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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 51
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Chapter 50 A Shocking Scene “Are you calling me crazy? Do you want to see crazy? I’ll show you

crazy!” Chandler picked the squirming Erin up and headed to the sofa. He threw her violently on it, and

Erin landed painfully. Before she could get up, Chandler flipped her over and pinned her down with his

knees pressing onto her. Before she could even react, she fell a burning slap on her butt. She

screamed in pain, and her cheeks instantly reddened. She was so stunned that she was speechless at

the thought that Chandler had actually spanked her. “Chandler, what the hell is wrong with you? Why

are you hitting m- Another slap came raining down before she could finish her sentence. She was

furious and humiliated. She was no longer a child. Even her parents had never spanked her before! 1

After her parent’s divorce, her mother felt she owed her a perfect family, so she never hit her. She was

almost 25, yet a man was spanking her! Chandler said nothing and continued spanking her. He was

gradually getting addicted to it. “If you spank me again, I’ll sue you! I’ll sue you for assault!” Erin didn’t

want to cry, but the humiliation and the pain made her tears fall uncontrollably. Hearing her sobs,

Chandler finally stopped. He turned her around and locked her in his arms. He looked venomous at

that moment. “Erin, you secretly took a leave of absence to Aunder, refusing to answer my calls or

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reply to my messages. I haven’t even dealt with you on this,” Chandler said softly but icily. He narrowed

his eyes and continued. “You threw a tantrum back home and refused to let me touch you, pretending

to be such a chaste woman, yet you go behind my back and go on a date with Caleb. Do you think I’m

an idiot?” “I wasn’t on a date with Caleb! Don’t you dare make such accusations! I merely bumped into

him.” She was not going to bear the crime of something she didn’t do! “Oh, coincidence? Do you take

me for a fool? Do you think I’m that easy to be lied to? Tell me, do you have a relationship with him or

not?” Chandler suddenly choked her agitatedly. His extreme and domineering reaction made Erin cry

even harder. He was not treating her like a human being at that moment, more like a pet that could be

easily mistreated. Her breathing became shorter. Her face flushed. She forced out her words. “Nothing

is going on between us. Why won’t you believe me?” 1 Her eyes were gradually getting bloodshot.

Chandler let her go, and she gasped for air, feeling as if her lungs were about to explode. He suddenly

stood up, walked over to his desk, picked his phone up, and sent a message. Erin was on the sofa and

was about to get up to leave when Chandler shot her a warning glare. “If you dare walk out of this door,

I’ll get Tony Dixon to kidnap your mother again!” “You!” Erin was so furious, but she didn’t dare to say

anything else since Chandler was being ruthless to her. She sat on the sofa and glared at him as he

slowly walked toward her. She clenched her fists in agitation. She was so infuriated she was at a loss

for words. Even if she wanted to bite him, his warning look effect. She truly didn’t dare to dely him. At

that moment, she was already sobbing with utter regret. What luck she must have to meet such a

monster. “You’re a monster!” she snarled. 1 Chandler, in front of her, looked down at her with a

vindictive gaze. “Kneel,” he ordered. Ungrateful wench! If he didn’t teach her a lesson, she’d never

learn to appreciate him! Erin glared at him hatefully through her tears. She asked, “Why are you doing

this to me? Why me?” Why? Chandler had a hint of reluctance in his eyes. Even he wondered why. He

only knew that he was not sick of her yet. She was the only person that he wanted to sleep with for the

second time and even wanted many more times. Letting her stay in his mansion was also

unprecedented! When he heard Kyle telling him how Caleb held her hand, he wanted to chop off

Caleb’s hand badly! When such an evil thought came to his mind, he was shocked at himself. Even if

Caleb was a stranger and not his cousin, since when had he become so violent? Seeing Erin in front of

him, he realized that it was all because of her! His desire to own her was like a poison spreading in his

body. When he wanted to get rid of that desire, it was too late. He looked down at the tearful Erin. She

seemed so poignant, even if she was crying. Even his cousin fell in love with her exquisite looks. How

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interesting. He ignored Erin’s tears and looked at her coldly. He said, “Serve me. If I’m unhappy with it,

I’ll send your mother back to Aunder so she can repay her debt.” “That’s not my mother’s debt!” Erin

growled. Chandler sneered, “I don’t care. You know I have the power to do so. Stop trying to resist me.

If not, you’ll not only have tears coming out of you.” He pushed her to the floor kneeling without any

hesitation. “Do it!” Erin closed her eyes in despair. She truly hoped that it was all just a nightmare. Five

minutes later, with a folder in his hand, Caleb knocked on Chandler’s door. Erin, inside, was so

frightened she wanted to stand up, but Chandler pressed down on her shoulders, not letting her.

Chandler smiled sinisterly and said, “Come in.” Erin looked at the door in horror. Her face paled terribly.

Chills ran down her spine. The moment Caleb pushed the door open, Chandler looked incredibly calm

and confident without any hint of awkwardness. Caleb, on the contrary, was bewildered. Erin, on the

floor, was so humiliated she wanted to kill herself! She shoved Chandler with all her might and ran out

of the office. She couldn’t stay there for a second longer! Any longer, and she would’ve gone mad! Her

pride and dignity were instantly crushed by Chandler! Caleb’s eyes were also filled with despair.

Looking at Erin crying and running out, he was extremely conflicted. While despising her, he was also

feeling sorry for her. He didn’t understand what her tears meant. At that moment, his mind was in a

mess. Chandler, however, had already returned to his seat. He looked at Caleb closely, observing his

conflicted emotions. He smiled a little and said. “Caleb, where is the document I requested?