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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 79
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Chapter 79 Jealousy

Erin’s shriek made Sean immediately turn his head away, and when he saw that the light had changed

to green, he stepped on the gas to continue driving.

Erin then turned to face May and started fumbling with her shirt buttons to cover her chest up. With her

heart rate still erratic, she thought that it was just her luck that one of her shirt buttons had gone


Out of frustration, she cussed under her breath.

Why’d something this embarrassing have to happen now…

Sean could sense her panic, so he subconsciously turned his face to look at her. “You’d better not look

over here!” she shouted.

This prompted him to turn his head again before letting out a soft cough and asking, “What’s wrong?

“I lost a shirt button…” she grumbled.

As soon as he heard her reply, he tried his best to suppress the urge to smirk and said with the

straightest face possible, Don’t worry, I know what to do…”

He then started driving with one hand, as he used his right hand to reach to the backseat to retrieve his

dark blue summer suit jacket. “You can cover up with my jacket,” he suggested.

Erin looked a little hesitant at first as she stared at the piece of clothing in his hands, but after

considering her own disheveled appearance, she decided to just wear his jacket instead.

The next twenty minutes in the car went by in an uncomfortable silence.

Sean tried hard to get rid of all the dirty thoughts in his head, but that one scene would always linger in

his mind. In fact, the memory even seemed to appear more vividly now the more he tried to forget…

Erin was so embarrassed that her face had stayed red the whole time. She couldn’t help but lament

how unlucky she was today!

After recalling all the times she’d embarrassed herself in front of Sean, she reckoned this was the third


“I don’t think we gel well with one another, Sean, so let’s never meet up with one another again! If you

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happen to run into me again in the future, just pretend that you didn’t see me!” Erin announced, sulking.

Her words brought him back to his senses, and this made him raise his voice. “But why? It’s not like it’s

my fault that all those unlucky incidents occurred to you, so don’t you think that you’re being a bit unfair

to me right now?”

He was actually seriously considering his relationship with Erin in his heart at that moment. He even

thought that fate brought them together in the first place.

Surely, Erin was the one for him…

She snorted coldly and retorted, “I always get so unlucky whenever I meet you! One would even think

that God had personally sent you just to spite me…”

Sean let out a low laugh as he looked at her from the side with his lovesick eyes. “Perhaps we are even

destined to be more than friends, Erin…” he trailed off.

She sneered in response, “Do we even have a relationship with one another? I’ll have you know I’ve

already blacklisted you in my heart!”

An amused smirk remained on his face after she had said that. Not only wasn’t he angry, he was even

giddy just thinking about Chandler’s reaction when they returned to his villa and saw his clothes on her


An hour and a half later, Sean finally arrived at Chandler’s villa with Erin and May.

As soon as his car pulled up to the driveway of the villa, Chandler, who was in his study on the second

floor, immediately rushed downstairs.


When he stepped out of the house and first laid eyes on Erin, the hideous male suit jacket on her

instantly turned his expression ice cold.

The butler, Mr. Charleston, was very perceptive and gestured to a maid with his hands to fetch

Chandler’s coat for him.

The maid soon handed him the coat, and he approached Chandler and said, “Your coat, sir.”

Chandler took it from him and walked up to Erin. “Take off the jacket now,” he ordered in a frosty tone.

A smirk slowly spread on Sean’s face as he busied himself with propping May up at the side. “What’s

the rush in getting her to change clothes now, Chandler? Just let her wear it back home, I’m not in a

rush to take it back, after all,” he taunted.

Chandler ignored him as his cold gaze was still fixed firmly on Erin. Seeing as he didn’t look like he was

about to compromise, she reluctantly took his coat and decided to change into it.

She had been backed into the space between the side of the car and his impatient self. The way he

cornered her also made it so no one else could see her apart from him.

With that, the maid and Mr. Charleston instinctively shifted their gazes to the ground while Sean looked


After Erin took off Sean’s jacket, a dark look flashed in his usually expressionless eyes.

He helped Erin put on his coat with an icy expression. After he had wrapped her up, he took her by the

waist and began to escort her back to the house.

Walking past Sean, he said, “See you. I won’t be seeing you off.”

“So, that’s how it is, huh? It’s so rare to see this side of you, though…” Sean jested.

Sean later sped away from the villa in his Ferrari after handing May over to a maid.

Erin had no choice but to keep up with Chandler as he continued walking. While she was slightly

relieved that her cousin May was being cared for properly, she still wanted to try her luck. “I feel like

making something for my cousin to sober up, Chandler…” she said.

Chandler tightened his grip around her waist even more after hearing her say that. “My maids will take

care of her for you. I’ll need you to come back to the room with me, as I still have something to ask


Erin’s heart gave a thump as she remembered the shirt button that she’d lost just now. This made her

dread the inevitable questioning she would have to suffer from Chandler later.

As soon as they entered the bedroom, Chandler locked the door and pinned Erin to the back of the


“Tell me everything that went down tonight. As long as you hide anything from me, I’ll get Hans to tail

your every move again!” he threatened in a frosty tone.

Erin knew very well the kind of person he was after all the time they had spent together, so she quickly

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explained, “I ran into him while I was having dinner with Eugene…”

She then told him everything from beginning to end without hiding anything. She didn’t do it out of fear

of him, but it was because she felt too tired now and didn’t feel like getting questioned by him.

Her candor and obedience instantly quelled his anger by a few notches. He stared at her pale

complexion and asked, “You didn’t grab anything to eat after you threw up?”

“Yeah. Now that you mention it, I do feel a bit hungry now…” she mumbled, feeling a bit weak in the


Chandler pinched her cheeks and said, “You go take a bath now while I get Mr. Charleston to order the

cooks to make something light for you. You can head downstairs to eat after your bath.”

His concern and thoughtfulness towards her made her face light up with a smile. “That sounds great,

thank you!”

“Silly…” Chandler mumbled with a touch of softness in his gaze.


While waiting for Erin to shower, Chandler returned to his study to read Erin’s menstruation report.

The document indicated that she would get her next period in three days.

If it didn’t come, it probably indicated that she was pregnant….

As Chandler’s gaze turned a few shades darker, he quickly picked up his phone to call Kyle. “Kyle,

notify all the public hospitals, private clinics, pharmacies, or anywhere that Erin might go to…”

After handing down a few instructions to the man on the other end, he hung up the phone.

Half an hour later, when Erin went to the dining area, a chef presented a bowl of steaming chicken


To a team of top–of–the–line chefs with access to the best and most advanced kitchen facilities money

could buy, it was a piece of cake for them to prepare supper for her.

Chandler, who was sitting opposite Erin, merely watched her eat as he held a glass of red wine in his


He had specially requested the chef to add meat foam and fresh shrimp into her chicken soup.

When Erin took the third spoonful, a trace of disgust flashed across her face.

“What’s wrong? Is the soup not to your liking?” he probed the moment she put down her spoon.

Not wanting to out herself as a picky eater, Erin had to explain herself to him, “No, the soup tastes

delicious, but…I kind of feel like puking again. I reckon it’s because I already puked the first time…”