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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1731
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Chapter 1731

During their day-to-day activities and moments of rest, Tyler was remarkably considerate and attentive to Vicky.

Both Jennifer and Cece had shared a few lunches with

Vicky, and Tyler's care for her at the dining table appeared meticulous. Even though both Cece and Cece disliked

Tyler to a degree, they could not find any fault in him when he took care of Vicky so well.

Aurora, on the other hand, had a different perspective." Delayed affection is worthless. Is it that meaningful to be

nice to her after all the pain he put her through?"

Aurora sat on the couch in the guest room, waiting for Vicky to finish her work so they could have lunch together.

However, she noticed that Tyler had left Vicky’s office not long ago.

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Jade, who had been diligently guarding Vicky, came over.

Surprised by Tyler's departure, Aurora could not help but ask, "Why did Tyler leave?"

Lately, whenever she sought Vicky out, Tyler always stayed by Vicky's side, using the excuse of being her

bodyguard. In truth, he was merely trying to cling to Vicky, which was why Aurora did not expect him to leave.

Cece did not seem surprised at all. She knew what Tyler was up to whenever Vicky came to work here and

explained, "Ever since Vicky became pregnant, her appetite hasn't been

great, and she can't stand strong smells. When she dines out, the smell of dishes from nearby tables makes her

nauseous. Mister Hart noticed that and went back early to prepare lunch for her."

After a brief pause, she added, "Mister Hart has bought a suite near our studio specifically for preparing Vicky's


Aurora was somewhat skeptical. "Is that so? Isn't Tyler just trying to look good in front of Vicky and having his

subordinates bring back the prepared food instead?"

"I don't think so," Cece said. "Vicky has had a poor appetite for quite a while now, and most of her meals are

reportedly prepared by Mister Hart himself. It seems he has bought many books on women's pregnancy. I saw him

reading those books the last time I went to Vicky's office to report on work."

Tyler could not stand idly next to Vicky when she worked outside of her office. Hence, he would read books to pass

the time during his free time. Most of the books he read were related to taking care of pregnant women, and he

changed the meals he prepared for Vicky daily.

Aurora detected a hint of envy in Cece's tone. "Don't tell me you've switched sides already? Have you forgotten

how Tyler treated Vicky?"

Cece cleared her throat and muttered, "People must look forward! Living in hatred is exhausting. Moreover, he has

been really good to Vicky lately... Giving him a chance might not be a bad idea."

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Aurora knew more about Tyler than Cece did, and she could not help but feel contemptuous. "What if he loses his

mind again and humiliates Vicky after she finally caves under his ' gentleness'? What if he abandons her again?"

Tyler had done such things many times before, and no one knew what was in his mind.

Cece fell silent for a few seconds before speaking, "Hating someone isn't necessarily easier than loving them.

Sometimes, hatred is just a mask for love. Maybe he wants Vicky to experience the feeling of being abandoned.

Nothing could have hit her more profoundly than being left at the wedding ceremony."

Emotions between people differed, even among mothers and children, husbands and wives, or friends. It was not

under one experienced the same level of despair as the other person that they could finally see eye to eye.

Aurora pondered this for a long time. "But Vicky had no choice back then. Tyler was unbearable. If it weren't for this

child, their relationship...might've been irreparable by now. It's almost like he'll let go of everything as soon as this

baby is conceived..."

Aurora's voice trailed off, and realization flashed in her eyes.