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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1664
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Chapter 1664

Adam could tell that Tyler and Vicky's relationship had improved and decided not to hold back. "Old Mister Hart has

something important he wants to discuss with you. He wants you to come over."

Tyler's parents and Old Mister Hart had not returned to their home country yet and were temporarily residing in the

estate where they used to live.

"What important matter?" Tyler asked.

Adam glanced at Vicky, then whispered, "It seems to be related to...Miss Avery Yeager."

Tyler narrowed his eyes. "I see."

Vicky's gaze flickered, and she glanced at Tyler to find the same expressionless look on his face.

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"Should I drop Ms. Shaw off first?" Adam asked.

"That won't be necessary."

Adam's expression shifted slightly, but he dared not to argue with Tyler.

Vicky did not want to meet Tyler's family, so she suggested," You should go ahead. I won't come along."

Tyler shot her a sidelong glance. "Why not?"

"Whatever Old Mister Hart wants to tell you must be very important, so I shouldn't be there," she explained.

"Nonsense." Tyler squeezed Vicky's hand. "You’ll have to meet them sooner or later."

Understanding his implication, Vicky was about to say something but swallowed her words under his insistent gaze.

As they sat in the car, Vicky was about to browse through the latest news. However, messages from her friends

kept popping up.

Cece, Jennifer, Aurora, and Noah's messages appeared one after another. Even Harvey, whom she had not

contacted in a while, texted her.

[Vicky, you're finally back! You don't know this, but news about your upcoming marriage to Tyler has been all over

the place!] Cece typed.

[Vicky, is this picture really of you and Mister Hart?] Jennifer asked in response to the bridal photoshoot Vicky and

Tyler had done for Helen's creation.

[Is the wedding date set?] Aurora chimed in.

[You work fast! Well done!] Noah sent along with a clapping emoji.

[Vicky, are you really going to marry him?] Harvey typed.

Before returning, Vicky had posted on her social media. She had not expected her friends to respond so quickly.

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Vicky's gaze screened through the messages. She toyed with the idea of replying but decided against it in the end.

She exited the chat app and began perusing the latest news. Most of the headlines were about her and Tyler

vacationing together, dating, and speculating about an impending wedding. All the news outlets had plastered her

face to protect her privacy.

Apart from that, there was nothing else. Even news about Avery had faded away.

The airport was over an hour's drive from Old Mister Hart's estate.

Vicky had spent the whole day on a plane and was exhausted, so she leaned back in her seat and inadvertently

dozed off.

She was not sure how long she had been asleep, but she suddenly felt an itching sensation on her cheek.

In her drowsy state, she opened her eyes and found herself gazing into a pair of jet-black eyes.

For a moment, she saw fleeting emotions in those eyes. It felt strangely familiar, as if she had been transported

back four years in time.

"Are you awake?" Tyler's cold voice broke the silence.

All the emotions in his eyes seemed to vanish within a split moment.