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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1706
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Chapter 1706

Tyler's remark left Aurora speechless.

Instead of being enraged, Aurora glanced around as she turned to Vicky. "Vicky, have you bought all the baby


"Not yet."

"How about we check out the baby supply store?" Aurora's eyes lit up. "As the baby's godmother, I need to pick

some gifts for my godson.’ With this in mind, she became increasingly excited. "Come on, let's go to the baby

supply store!"

She turned to the store attendant and said, "I'll give you an address later; just send my clothes there."

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"Understood, miss."

When they arrived at the baby supply store, Aurora started shopping like a whirlwind.

"Wow, these shoes are so cute! Wrap them all up for me!

"That set, that set, and that set... Apart from the ones I'm pointing at, wrap up everything else!

"Oh, I need to buy some toys for my godson... This little scarf is so beautiful..."

Aurora was neck-deep in her shopping spree. In less than half an hour since they entered the store, she filled eight

shopping carts.

Vicky watched Aurora continue shopping without restraint and eventually had to stop her. "Aurora, you're buying

too much. The child won't be able to wear all of these."

"It's okay," Aurora replied casually. "We can change his or her outfit every day! Besides, I heard that a child's body

grows quickly, and we should have some clothes for each age group."

Tyler trailed behind the two women and watched Aurora, who seemed determined to empty the store. "By the time

the child can wear these, the clothes you've bought will be out of style."

Aurora did not hesitate to retort, "I'll just buy more when that happens."

"Aurora, the baby's room at home isn't even finished being decorated yet. With so much stuff, I'm afraid there

won't be enough room in the house," Vicky chimed in.

Hearing her say this, Aurora lamented, "Alright, just these for now."

The shop attendants happily took the items away.

Since the three of them entered the store, almost all the store attendants gathered around them.

This time, they bought 10 times more items than they did in the last store.

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Aurora was about to call Tyler to help with the bags when she realized that the so-called 'bodyguard' had

disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Just as she mocked him for being an amateur bodyguard inwardly, a deep and cold voice spoke up. "Please help me

wrap up that baby crib."

Aurora turned her gaze and saw Tyler picking out a baby crib.

She raised an eyebrow and walked over to Tyler, deliberately looking for trouble. "Aren't you Vicky's bodyguard?

Why are you shopping instead of protecting Vicky?"

Tyler did not even glance at her. "Who said bodyguards can't shop?"

"How are you supposed to protect Vicky if you are shopping? What if she's in danger while you're shopping?"

Tyler felt like there might be some truth in what Aurora was saying. After some thought, he walked over to Vicky

and pulled her into his arms.

"There shouldn't be anv problems this wav." he said.