scream his name, followed by others of his wives as they hear the noise of the explosion generated by his fall on the ground.

She prepares to use her teleport skill to reach Lucien's position quickly, but Sophia predicted that and holds her arm even faster. "We must not meddle in it... yet."

"But he is..." Amelia starts to speak, but then she sees Sophia smile and point in the cloud of dust where Lucien fell.

'I'm fine.' All Lucien's wives hear his voice in their minds, which soothes their hearts and the urge to run to him.

Sophia quickly warns Donna and the other women that doesn't have his tattoo, and at the same time, they see him flying out of that cloud of dust while cleaning the dirty on his face.

Everyone can see that Lucien's handsome face is badly damaged but regenerating at an unbelievably high speed. His girls smile as Alexa makes a surprised and curious expression.

"You will be without treasures before this fight is over..." Alexa comments while she thinks Lucien is using really potent medicines to heal himself so quickly.

Lucien clicks the bones of his jaw while still looking at Alexa with that teasing smile that only he knows how to do. "That really hurt..."

"And what are goi-" Alexa starts to ask as she sees Lucien's body start to glow with a golden-purple aura.


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He flaps his wings so hard that it generates not only wind waves but also an explosion of wind behind him as he flies towards Alexa. His eyes shine with golden-purple sparkles due to his excitement.

Lucien is using his speed to the maximum now, and no one but Alexa can see his body. Yet, she sees his movements clearly and raises her sword to block his possible attack.

He throws his golden naginata, which shines brightly as it moves towards her at even greater speed. Then, she feels a powerful aura, much more powerful than them makes even breathes hard.

Alexa is forced to use all her speed to dodge the golden naginata, which passes beside her body, making her soul tremble.

[What the hell?!?!] She is very confused by the power of that weapon and stops paying attention to Lucien, who quickly arrives behind her, already attacking with his red katana.

Still, Alexa's unbelievable reflexes again prove to be perfect. She uses wind waves to spin her body quickly while also ducking and already preparing a counter-attack with her sword.

*Whoosh* *Blink*

[HOW?!?!?!] When she doesn't see Lucien's body behind her and hear his movements, Alexa is perplexed. Unable to stop her movements instantly, she again hears Lucien's heartbeat above behind her.

After teleporting, Lucien reappears upside-down behind Alexa, with his hands an inch from her head. She just has time to look up and see that he has a beautiful opportunity to slap her face just like she just did with him.

At that moment, Alexa doesn't feel frustrated or upset. Part of her is curious about his teleport skill, but part of her also thinks it's fair for him to return that slap. She has the thought that if someone is willing to beat someones, they have to be willing to be beaten either.

Her eyes meet Lucien's golden-purple eyes while she is sure he is thinking something like, "this is going to hurt, you bitch."

But shocking her, again, his hand strokes and instead slaps her face. Lucien runs his fingers up to her chin while he smiles at her. He could not slaps such a charming face as that would be a crime for him.

[He's not going t-] Alexa doesn't understand Lucien's actions, especially when she sees him moving his face towards hers, which makes her think something completely crazy...


But against Alexa's expectations, Lucien headbutts her forehead so hard that it makes her dizzy. His bones seem harder than hers, and that attack makes her forehead burn as she is thrown towards the ground like a rag doll.

Lucien is also dizzy, but in addition to making some noises, his bones look in perfect condition while he is just pushed up a little due to the force generated by the impact.

Still in the air, despite being able to regain control of her body, Alexa does nothing because she finds it very fair. In fact, she has an excited smile on her face as she is even more motivated to find out how Lucien is so impressive.


She falls to the ground, creating a cloud of dust just as happened to Lucien. However, Alexa has no injuries on her body because her armor is incredible. Just her forehead is still warm and now with a new pleasant fragrance.

"Hahahaha..." She starts to laugh. "I thought this fight would go tedious, but it looks like I was wrong about it..."

"Not only about that..." In the sky, Lucien smiles.