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Loving my Rejected Luna

Chapter 192
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Loving my Rejected Luna by Blossom Harold Chapter 192

Levi watched Anastasia sternly from behind as she muttered the spells. When she stumbled on her feet and was

about to fall down, he was immediately by her side to catch her.

“I think you should stop, Anastasia. I don’t think this is good for you” Levi muttered as he pulled her towards a chair

and made her sit.

“No, I can’t stop. I need to help them. I’m almost there, I just… I just need…” She frowned slightly as she grabbed

onto her head that felt like it was going to explode.

“That’s enough for today. You need to rest” Levi murmured but she refused.

“I can’t rest. Kiara’s due date is in a few days. I need to be there and ready, Levi” She uttered as she tried to stand

up on her feet but immediately fell back on the chair with her hand holding her head.

“Listen, your health is also valuable, okay? If you die, how are you going to help them then? Rest first then when

you feel better, you can continue”

“Levi is right, Anastasia. What Is the use if you drop dead before you can even help them? Take a breather and

drink this. It should help with the headache” Margaret uttered before Anastasia could refuse and seeing that none

of them were going to allow her to continue with the spells, she let out a sigh.

“Okay but when I wake up,I’ll continue” She murmured as she reached for the cup and downed its contents.

Margaret’s teas always made her feel better and this wasn’t an exception.

Anastasia stood up from the chair and walked over to the bed. As soon as her head touched the pillow, she was fast


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“You are conflicted, right?” Margaret asked after a while of watching Levi as he stared at Anastasia.

“I really don’t want anyone else getting hurt but she’s trying to help Kiara, a woman that holds a dear place in my

heart and as much as I want her to stop this, I do not want Kiara to lose her life. It’s the last thing I want” Margaret


“You don’t have to explain anything to me, son. It’s written all over your face. You are next in line to becoming a

Mafia King of the biggest mafia, right?” He frowned. Why did she always bring this up?

“Yes. After all this is over, I intend on moving back to Italy to take over” She nodded.

“You are a very strong young man, Levi. Far stronger than any man I’ve ever meant and I’m not talking about

physically but emotionally and I’m still trying to see if it’s a good thing because that can also be your weakness”

Levi tilted his head at her with a confused look on his face.

“Are you… are you taking a glance at my future?” She shook her head with a smile.

“A glance? Of course not. I know everything that’s going to happen but your future isn’t definite. Each time I look at

it, it changes and takes another course” Levi frowned.

“Can I know about it? Do I become a good Mafia King?” She smiled.

“I can’t tell you about your future, Levi. It’s going to make you conscious and I don’t want that. Just know that, the

decisions you make from now on can determine just how your future is going to turn out. I see a lot of wins, a lot of

fights and mostly a lot of love. And yes, you do become a great leader. You have always been one, you just didn’t

believe in yourself but after the war with Liam, everyone knows that you are a great leader even Zane” He was

trying so hard to grasp onto what she was saying.

“Wait, you know about the fight?” She rolled her eyes.

“Please every supernatural being knows about it. Anyway, I better go back to my meditation and oh, try not to put

so much pressure on Anastasia. She’s already under so much pressure so just comfort her when she needs it” Levi

nodded then watched as Margaret walked away.

He massaged his temples as he thought over her words. Why did she have to tell him that? Now he was extremely


Zane let out a sigh of relief as Kiara began to calm down. He wiped away her tears and sweats before placing a kiss

on her cheeks.

“Good girl, you did it” He murmured into her ear.

“It’s not getting better Zane” She said in a whisper and he nodded. The doctor has told them it was going to get

worse especially since she was approaching her due date so quickly.

“I know my love but it’s going to be okay, we have made it this far and we can only go higher from here” She

sighed as tears ran down the corner of her eyes. He immediately wiped away then began to caress her stomach.

“It’s going to be okay” He murmured softly then placed a kiss on her lips.

“Why don’t you rest? That’s sure to make you feel better” Kiara nodded tiredly then whimpered slightly as Zane

adjusted her so she was laying down on the bed properly.

“I’m sorry, I’m going to be more gentle” He murmured as he placed the pillow perfectly under her head then

covered her with the blanket.

“Are you going somewhere? What if it happens again? I can’t do this without you, Zane” She murmured when she

saw him slowly moving away from the bed.

“I know that my love and I’ll be back soon. You shouldn’t have any episodes for now” He muttered.

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“Where are you going?” He noticed her eyes were beginning to droop which meant she was tired so he walked over

to the bed and began caressing her hair so she would fall asleep faster.

“I was just going for a walk and I wanted to get you something to eat but I will wait till you wake up for that. Go to

sleep now” Just as Kiara fell asleep, Daniel walked into the room.

“Shouldn’t you be with Heather and your baby?” Zane questioned as he stood up from the bed gently then turned

to Daniel.

“I am supposed to be but I decided to keep you company. I’m just worried about you, Zane. You hardly rest, you

hardly eat. I don’t think it’s good for you” Zane sighed as he walked over to cover Kiara’s leg that was peeking out.

“I’m fine, don’t worry about me”

“You are not fine, Zane. The nurses at the Pharmacy, they are worried about you and they told me you are having

serious headaches that haven’t gone away no matter how much aspirin you take. Zane, you need to slow down and

rest for a while. This isn’t healthy” Zane paused for a while then let out a sigh before turning to Daniel.

“Kiara needs me by her side, especially now that her pains are far worse than they used to be. I can’t think of

myself now when she’s the one suffering the most. After everything is done and she’s okay with our babies then I’ll

rest and I’ll be better but for now, I am not leaving her side and that’s final” Zane muttered then turned back to

Kiara and sat down beside her on the bed.

Daniel sighed as he watched Zane’s tensed back. He knew that with the due date approaching, the fear they had

kept at the back of their minds was resurfacing.

Hell, even Heather was thinking about Kiara’s condition so much that it was taking a toll on her as well. If it weren’t

for him, he wasn’t even sure Heather would have been eating.

He just hoped it all turned out well in the end for the sake of those whose lives revolved around Kiara…