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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 171
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Chapter 171 You’re All Insane!

Tessa’s expression changed all of a sudden, and she said with a hint of pride, “I didn’t need to lay a

hand on those women who had been with him only once. But there was one woman I killed.”

Her eyes showed a deep sense of disgust and disdain. “That bi tch even looked like me. I warned her

not to bother Chandler, but she didn’t listen. Even after getting a boyfriend, she still harassed Chandler

incessantly. A f ucking shameless wh ore like her shouldn’t exist in this


Ignoring Erin’s horrified expression, Tessa felt increasingly satisfied in her heart. This method, which

didn’t require any physical torture but only exerted psychological pressure, had the most impactful

effect that she wanted. It made Tessa feel accomplished.

In Tessa’s view, this was the highest form of torture as it imbued profound horror within people. While

doing that, she felt like she was the master of the universe, controlling others’ life and death. She’d

finally metamorphosized from a victim to an abuser. Tessa had undergone

a twisted and deranged transformation, becoming an evil demon entirely.

“Do you know? When a person cuts their wrists, they can release so much blood! The scene was so

beautiful… I took a series of photos to

commemorate it. Do you want to see them?”

Looking at Tessa’s devilish radiant smile, Erin instinctively stepped back, continuously retreating until

Jack’s gun was pressed against her

back. She had no room to retreat any further.

With a pale face, Erin whispered, “You’re truly insane.”

“Hahaha! You can call me anything you like! You can say that I’m a nutcase or I’m men tally ill; it

doesn’t matter. I’ve obtained a kind of happiness I’ve never had before! You won’t understand the

feeling of having someone’s life and death in the palm of your hands. It’s so

exhilarating! In fact, it’s even more intoxicating than getting high!”

Tessa’s maniacal laughter frightened Erin for real. Her body trembled slightly, and her hands

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instinctively pressed against her belly. She couldn’t imagine the consequences if her child were born

and raised by this deranged murderer. Erin screamed her pleas to the heavens

internally, praying that Chandler would somehow come to her rescue as soon as possible.

In the event he couldn’t save her, Erin decided that she would have to save herself.

Tessa thoroughly enjoyed the transition of Erin’s state of mind. She relished in how terrified she looked

now compared to her composed demeanor earlier. This made Tessa feel like she was the grim reaper,

having infinite power over another person’s death.

“Erin, my story isn’t over yet. Do you remember being injected with drugs by someone? I found out

from Jack that the girlfriend of Chandler’s friend, Logan, had some psychological issues. And so, I

intentionally released false information about you, and her reaction. truly surprised me. She even sent

someone to inject you with drugs. Unfortunately, you were lucky enough to survive that unscathed.” 1

Erin’s eyes widened. “So, it was your doing!” It seemed she’d already been targeted back then.

Realizing that this devil of a woman had been keeping tabs on her all the time, Erin felt a chill run down

her spine.

“You must be curious why I didn’t go after you again later. The reason is simple-I was also afraid that

Chandler would eventually trace it back to me, and then there would be no more fun. So, I decided to

continue observing you in secret with Jack’s help.” Tessa’s expression seemed somewhat regretful,

suggesting that she’d missed out on a lot of excitement.

Erin knew very well that someone like her was a gone case-she’d long lost all forms of human

rationality. To repeatedly commit such outrageous acts, Tessa’s intrinsic being had long lost any

semblance of a conscience! 1

But Erin still wanted to give it a try. “Living in a deluded world like this, can you really feel happiness?

Stop this now and turn yourself in. Don’t spiral down this path of irreversible destruction-*

With her eyes turning red, Tessa cut her off furiously, “Enough! You’re so naive! Do you think I can still

turn back at this point? Since the moment I was violated by those three ba stards, there has been no

turning back in my life!”

Realizing that she’d burst out somewhat hysterically, Tessa regulated her emotions and said calmly,

“After those three ba stards were released from prison, I found them. Jack helped me a lot, and It took

a lot of planning to dismember and dispose of their bodies.”

The casual way Tessa spoke of their deaths shocked Erin, causing her to retreat in fear. She stared at

Jack, clearly horrified at what he’d done.

Erin never expected that Jack, who had been her bodyguard for some time, would turn out to be a cruel



“You… You’ve gone mad! You’re all insane!” Erin muttered those words while shaking like a leaf. Her

brain struggled to come up with the right words to describe their crazed and appalling actions.

What they’d done was way beyond that of a normal person. The brutality of the crimes that they’d

committed shook Erin to her core. The fact that she could still stand in place without collapsing out of

fear was already quite an accomplishment.

Just when Erin started to feel nauseous due to the chaotic state her mind was in after taking in all those

shocking words that Tessa had said, Jack, who had remained silent, suddenly spoke up. “Tessa, stop

talking. You’re driving her crazy. If the child she gives birth to is also men tally unstable, that would

deviate from your original intentions.”

As his words fell Erin realized that he was truly a merciless killer, dispelling any remaining hope she

had for him. For a brief moment, she’d held the hope that Jack would have a change of heart and set

her free.

Now, even that small sliver of hope was totally snuffed out.

Tessa blinked at Jack. “I know, my dear. Don’t worry, I still want Erin to obediently give birth to our child.

I won’t drive her crazy. We haven’t even tortured her.”

Jack remained silent, but his gaze toward Tessa was indulgent. Pointing his gun at Erin, he ordered,

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“Let’s go. I’ll take you to your room.”

Erin stared at him warily with terrified eyes as her body uncontrollably continued to move backward.

A hint of impatience could be seen in Jack’s expression. “Miss Lane, I don’t like shouting at people. If

you can give me less trouble, I’ll try not to trouble you as well.”

*Jack, if you let me go, I’ll ask Chandler to spare you!” Erin couldn’t help but plead, desperately holding

on to her last hope that Jack would relent and let her go.

Before Jack could say anything. Tessa quickly stepped forward and gave Erin a hard slap!

“You’re not allowed to seek help from my man! If I hear it again, I won’t hesitate to kill you! You’ve

already heard how many have lost their lives in my hands. Don’t think I’m joking for a second.”

Erin covered her face and remained silent. Her teeth had scraped the inner part of her cheek, and a

trace of blood flowed out from the corner of her mouth.

With a frosty face, Tessa stated, “Honestly, I don’t have any intention of killing you at the moment. I only

want your child. After you safely give birth to the child, maybe I’ll consider letting you go. But if you dare

to secretly abort the child, you’ll be worthless to me, and I won’t hesitate to kill you immediately. If it

comes to that, Jack and I will murder Chandler. You better think about this carefully!”

Turning around to leave, Tessa commanded. “Jack, take her away.”

Jack didn’t say anything and looked at Erin expressionlessly. He pointed his weapon at her back again,

and Erin didn’t waste any more. time. She walked forward cooperatively.

Ten minutes later, Erin was locked in a bedroom with a thick iron door. There was a place to lie down

and a small, narrow bathroom with only a toilet and a showerhead. This room was no different from a

prison cell!

Tessa’s warning echoed in Erin’s mind. As Jack closed the iron door, he glanced at her. Erin felt his

gaze on her and looked up, but his emotionless eyes seemed to indicate a different soul had taken

over Jack’s body. He was no longer the Jack that Erin had known.

Perhaps Jack had always been like this, but Erin had never truly noticed the difference between him

and other ordinary people.

“Miss Lane, Tessa just wants to fulfill her desire to be a mother. I hope you can cooperate. I can

guarantee one thing-after your child is born, I will ensure that Tessa releases you.”

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