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Loving my Rejected Luna

Chapter 115
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Loving my Rejected Luna by Blossom Harold Chapter 115

Levi got out of the plane and his guards immediately directed him towards the car that would take him home. He

had his own men that were working for him and they were a lot because he had allies as well but because he was

too scared of his father, he never put them to good use but not anymore. He was here to take a stand.

The driver parked in front of the warehouse and Levi got down from the car before walking towards the warehouse.

A lot of people bowed their heads at him because everyone knew he was the real boss but they were just afraid of

his father.

“Brother, it’s so nice to see you again” Levi turned towards the voice and saw Lucien walking towards him with a

smile on his face.

“Where’s father?” Lucien chuckled.

“I never thought I’d see the day where you’d be looking for father willingly. Come with me” Levi walked behind

Lucien and entered into a room where his other brothers were seated with his uncles and his father.

“You have arrived” His father muttered and Levi nodded before taking a seat. He was nervous but he was trying his

best to act tough even though he wasn’t.

“You know why I’m here, father” His father scoffed.

“I know but it doesn’t mean I acknowledge it” Levi shrugged.

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“You have no choice. Retire, it’s my turn to lead” His father frowned.

“You don’t even know the first thing about leading, how do you expect to lead?” Levi folded his arm.

“That’s for me to learn and I can do that without you bring the leader” His father hd his stare for a while then let

out a sigh.

“Okay I’ll step down but that’s only after I’ve defeated Zane. I need him and his pack members dead, every last one

if them” Levi Frowned.

“If I may ask, why? He and the rest of them didn’t do anything to mother so why are they getting punished?” His

father glared at him but Levi raised his chin. He won’t be bullied again.

“Because Zane’s father killed your mother.He murdered her right after you were born and I swore to avenge her

by killing him but he died too early so I have to kill them all now. Humans and wolves shouldn’t miss so I’ll be doing

the workd a favour” Levi stared at him for a while then let out a sigh.

“Fine, I’ll help you get into Zane’s pack and after that, you’ll step down” His father chuckled.

“I will step down but I won’t be needing your help anymore because I already have my men situated around Zane’s

pack” Levi’s eyes widened slightly.

“How?” His father smiled.

“Let’s just say I got some help on the I side. All I need from you now son is to stand by me” Levi stared at him for a

while then chuckled before leaning back in his seat. His reaction made everyone in the room confused.

“You really think attacking Zane’s pack will solve anything? He has trained wolf warriors and the pack is being

protected 24/7 so no, that’s not going to work. You need a plan” His father furrowed his eyebrows. He was confused

and shocked by Levi’s words.

“What do you suggest we do then?” Sebastian questioned and a smirk appeared on Levi’s face.

“Use Kiara as bait and Zane is surely going to come running after her” Everyone was shocked by his words because

they knew he had a thing for Kiara.

“You want us to take the girl you’re in love with as bait?” A sneer suddenly appeared on his face.

“Ever since I found out she wasn’t human, I fell out of love for her mad I agree with father, Humans and wolves

aren’t supposed to mix” For the first time, A bright smile appeared on his father’s face.

“Now I believe you’re my son, Levi”

Kiara woke up some time in the night because she was hungry and her stomach won’t stop growling. So she stood

up from the bed slowly so she won’t wake Zane up and went down to get something to eat. She brought out some

cookies and milk and was about to eat them when she heard her phone ringing from upstairs. She immediately ran

up to go get it thinking it was Heather but she furrowed her eyebrows when she saw it was Levi. Why was he calling


“Levi? Hey” He was silent for a while.

“Do you trust me?” He questioned and with the way he asked, she knew this wasn’t a joking matter.

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“Yes” She heard him a heave a sigh of relief.

“I really don’t want to do this to you but My father wants Zane and everyone in his pack dead and I need to stop

him somehow” She gasped.

“I already have a plan but I need you to trust me. I’ll tell Zane later but this part of the plan involves you. Find a way

to get rid of Zane’s guards so they don’t follow you. My father is going to have you kidnapped and kept in a

warehouse over there but don’t worry, nothing is going to happen to you because my men will be watching over

you” She gulped.

”Oh okay”

“Don’t be scared. I will never anything that would bring you harm, okay?” She nodded.

“Okay. Tomorrow, just make sure no one is following you and you’re all alone. Make sure to fight back so it is

believable. They might knock you and as much as I don’t want that happening, they will do it but I told them not to

hurt you no matter what” She nodded.

“Okay I understand. Where are you?”

“I’m in Italy but we’ll be coming tomorrow to activate the plan and also warn Zane that there’s someone in his pack

working with my father and I believe it’s someone close with how much my father know. I have to go now, talk to

you tomorrow when we see each other” She nodded and then he hung up. She let out a sigh as she thought about

what he said.

“Gosh, I hope Levi knows what he’s doing”

“What did you say?” She turned around and her eyes widened when she saw Zane behind her….