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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1734
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Chapter 1734

Vicky felt a wave of dizziness hitting her. She felt disoriented when she opened her eyes.

'Where am I? Wasn't I giving Miranda some medicine and comforting her?' she wondered.

Suddenly, everything came rushing back to her, and she realized what happened.

Miranda had kidnapped her.

Miranda had been working with her for a while, and she was highly capable, so Vicky had not expected her to be a

spy planted to abduct her.

To maintain such a patient cover for such a long time, the person behind this must have planned this meticulously.

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It seemed to be nighttime as the surroundings were pitch black, making it impossible to see clearly.

Vicky could hear the sound of flowing water and felt the ground rocking slightly.

She quickly deduced she was on a boat.

The creaking of a door suddenly broke the silence, followed by dim lights flickering to life.

A tall figure emerged from the darkness. In the shifting shadows, the man's handsome face became increasingly


"Lincoln Hart," Vicky said upon seeing the man, showing no surprise.

Only a handful of people had motives to kidnap her, and even fewer could successfully abduct her and bring her


Lincoln looked at her and smiled faintly. "You're four months pregnant by now, right?"

At the mention of the child, Vicky immediately became wary and stared at him. "What do you want?"

"Don't worry. My grudges with Tyler have nothing to do with you," Lincoln assured her. "As long as you cooperate, I

won't harm you or your child."

Vicky remained on edge. "What do you intend to do?"

"If Tyler manages to find you, well settle our scores," Lincoln replied. But if he doesn't find you..." His gaze settled

on her, and he revealed a gentle smile. "I know you don't want to be with him. In that case, I'll take you away, and

we can raise this child together."

Vicky glanced around. "Where am I now?"

"We're on a boat," Lincoln said calmly. "To avoid Tyler discovering us too soon, we took the water route."

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Even though Vicky had guessed she was on a boat, hearing Lincoln's confirmation sent a shiver down her spine.

If they were in the water, she could not escape at all.

Lincoln untied the ropes that bound Vicky, and his deep gaze locked onto her. "I won't make things difficult for you if

you work with me, Vicky. But, if you try anything funny..." His smile remained benign, his voice low and magnetic.

"Don't blame me for not showing mercy."

Vicky's blood ran cold.

Lincoln had always excelled at disguising his ruthlessness behind a harmless exterior, but Vicky had no doubt he

would follow through on his words.

Seeing that she did not display any extreme resistance, Lincoln nodded in satisfaction. "This room is specifically

prepared for you. When it's time to eat, I'll have someone deliver your meals. If you need anything, just tell the

guards outside."