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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 183
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Chapter 183 Tessa Is Arrested!

Chandler’s question plunged Yvette into deep thought, and for a moment, she didn’t know how to

answer. In reality, she didn’t feel any such special connection. She didn’t know where Erin could be

right now.

Or perhaps, Erin was already dead.

Of course, Yvette dared not say her hypothesis out loud, as it would invoke his wrath. Even though she

herself had lost hope in her heart. she couldn’t dismantle the beliefs and expectations of others.

While Yvette continued to ponder how to cleverly respond to Chandler, he’d already instructed Kyle,

who was in the driver’s seat, to drive away. He left without saying a word.

Yvette gazed at the departing Maybach with inexplicable melancholy in her heart. She didn’t anticipate

Erin’s return as eagerly as others did, Back then, she should have been happily by her parents‘ side,

but fate was unfair to her. She was the one who was sold off to human


Even though Lamar treated her well as if she was his own daughter, it couldn’t discount the fact that

he’d bought her from the traffickers. All these years, she’d lived a secluded life in the borders. She’d

been so out of touch that after coming to the city, she fell completely in

love with its vibrancy within a month.

Yvette, at a relatively young age, was living the life that others desired. Her biological parents were still

alive, she married the man she

wanted to marry, and she had a substantial inheritance.

Steven and Cherry treated her exceptionally well due to overwhelming guilt from being missing in her

life. One could say they were spoiling her rotten. Whenever she wanted to eat a meal cooked by her

mother, Cherry would be there immediately, like a diligent housekeeper. The first time Steven saw

Yvette, he gifted her an apartment in the city that had two bedrooms as a meeting gift.

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As for lan, he was even more attentive, treating her with utmost care because of her substantial wealth.

He hadn’t even uttered a single harsh word so far. Yvette believed, at least in her heart, that lan had no

complaints when she wanted to abstain from sexual activity due to

her pregnancy.

Even Erin’s good friend, Holly, would occasionally buy her a designer handbag, and Yvette readily

accepted it without a thought.

During this time when Erin was absent, she enjoyed the love and care showered on Erin by her family

and friends. Sometimes, Yvette would secretly hope that Erin would never return. She feared that with

Erin’s return, all the love and affection she currently enjoyed would


Yvette looked ahead and trudged back home. A fleeting look of indifference that hinted at her

heartlessness flickered in her eyes as she thought. “Erin, you’ve enjoyed Mom and Dad’s love for a

whole twenty–five years. It’s my turn now!”

Most importantly, Yvette knew that Erin’s ex–husband was lan!

This dreadful fact once made her worry that she would end up being Erin’s shadow and nothing more

than a substitution for Erin to lan.

Steven and Cherry were eager to please Yvette and wanted more than anything for her to secure her

happiness. And so, they came up with a cock and bull story that the reason for lan and Erin’s divorce

was because Erin had cheated and betrayed lan. Cherry even went so far as to persuade Holly to say

the same for the credibility of their testimony.

Holly detested and scoffed at how Steven and Cherry slandered Erin without a thought in order to

compensate for Yvette. However, under Cherry’s repeated pleas, she reluctantly agreed. Yet, she made

it clear that if Yvette asked her about this matter, she wouldn’t deny it, but

they couldn’t expect her to readily admit to it either.

Cherry also told Holly that if Erin were present, she would undoubtedly want her younger sister to be

happy, and telling a white lie would

do no harm.

But the foolish Cherry and Steven didn’t anticipate that this temporary lie to ease Yvette’s mind would

eventually be exposed one day.

Three days later, early in the morning, Chandler stood in the intensive care unit of Liberty General

Hospital for a full hour.

His grandfather, Gaston, was critically ill once again.

This time, it seemed unlikely that he would pull through. The corridor outside the ward was crowded

with people who had come to bid farewell to Gaston.

The other grandson, Simon, had been abroad all this while. Even though he was now rushing back on

a plane, it was unlikely that he would be able to see Gaston before he breathed his last. Gaston’s old

comrade, Harold, had a cerebral hemorrhage and passed away two weeks ago. He’d died before the

ambulance even arrived.

At the moment, Jazzlyn and her family were also waiting outside the ward to see Gaston.

Initially, Chandler had promised Cherry that he would divorce Jazzlyn, but he couldn’t follow through.

Gaston had stubbornly threatened to end his own life if Chandler got divorced, so he could only forget

about it for the time being.

However, since then, he didn’t even bother asking his stand–in to give Jazzlyn at least some

perfunctory attention. He left her to her own


Privately, Chandler set his sights on a young male idol who had an extremely unsavory habit–seducing

married women from affluent families. Under Chandler’s careful arrangement. Jazzlyn successfully

encountered this young idol.

As a lonely woman who genuinely needed the affection of a man, Jazzlyn finally lost control and

secrelly booked a hotel room with the dreamy young guy that she’d encountered several times after

getting drunk.

Once it happened for the first time, there came the second, and the third time…

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Every time she stayed over in the hotel with that young male idol Chandler had someone capture the

entire process with a camera. Very soon, he’d accumulated a whole box full of photos that were in high


Chandler was just biding his time and waiting for the day to publicly kick Jazzlyn out of his house.

Right then, on the verge of passing away. Gaston expressed immense regret that he ultimately didn’t

get to see his great–grandchild being


Chandler listened to Gaston’s murmurs with a frosty expression, his heart in turmoil and agony. For

such a long time, he gave in to Gaston’s wishes unconditionally, fulfilling his every whim and fancy. He

mocked himself inwardly. What a spineless coward he’d been in order to please his grandfather. Even

he looked down upon himself.

Sometimes, following the wishes of others blindly did more harm than good.

Not long after, Gaston passed away amidst silent sobs.

Chandler’s father, Quentin, had tears in the corners of his eyes but wasn’t overly saddened. He’d

already prepared himself for this day as he grew older.

This was merely the cycle of life.

Gaston’s funeral was scheduled for the next day at 10 am. After a full three hours, the funeral ended


On the way back, Chandler received an important phone call that he’d longed to hear.

“Osborn!” Chandler’s voice was filled with excitement and nervousness. Osborn hadn’t contacted him

for a whole month.

Osborn’s tone of voice was also slightly higher than usual as he reported excitedly, “Mr. Frost, just five

minutes ago, the foreign detectives called. Tessa has been arrested overseas! We have already

negotiated with them, and they’ll personally send officers to escort Tessa back

to the country.”

Today’s Bonus Offer