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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 166
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Chapter 166 Complain Tearfully in His Villa

Chandler forced himself to be cheerful when facing Cherry. He said with a smile, “Erin accidentally

dropped her phone into the pool, so her phone is broken and can’t be used for now. I’ll buy her a new

one soon. Don’t worry.”

Only then did Cherry feel reassured and said, “So, that’s what happened. I feel at case now. Where are

you guys now? Is Erin with you?”

Her words made Chandler frown a little, then he continued to lie, saying. “We’re back in the city. Erin’s

sleeping in the bedroom. I’m having a video conference.”

Hearing that he was having a conference, Cherry immediately said, “Gosh, I’m sorry to interrupt your

meeting! I’m fine. I’ll talk to you guys later. Chandler, thank you for taking such meticulous care of Erin.

She was blessed to have met you.”

Chandler felt guilty when he heard that, but he could not let it show. He could only continue exchanging

pleasantries with a stiff face.

Soon, the call ended. This was the first time Chandler’s palms got sweaty when talking to Erin’s


He did not have the courage to tell Cherry the truth. Because even if Cherry learned about the situation

at that moment, she would not be of any help to the search for Erin.

Erin had already gone missing, so Chandler could not let anything happen to Erin’s mother and brother


Cherry and Gavin were abroad, but a number of bodyguards in casual clothes had appeared by their


Before Chandler put his phone back into his pocket, it rang.

Chandler saw that it was Osborn Hext calling, so he answered it without missing a beat.

“Hello, Mr. Frost. According to the new clues provided by the detective we’ve sent over, many tourists

have provided photos of the scenery and people they had taken that day. We’ve found a middle–aged

woman among these photos who looked very suspicious. When she walked into the restaurant, there

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

was nobody in the wheelchair at all. But when the middle–aged woman pushed the wheelchair out after

what happened to your bodyguards, there was an additional woman in it. We can see from the photos

given to us by the tourists that she pushed the wheelchair to board a tourist submarine. We’re already

looking at it following this lead, but if the suspect, Jack, disguised himself and used a fake passport to

leave and enter the border, it’ll still be very hard for us to investigate”

Osborn sounded serious and very pessimistic. If Jack had planned a perfect escape route before then,

then he would be hard to catch.

This would be very tricky for the detectives handling international cases.

Even a famous genius like Osborn felt it was tricky. This made Chandler’s heart sink a little more.

“Mr. Hext, with your past experience in handling cases, what’s the likeliest purpose of Jack kidnapping


Osborn pondered for a few seconds. “Pardon my bluntness, but it’s really hard to determine. If he’s

doing it for ransom, he should have made a move a long time ago; but he didn’t contact you at all. He

clearly doesn’t want to expose any clues for us to find. According to my preliminary deduction of the

criminal’s psyche, he most probably kidnapped Erin for somebody. Mr. Frost, did Jack really not have


conflict with you? Not even indirectly?”

Chandler had asked four hackers to do a thorough background check on Jack long before he hired

him. Jack grew up in an orphanage. and he did not have any family at all. Also, Chandler and Jack had

no bad blood between them.

“There’s no animosity between us, but I might need to have someone check on his identity again.”

Chandler could not help but suspect

that maybe there was a new change to Jack’s identity that they had not found out.

“Alright. Let’s keep in touch.” Osborn felt slightly pressured after accepting this case, so much so that

he had slept for less than three

hours in two days.

An hour later, Chandler returned to his villa. By that time, it was already 10 pm.

When he and Kyle walked into the living room of the villa, the people in there made him feel extremely

irritated in an instant. However, he

did not let it show.

Gaston got up from the couch with the support of his cane, then said while looking unhappy, “Chandler,

since you’re back from being abroad, why didn’t you go back to your new home? Did you forget that

you have a bride waiting for you at home?“”

Jazzlyn stood next to Gaston without making a sound, looking like a sweet and aggrieved new bride.

Chandler was so crazily occupied with Erin’s situation that he had long forgotten his wife.

At that moment, he was extremely exhausted. He could not bring himself to be pleasant to Gaston


Chandler just said calmly, “Grandpa, I’m going to be very busy these days. There are many business

affairs that I need to handle. Go home and take a rest. I’m going upstairs for a video conference now.”

Upon saying that, he went straight toward the staircase. He hadn’t spared Jazzlyn a glance.

Chandler was indifferent and a sense of disgust appeared in his eyes for a brief moment. Even if he

was not facing Jazzlyn, she still felt attacked. The fact that he had ignored her the entire time was what

hurt her the most.

She was left alone in the room on the first night after they got married, and the groom went abroad the

following day. After he returned, he did not stay in their new home. He completely ignored her, his new

bride. No matter how much Jazzlyn comforted herself, she could not

help but cry at that moment.

She felt she was thoroughly embarrassed in front of everybody.

She was not Mrs. Frost at all. She could not even be compared to the maids! [1]

As soon as Jazzlyn started crying, Gaston got so angry that his lace turned completely red. He banged

his cane on the floor and shouted angrily, “You brat! Stop right there!”

Chandler stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at Gaston. The annoyance in his eyes was

completely exposed and not

concealed at all.

Seeing his attitude, Gaston could not help but scold him, “You’ve gone too far, Chandler! Who do you

think Jazzlyn is to you? She’s already your legally–wedded wife. Even if you’re in an arranged

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

marriage, feelings can be slowly developed. No matter how busy you are, you need to know how to

care for your wife. If you’re just going to ignore her, why did you agree to marry her back then?”

Chandler had completely lost his ability to brush people off after Erin went missing. If Gaston and

Jazzlyn had not come and bothered him, he never would have thought of dealing with her at all.

Since they were already there, he might as well make himself clear.

“Grandpa, I agreed to marry Jazzlyn, but I didn’t promise that I have to be good to her. Loving her

would be even more impossible! If you’re alright with that, she’ll still be your granddaughter–in–law. I

have no opinions on that. If you don’t want me to keep ignoring her, I can

divorce her. I don’t mind that.”

Chandler’s calm tone made Gaston’s blood boil as soon as he heard it, and he became slightly

unstable on his feet. Jazzlyn was quite observant, so she immediately went to support him. “Grandpa,

are you alright?”

Tears were gushing down her face. She heard what Chandler said. She just did not dare think about it

carefully and pretended not to hear


Holding his chest, Gaston was so angry that he was trembling a little. “Jerk! What are you saying?

You’re really going to give me a heart


Chandler did not walk down the stairs. He looked at Kyle and said, “Kyle, take my grandfather home.

Jazzlyn, you stay behind. I have

something to say to you.”

Jazzlyn was afraid Chandler would say more hurtful things to her, so she looked at Gaston and said

while choking back a sob, “Grandpa **

Feeling all worked up, Gaston looked up and asked, “What do you want to say to Jazzlyn?”

Chandler’s words stunned everybody. In the presence of everyone, his gaze darkened as he suddenly

looked at Jazzlyn, then he said, ” Aren’t you blaming me for not consummating our marriage on the

night of our wedding? I’ll make it up to you tonight.”