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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 35
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Chapter 35 Lucky Rescue

Tracy’s pleas did nothing to convince lan. He merely pried her arms off him and said calmly. “Tracy,

think about what I said, then come and let me know. You’re still young. You do have the right to choose

the life you want. I won’t be able to give you a proper status if you stay with me. This fact won’t


Then, lan left without any hesitation.

Tracy wanted to chase after him, but she held back. She had almost become the type of woman that

lan found least attractive – the one

that never knew when to stop!

She returned to her room dejectedly, thinking about how lan’s charming looks and skills in bed always

drove her crazy with delight and how her previous two boyfriends could not compare at all, let alone the

man interested in her back home. She wasn’t an idiot. The price of

those three properties was barely worth anything in the huge city where she was.

Just on that alone, she was not willing to give lan up. She only said what she said because she thought

lan held her in high regard. She

didn’t expect it to backfire.

At that moment, she regretted it terribly. A reckless impulse almost ruined her relationship with lan.

She was from a small rural town, so no matter what, she was loath to return home to work! She headed

over to her computer in her study and opened a folder containing different videos.

Tracy had a smug gaze as she said mockingly to herself, “Erin Lane, no matter how pretty you are, you

don’t know how to serve men! I will

make sure lan stays with me!”

Then, Tracy played some porn videos and started studying their actions in all seriousness.

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At midnight. Chandler drove to a high–end bar. He parked his car and walked inside, heading straight

for the private rooms. Two young ladies saw him passing by and ogled at him. Chandler was so

charming that any lady–no matter the age–would be infatuated with him.

The ladies initially wanted to ask Chandler for his number, but they looked at Claire next to them and

no longer dared to do so. They picked up their bags and prepared to leave. After all, they had finished

their duties.

One of the ladies said to Chandler, “Sir, we’ll leave Claire in your hands. You have to send her home!”

Chandler responded with a frosty expression. The ladies were so frightened they didn’t dare to stay a

moment longer. They opened the door and quickly left the room.

With a bottle of wine in her hands, Claire said with a flushed face, “Chandy, you’re here.” She smiled

pleasantly, showing off her dimples. She was in a body–hugging sleeveless red dress that night,

looking quite mature.

Chandler walked over a little angrily and sat down next to her. He tried to take away the bottle of wine

from her. “Why are you drinking so much?” he scolded.

Claire hugged the bottle tightly, including Chandler’s hand. He quickly retracted his hands from her

arms, looking a little uneasy.

“Chandy, did you know that Matthew has returned? He is currently on tour around the world, and the

only stop in this country is this city. Do you think he came for me?” Claire said intoxicatedly, trying to

support herself amidst the dizziness.

Chandler looked at the carpet on the floor with a darkened gaze. Back then, before Claire left to study

abroad, he almost confessed his love to her, but the moment he met her, she excitedly held his hand

and told him that Matthew had confessed to her and asked her to be his girlfriend.

Matthew Burgess was an influential rockstar in the music industry. He was the same age as Claire, and

they both came from similar family backgrounds.

At that moment, Chandler realized that girls at Claire’s age would only like boys their age. He and

Claire were ten years apart. When Claire left the country with Matthew, Chandler boxed up his feelings

for her in a deep corner of his heart.

Even if she had returned, he deliberately did not look for her in an attempt to bury his futile, unrequited

love for her.

However, at that moment, the girl that he liked was getting drunk over an ex and even lamenting about

it in front of him.

Claire wiped away her tears and looked up, choking up as she said, “Chandy, did you know why

Matthew broke up with me?”

Chandler didn’t want to know the reason at all. He merely wanted to stay as far away from all these as

possible. However, he caved in when he saw her sad tears. “Why?”

Claire looked at him with an empty gaze. “It was his birthday, and I was prepared to give him my

virginity. Right at the most important moment, I told him that if I became his woman. I hoped I could

marry him.” Then, she chuckled desolately, saying. “I never would have thought that when he heard

what I said, he immediately put on his clothes and left. The next day, I went to look for him, trying to get

an answer, but he never answered my calls or replied to my messages. Only later did his manager tell

me that he had left the country to perform. I bought the quickest available flight to reach him just to get

an answer. After the concert, he finally gave me one.”

Claire continued agitatedly. “He broke up with me on the spot! He said he didn’t want to sleep with me

because the pressure was too huge! He said he had never thought of getting married to me!” Then, she

dejectedly picked up the bottle and took a few more swigs of wine.

Chandler instantly snatched the bottle away, saying. “Stop drinking already. I’ll send you home.” He got

up and pulled her up by her arm.

She stood up, swaying. “Chandy, do you think he doesn’t love me?” she asked through tears. “If he

loves me, why would he dump me?”

She was getting conflicted over the most obvious answer. Chandler didn’t want to lie to her, so he said

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

directly. “Yes! He doesn’t love you. That’s why he doesn’t want to bear the responsibility!”

“Hah! I knew it! You’re right! I trust you the most! Alright, let’s go home!” Claire obediently followed

Chandler and left.

Before leaving the bar, he even paid the bill for her. When he placed Claire into the passenger seat, he

suddenly noticed a petite figure in the distance.

He saw Erin being carried into the hotel next to the bar by two men. He didn’t dare to think what was

going to happen. He locked the car door and noticed that Claire had already blacked out. He was a

little worried, so he called Kyle.


“Kyle, come to Bar No. 8 on St. Claus Road. Bring the spare car key. Take my car and drive Claire

home,” Chandler said while walking toward the hotel.

Ten minutes later, Chandler had beaten up the men that brought Erin to the hotel, and they were

apprehended by the hotel security, waiting to be handled.

At that moment, the hotel manager didn’t dare to look at the big boss of the hotel, Chandler’s icy gaze

was enough to scare him half to death! He apologized profusely, bowing at Chandler, promising that

things like that would never happen again.

Soon, Chandler took Erin home in the luxury car provided by the hotel. When they returned to the

mansion, he threw Erin into the bathroom in disgust. He helped her shower and blew dry her hair,

suppressing the anger in him. Then, he tucked her into bed.

He would have interrogated her the entire night if it were not for her blacking out from intoxication!

The next day, Erin was woken up by the heat of a bright lamp shining on her face. She was blinded the

moment she opened her eyes, so

she instinctively raised her hand to block the light.

The thick curtains had blocked out all light from the outside. She squinted her eyes and noticed a man

sitting by the sofa. She instantly jumped and asked, trembling, “Who are you?”

Chandler was so furious he wanted to choke her to death. He said curtly. “Erin Lane, open your fucking

eyes and see who I am!”