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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 189
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Chapter 189 Stop Ruining Yourself

For three consecutive days, Erin hid in her hospital room and avoided seeing anyone. Whenever

nurses came in to deliver her meals, Erin responded with two words coldly, “Go away.”

Due to Paulo’s repeated emphasis to all medical staff that they should not force Erin into anything she

disliked, they gave her full freedom. Therefore, when Erin refused to see anyone or eat anything, even

the medical staff, including the psychologists, were at a loss.

Paulo was aware of this, but he couldn’t understand why. After he’d gone out of his way to tell her all

those good news. Erin not only didn’t. continue to face her treatment positively but even refused to

accept the most basic necessities.

On the first day when Erin refused to eat, Paulo told the medical staff not to worry too much, saying

that she was just throwing a tantrum and that she would eat when she was really hungry. But after

three days, Erin showed no intention of letting up.

In the end, Paulo couldn’t let her have her way any longer. He couldn’t allow Erin to spiral down this

path of self-destruction. He was afraid

that Erin would really starve herself to death.

At 6 am on the fourth day. Paulo arrived at Erin’s room with a bowl of nutritious oatmeal porridge he’d

cooked himself.

From the moment he entered, Erin, who was lying down, didn’t even spare him a glance. She showed

no response whatsoever.

With a displeased expression, Paulo deliberately and rudely placed the bowl of porridge on the coffee

table, and a loud noise of ceramic

colliding with glass rang out in the room. Even so, Erin remained indifferent. She lay flat on her back,

staring at the ceiling blankly. The ceiling was completely devoid of anything-there was only vast


Occasionally, she would blink. Though she was physically lying in the ward, her heart and mind were

simply not there. Her gaze was hollow and void as if nothing that happened in the world had anything

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to do with her anymore. Even when Paulo stood right in front of her, she still didn’t look at him. Her

behavior of not eating or drinking for three days straight infuriated Paulo.

Unable to bear how she was wasting her life away, Paulo finally burst out in anger. “Erin! Are you trying

to kill yourself? Why did you suddenly decide to go on a hunger strike? What the hell are you doing to


Paulo took a deep breath, trying to suppress his irritable emotions as he continued. “I’ve done what you

asked me to do. I brought you the information you wanted, and your son is living well with his father.

You even have a sister who can temporarily take care of your mother. The scu mbag who harmed you

is also dead! What else are you dissatisfied with?”

Seeing Erin still wearing a hopeless expression. Paulo got even more furious. He chastised. “Can you

stop ruining yourself like this? Why are you playing the role of a helpless martyr? What are you trying to

achieve by not eating and drinking? Do you think you can become some kind of immortal deity by doing


Erin didn’t respond to the barrage of questions Paulo fired at her. It caused him to feel a deep sense of

powerlessness; it felt as if he was punching cotton.

Three days ago, after hearing about everything, Erin had a breakdown and wept bitterly. Afterward, she

chose to lie down in silence, and at that time, Paulo didn’t say anything more. In fact, there were many

things he had yet to say.

Right now, he was at a complete loss. He couldn’t save someone who had given up on themselves.

He didn’t bring Erin back from the island just to have her die on him. No matter what, he couldn’t just

leave her be. If it weren’t for the fact that Erin was the one that he personally saved, Paulo would have

given up long ago had it been someone else. Whether the person lived or died would have nothing to

do with him..

He’d never been a saint.

Paulo had many sides that Erin didn’t know about, but their time of acquaintance was short, so he

hadn’t had the chance to show them, nor had she had the opportunity to learn more about him.

Helplessly, Paulo glanced at the unmoving person who was no different from a mummy in an ancient

tomb at the moment. He turned around and carried a white leather chair from not far away over. Then,

he forcefully placed it on the ground.

He sat down but didn’t look at Erin. He just lowered his gaze and stared at a certain point on the floor.

After about half a minute, Paulo began to pick up from where he’d left off three days ago.

“During the time you were kidnapped, Chandler never gave up on searching for you. In the first month

after you went missing, your mother

said she went to the Frost building to find him and saw that he’d lost a lot of weight. His me ntal state

was so bad that he was close to

har ming himself.”

Paulo raised his gaze intentionally to look into Erin’s eyes and swiftly caught a faint flicker in her

originally unfocused eyes.

He felt a glimmer of hope in his heart as he continued, “Your mother already considers Chandler as her

son-in-law. She told him to take care of himself so that he could take care of you in the future. Chandler

did change afterward. He returned to a normal state of life, but the only thing that didn’t change was

that he continued to dispatch a large number of personnel to search for you. After you disappeared,

many of your friends tried to find you. They used their own connections and made efforts to locate you.”

Paulo then sighed heavily. “But you should also understand that a long period of silence gradually

erodes hope. Not everyone can firmly hold on to their beliefs that you’re still alive. Some people

eventually gave up searching for you because they didn’t want their own lives to be plunged into an

endless abyss, waiting indefinitely for someone they no longer believed would come back. It’s a painful

and helpless.

thing to do.”

Observing Erin, Paulo went on, “In many kidnapping cases that were done out of revenge, the victims

were generally found dead by the time they were found. Yet, Chandler is still sending people around

the world to search for you, which shows how important you are to him!”

At this point, tears slid down the corners of Erin’s eyes, as she once again experienced the emotions

that a normal person would have.

Seizing the opportunity. Paulo went on, “According to reliable information I’ve found, he has secretly

divorced Jazzlyn. They never lived together after their marriage. Just recently, Chandler’s grandfather,

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Gaston, passed away. As soon as his grandfather passed away. Chandler immediately divorced

Jazzlyn. Judging by his swift actions. Chandler has always been in a helpless position throughout this

marriage. Your mother told me about this as well. She said Chandler wanted a divorce early on, but

Gaston threatening to end his own life forced him to temporarily give up the idea of divorce.”

Upon hearing this, Erin couldn’t help but look at Paulo. Her teary and glistening eyes focused entirely

on him. “Did my mother tell you this?”

Paulo felt a sense of joy in his heart. Seeing that she finally spoke to him and seemed to believe him,

he shrugged and said, “I don’t appreciate what you just said. You’re making it sound like I’m deceiving

you, but come on, think about it. What reason do I have to deceive you? I have no reason to speak on

behalf of Chandler. Heck, we don’t even know each other! Also, I’ll be frank with you-I’m a very

reclusive person. I spend most of my time here conducting my research. I have no interest in

socializing and interpersonal relationships.”

Although Erin didn’t say anything, her expression indicated that she seemed to believe what he said.

Paulo’s eyes flickered as he told her yet another piece of melodramatic information. “There’s something

I heard that I found quite amusing. Do you know who your father, Steven, married after his divorce?”

From the way he asked so teasingly, Erin surmised that the person in question must be someone she

knew. After experiencing all those unfortunate events she’d been put through, hearing about her

father’s divorce and remarriage hardly elicited any reaction from her.

She casually asked, “Who?”

Paulo smirked, his tone full of disdain as he answered. “Tracy.”

This answer made Erin sit up straight in an instant. Incredulously, she asked again, “Who did you say?”


Hearing the same answer once more, Erin spaced out in disbelief. This sudden plot twist left her utterly


Paulo raised an eyebrow mischievously and said, “Erin, I hope you won’t be too shocked by what I’m

about to say. You see, not long ago, Tracy gave birth to a son for your father, so you have a new baby


The absurdity of these family relationships hit Erin hard and fast, and she couldn’t help but curse in

frustration, “F u ck!”