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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70 Chandler’s Predicament

Faced with the extremely domineering man, Erin could only soften her tone and explain. “It’s not what

you think at all! He came to my house out of the blue–I didn’t even know it. It was my mom who let him

in. I only returned this time to tell my

mom about the divorce.”

Chandler laughed suddenly. His face was still cold as he spoke, “From now onward, Erin, I will send

someone to inform your mother of your divorce. You don’t have to worry about that anymore. Your one

and only job is to stay by my side obediently.”

Erin looked at his commanding expression, resistance permeating her tone. She would not submit to

him this easily. “No!”

She knew he had incriminating photos that could compromise her reputation, but she still dared to defy


Chandler stared straight ahead in silence. Somewhere in between, he realized that maybe he had been

using the wrong methods all this while. Erin only looked obedient on the surface. Deep down, she was

as rebellious and obstinate as a wildcat!

He remembered the last time Erin had taken the initiative to kiss his cheek in the car. It was when he

had believed her, had trusted that she was only friends with Matthew. She had only shown him

affection because she was moved by his trust. Chandler glanced at her sideways. Now, she had angrily

turned her face away from him and was staring out of the car window. A faint curve tugged at the

corners of his lips.

After that, neither of them spoke.

When they finally returned to the city, Chandler was beginning to feel the exhaustion from being up the

entire night. As they reached the villa, it was already morning.

Erin, who had been sitting in the passenger’s seat, had already fallen asleep. Gently, Chandler lifted

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her and walked into the villa. This time, he didn’t wake her up. Instead, he carried her upstairs.

Chandler gently placed Erin into the bed, removed her clothes, and covered her with a blanket. Then,

he switched on the thermostat–controlled air conditioner.

Instead of sleeping, Chandler entered his study and called Kyle and Hans, who were both still in

Southwrok County. After giving them instructions, he went to take a shower. Even though he was tired,

his mind was filled with thoughts of Erin. This woman, whom he wanted to control but failed to, suffused

him with a sense of powerlessness.

Although Erin was from a modest family and could not be considered wealthy, she had lived

comfortably her entire life in Southwrok County and had no financial problems. Moreover, she had

enough money to spend and was not materialistic or greedy. She really was someone with few


Chandler couldn’t help but feel slightly helpless. His attempts to buy her adoration with his wealth had

failed. Secretly, he laughed at how strange Erin truly was.

When he was done showering, Chandler returned to his study wearing a refreshing, casual attire. He

poured himself a glass of red wine as he watched the sunrise from the floor–to–ceiling window.

Kyle’s words reminded him once again. “Mr. Frost, Miss Lane must be mad about what happened with

Miss Kane. That’s why she resigned. In my opinion, she’s beginning to have some feelings for you-”

Chandler grabbed his phone from his desk and called Kyle.

“Mr. Frost, any new instructions?”

“Kyle, that day, you told me about how you think Erin is beginning to have some feelings for me. If it

really is true, then why did she resign? Shouldn’t she be trying her best to hold on and pursue my

heart?” Chandler asked thoughtfully.

Kyle was eating empanadas with Hans at a stall by the roadside at that time. His expression was

hesitant when he asked, “Mr. Frost, do you really want to hear the truth?”

“Nonsense! Of course, I do!”

“Alright, I’ll tell you the truth then. To be honest, even though my girlfriend and I are in a long–distance

relationship, I’ve been with her for at least ten years now. I suppose, at this point, I have some degree

of understanding about the thoughts of


Kyle’s words were interrupted rudely by Chandler. “Get to the point.”

“Sorry, as I was saying, I’m guessing that Miss Lane could not stand the shame of being a mistress.

After all, it’s not ideal for her reputation as a woman. Furthermore, you keep on threatening her with

those photos. How is she to open her heart to you when–sir, I hope you wouldn’t mind me giving you a

suggestion-” Kyle was still somewhat hesitant.

Chandler replied impatiently, “Stop beating around the bush, Kyle. Speak like a man!”

Kyle coughed lightly. “Mr. Frost, if you really love Miss Lane, I suggest you pursue her in the way that

makes her want to be your girlfriend voluntarily. Since Miss Lane is divorced and single, and so are you


Before he could finish, Chandler had already hung up. Kyle was shocked.

Having just finished his third plate of empanadas, Hans raised his head and asked, “What?”

Kyle furrowed his brows. “I think Mr. Frost is mad-

Hans sneered, “Who asked you to meddle in the president’s love life–I still don’t get how you dared to

give him suggestions on what he should do about his relationships.”

“In my defense, I was just trying to help. As they say, those not involved in a situation often have a

clearer perspective on what was happening.”

Meanwhile, Chandler had already found his way to the couch. He held a lit cigarette between his

fingers, watching it burni without smoking it. When a large chunk of ash fell onto the carpet, he

snubbed the cigarette in the ashtray.

He picked up his phone again and dialed his friend Logan’s number.

Logan, who had been sleeping, forcefully pried open his eyelids and glanced at his phone before

accepting Chandler’s call. ” Chandler, do you know what time it is now? You know that I’m a night owl-”

“Logan, I have a question for you.” Chandler wasted no time in pleasantries.

Logan became alert all of a sudden and sat up. Shocked, he started, “Am I dreaming? The almighty

president of Frost Corporation, Chandler Frost, has a question for me? Alright, I’m listening.”

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A dark current passed through Chandler’s unpredictable eyes. Calmly, he asked, “How does one make

a woman stay by their side willingly without giving her any kind of formal title?”

Logan thought about it for a while before replying. “It’s simple. Have her bear your child. When a child

is involved, she will naturally stay by your side willingly.”

“Bear a child?” Chandler asked, his eyebrows knitted.

“Chandler, actually, I already guessed who this woman you’re talking about is. Is it Erin Lane? I

understand your situation. You like Erin, but you can’t grant her any form of formal status. Seeing as

you can’t make her stay with money either, and your grandfather would never allow her to enter the

Frost family just like this”

Chandler interrupted, “Stop bullshitting! You’re so far off from the truth you don’t even-”

Logan laughed lightly. “I’ve known you for twenty years, and this is the first time you’ve asked me

anything about relationships. If you weren’t already at a loss, would you have called me in the first

place? With the means at your disposal as Azore’s tycoon, it’s impossible that you cannot deal with

someone as insignificant as Erin. You don’t wish to resort to extreme measures precisely because

you’re afraid they would only drive the wedge between you two further apart. You’re so fucked–at least

I’m certain now that you really are in love with her!”

There was no response from Chandler at the other end of the line. When Logan attempted to speak

again, all he heard was a busy tone. Logan shook his head in exasperation. “Huh. Guess he’s mad that

I guessed right-”

After hanging up on Logan, Chandler entered the bedroom. Leaning against the doorframe, he let his

gaze fall on the beautiful, sleeping woman on the bed. For the first time, a crazy idea popped into his


A baby. Giving birth to a child. But how could Erin ever agree to that?

Chandler walked to the cabinet, opened a drawer, and took out a box from the drawer. Then, he stood

and stared at the box for a long time-

Two hours later, Erin woke up and realized that she was not wearing anything and that Chandler was

tenderly holding her in.

his embrace.

Abruptly, she felt fear settle in her bones. Flustered and alarmed, she exclaimed in embarrassment,

“Why didn’t you use protection-”