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Loving my Rejected Luna

Chapter 70
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Loving my Rejected Luna by Blossom Harold Chapter 70

Zane didn’t have any energy or motivation to do anything else for the whole day so he decided to go home and

refresh himself. While bathing, he couldn’t get his mind off what Levi had said. Had he really just been a fool? He

ruined the perfect time they spent together just because of his lack of trust in Kiara.

He ran his palm down his face with a sigh then walked over to his closet, got dressed then was on his way down to

the kitchen when Daniel barged into his house with two girls Zane found oddly familiar.

“Daniel, what is going on? Who are these girls?” Daniel threw them to the ground as they cried.

“Go on, tell me what you told me” Zane furrowed his eyebrows then turned to the girls.

“What’s going on?” But they refused to talk which infuriated Daniel. He raised up his hand and slapped one of them

across the face which surprised Zane.

“What is going on?” Zane questioned again with wide eyes.

“Tell him what you told me now!” He yelled and they immediately turned to Zane as they shook with fear.

“Two years ago, Kiara hadn’t cheated on you, Samantha had planned everything out” Zane froze. It was like his

whole world froze at that moment.

“Wh… what are you talking about?” He questioned and when they didn’t answer, he grabbed one of them by the

neck and slammed her back on the wall.

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“What do you mean by that?!!” He boomed and the girl cried harder.

“All the videos, all the pictures, they had been fake. Samantha had made us drug Kiara for the videos on the bed

and the pictures while the ones were it seemed like she was kissing other guys, they had been forcing themselves

on her and she tried pushing them away but we only took the part where it seemed like she was cheating” Zane’s

eyes widened as tears slipped out of his eyes. What was he hearing? This can’t be!

“Tell me you’re lying! Tell me you’re fucking lying!” He screamed but the girls just kept crying.

“I’m sorry Alpha, I’m really sorry. Please forgive m…” Zane drove his hand into her chest and yanked out of her

heart before throwing her dead body on the ground. He turned to the other one with crazy red eyes and she tried

running away but he grabbed her by the neck and broke it into half with his bare hands.

“Find me Samantha Immediately!” He yelled like a maniac as he turned to Daniel. Daniel nodded then Immediately

carried out his orders.

As soon as he was gone, Zane fell to the ground and cried his eyes out. All the memories flashed through his head

and when he remembered how shocked and hurt Kiara had looked that day, he hated himself more. He had ruined

their lives with his own hand because he had believed someone else over the love of his life.

He didn’t deserve her forgiveness, he didn’t even want her to forgive him because he was never going to be able to

forgive himself.

Kiara was busy helping Heather to pack up her stuff when they heard someone yelling from outside. Kiara froze

when she recognized his voice. Zane? What was he doing here?” She murmured as she stood up from the bed and

walked out of the room with Heather behind her.

They both walked out of the mansion and when Kiara saw Zane, she gasped. He looked like a crazy man as he cried

and called out her name.

As soon as he saw her,he pushed past the guards then ran towards her and hugged her tightly.

“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry my love, I’ve been a fool, I’ve been a big fool. I don’t even want you to forgive me, I

don’t deserve to be forgiven” He hurriedly said while holding her tightly. she furrowed her eyebrows then tried

pushing him off but he held onto her tightly.

“Let go of me, Zane. What are you doing?” She questioned and he fell to his knees then held her hand. She was

surprised to see him this way and didn’t even know how to react.

“I know the truth now and I know you never cheated on me. I was a fool not to believe you. I was such a fool, my

love. I ruined our life and tried to blame it on you. I’m so sorry for everything, I’m so sorry” Kiara stared at him with

wide eyes then it suddenly turned into anger as she yanked her hand out of his grip and pushed him away.

She didn’t like seeing him this way but this was exactly how he treated her two years ago.

“Sorry won’t change anything. I hate you more than life itself. I tried to forget about everything and start all over

again with you but you just showed me that no matter what, you can never trust me” Zane cried so hard that his

heart began to ache.

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“Please… please I’m begging you, give me a chance. I’m not asking you to forgive me because I can’t even forgive

myself but please, please give me a chance” She shook her head as tears began to stream down her face as well.

“Because of you, I lost my child, our child” Zane froze with her eyes wide. Memories of her telling him the child was

his two years ago flashed through his head and he felt like he had just been stabbed with a silver knife.

“De..dead?” She glared at him.

“Because of you, I couldn’t save my son from dying. When you threw me out of the pack, I had a miscarriage right

there and I didn’t even get to hear my baby cry because he died because of you. You ruined my life, Zane and yet,

you claimed that yours was ruined. You didn’t even go through the same pain I went through” She screamed as as

angry and sad tears streamed down her face.

“Get him away, I don’t want to see his face ever again” She yelled to the guards and was about to turn away but he

grabbed her hand and held onto it like he was holding on to life.

“Kiara please, please don’t do this to me, I’m begging you. I’m sorry” He pleaded as he used his other fist to hit his

chest since it was hurting too much.

“It’s too late, Zane” She murmured then yanked her hand out of his.

“I won’t give up on you, I will never give up on you because I love you so much. I will do anything to make you give

me a chance. I know I don’t deserve it but I can’t live without you” She squeezed her eyes shut then bit her lower

lip to stop herself from crying before she walked into the house,not even sparing him a glance…

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