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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1691
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Chapter 1691

Vicky chuckled coldly. "But why should I bear a child for you? After all the hatred, revenge, and humiliation I

suffered at your hands, no less?"

She quickly continued, "Don't look at me with that expression. Even if I did owe you something, it was settled the

day you decided to take revenge."

"Settled?" Tyler found it absurd and sneered. "Vicky, do you think we're playing house here?"

If hatred could be so easily dispelled, why would there be grudges that lasted centuries?

"So what? Are you planning to seek revenge on me for the rest of your life?"

Tyler looked down at her condescendingly. "Vicky, after all these years, you haven't grown at all. Do you think the

wedding was the end? You're really naive."

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He smirked as he looked into her eyes and said, "It's just the beginning."

Vicky narrowed her eyes as she did not doubt the truth in Tyler's words. "When did you regain your memory?"

Tyler's tone was indifferent. "Does it matter?"

Indeed, it did not matter anymore.

Vicky chuckled bitterly. "Tyler Hart, you're truly remarkable.

It's a shame you're not an actor." >

She had fallen into his trap time and time again, healing her wounds only to forget the pain.

"I'm hardly as skilled in acting as you are, Ms. Shaw." He sat by the bedside and continued in a subdued tone, "I

can't sweet-talk and make false promises as you do, then heartlessly abandon someone. After all, there are things I

can't say without feeling a psychological burden." 1

Vicky trembled. "So, may I ask what other means you have in store for me?"

Tyler fell silent for a moment. "Give birth to this child."

"Then what?"

"Our grievances will end there."

"Are you saying that if I give birth to this child, you will leave me alone?"


"And if I refuse?"

Tyler's expression darkened.

"There's no 'ifs'," he said with a chilling tone. "From the day you conceived him, there's only one choice. If you still

want to secretly get rid of him behind my back or pull stunts like you did just now..." His voice trailed off, and his

malice-filled eyes fixed on her.

A sinister smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Vicky, I assume you won't want an endless feud with me, do you

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Vicky shuddered.

His gaze was domineering, yet his touch on her face was gentle-a stark contrast to his expression.

"Keeping a woman to bear my children is no problem at all for me. I believe you wouldn't want to keep giving birth

until you can't do it anymore, right?"

Vicky widened her eyes. "Are you threatening me?"

"You know I always follow through on what I say," Tyler replied indifferently. "Don't challenge my limits. Do you


Vicky stared at his exquisite features, her lips trembling as she struggled to make a sound.

Tyler withdrew his gaze and turned back to his books.

For several days in a row, Tyler did not leave. It seemed like he wanted to avoid seeing her as he mostly stayed in

the study reading.

One day, Vicky heard loud noises coming from the adjacent room.