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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 160
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Chapter 160 Concealing the Truth

Erin’s happy and warm smile made Sean frown a little. He was so shocked he almost revealed the


He even started to doubt if the news he got was wrong, absurdly wrong.

However, his uncle and Chandler’s uncle were in the same troop and were extremely tight!

If the time had not been changed. Chandler should be at his wedding at that moment. It was a secret

wedding held in the family’s residence, but it was still a wedding!

To avoid saying anything wrong. Sean did not tell her about this.

However, seeing how conflicted he looked, Erin could not help but ask, “What’s the matter? Is it so

incredulous to you that Chandler and I are together?”

“No, it’s not that I don’t believe it Erin, since you’re pregnant with Chandler’s child, when are you two

preparing to have your wedding?” he asked calmly.

A sense of helplessness appeared in Erin’s eyes for a moment. “I don’t know yet. To be honest with

you, Chandler’s father and grandfather still don’t approve of me…”

Sean felt sorry for her. Looking at this woman who was immersed in a happy relationship, he suddenly

felt the distance between them grow wider and wider.

He wanted to get close to her back then, but he did not get to because his lover, Anna, had passed


Once he missed the chance, the woman he once had a crush on but still admired very much at that

moment had already become a mother in a blink of an eye.

Sean stared at her belly, which was not showing yet. Even if he did not want to admit it, he could not

deny that a small life was already forming in it.

He looked down and sighed. “Life is really intriguing. You’ll miss out on some people without realizing


Hearing his lament, Erin simply stayed silent.

After a while, Sean looked up at her. “Erin, I’m very sorry! I’ve been too absorbed in my own world

these days that I’ve neglected you. From now on, I’ll reappear in your life again. Having learned that I’m

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a jerk who had casual sex with women, are you still willing to treat me as your friend?”

Sean’s eyes looked very sincere but also a little worried. Erin was also very sincere when she replied to

him, “Of course, you’re still my friend! As your friend, how you live your private life doesn’t have a direct

relationship with our friendship. As long as we respect each other and can get along, we’ll be friends for


Friends for life ***

The last three words she said made his heart ache a little when he heard it, but he did not say


He just said, “Since we’re friends, remember this, you’ll always have my shoulder to lean on. As long

as you don’t despise me, you can come to me any time whether you’re happy or upset.”

“You’re really good at joking. Mr. Dunn. Who am I to despise you? Let’s stop being so polite. Just as

you said, you don’t have to have dinner alone tonight! I have plenty of fresh seafood in my kitchen. The

chef was originally going to come to cook for me. If you’re in a good mood, I don’t mind having the food

you make!” Erin was thinking that lelling Sean do something might help him get through the grief of

losing his lover a little easier.

Sean was truly interested when he heard it. “Alright! I’ll do that! I don’t often cook, but I’m quite good at

it. I’ll let you have a taste of my cooking then! Lead the way. Where is the seafood?”

He immediately stood up as he could not wait. He had not been eating regularly at that time. Other than

drinking and smoking, he had been eating very little, so he had lost some weight.

Following him into the villa, Erin asked with a smile, “I’m guessing your cooking skills are used for the

sake of getting girls as well am I right? Candlelight dinner, wine, and flowers. Throw in a little dessert

and sweet talking, and you’ll naturally end up in bed together…”

Sean turned around and shook his head while squinting. “Erin, you know the moves very well. You’ve

watched a lot of TV shows, haven’t


She pushed his shoulder to make him walk forward. “Hurry up and go make preparations. The only

thing I know is that if you burn my fresh lobster, I’ll devour you!”

He looked down at her from the corner of his eyes and winked. “Which part of me do you want to


Erin was frozen for a moment. It was after a few seconds that she understood what he meant. She then

punched him and said angrily.” Sean! You really have a dirty mind! If you make this kind of joke again,

I’ll kick you out!”

“Alright, alright. I’m sorry. You said you’ll treat me as a friend, but you can’t even take a joke. Must you

be so serious? What’s the point of living if one can’t even crack a dirty joke?”

Sean walked into the kitchen, looking resentful. Then, he picked up the apron hanging on the wall put it

on, and said with great confidence. “I’m very worried. I’m scared that you’ll fall in love with my food,

then I’ll end up being the man you keep in the kitchen, won’t I?”

Erin chuckled. “It’s good to have confidence. I hope you won’t be proven wrong later. To let you be free

to do whatever you want, I’m going to first go take a shower. Call me when dinner’s ready. I’m already

starting to get hungry.”

Watching her back as she left without any shoes on, Sean felt his heart filled with an intriguing sense of


He knew very well no matter how perfect a dinner he prepared for her, Erin would never be sleeping

with him. However, he just wanted to

cook for her at that moment.

When he thought of how Erin might sing praises about the food he made, the immense anticipation

made him feel like he could not wait a second longer. He immediately went to catch the lobster from the


Ten minutes later, Hans brought two chefs with him and rang the doorbell..

Erin was still in the bathroom, so Sean went to get the door, wearing only an apron without any shirt on

and holding a dinner knife.

Hans was stunned when the door was opened while both the chefs looked at each other. Sean said

very bluntly, “I’m in charge of Erin’s dinner tonight. There’s no need for you two in the kitchen anymore.”

He immediately wanted to close the door, but Hans put his hand on it and asked, “Mr. Dunn, may I

know if Ms. Lane is in the villa?”

Sean shot Hans a glance, then spoke to the chefs in a foreign language, telling them they were not

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needed there anymore.

Both the chefs looked at each other at the same time. Hans then nodded, allowing them to leave.

After the chefs left, Sean said with a serious gaze, “Come to the kitchen. I happen to have something to

ask you.”

Hans looked a little confused. Without saying a word, he followed Sean into the villa and they went to

the kitchen.

To prevent Erin from hearing them after she came out of the bathroom, Sean purposely closed the

automated glass sliding door in the kitchen with a click of a button.

“Hans, be honest with me, Chandler is getting married today, isn’t he?”

Hans was already very shocked to see Sean suddenly appearing in Erin’s villa. When he heard Sean

questioning him like that, he did not

know how he should answer.

Hans‘ silence immediately confirmed the truth for Sean.

He said angrily, “Chandler really knows how to fucking play! Even if I’m a womanizer, I have never lied

to a woman before! Erin is staying in Mufrana like a fool but she had no idea Chandler has already

married another woman back home!”

Hans continued remaining silent. It was above his pay grade to mind the business between his boss

and his boss’s friend.

Other than reporting such a maller to Chandler or Kyle, Hans was very troubled himself. This was much

harder to deal with compared to fighting others to the death.

*Alright. You may leave. It’s useless to ask people like you anyway! I’ll ask Chandler about this.” Sean

waved In annoyance, asking Hans to leave.

Looking torn, Hans finally said, “Mr. Dunn, I hope you won’t tell Ms. Lane about this before you speak

to Mr. Frost.”


Sean rolled his eyes at him. “Do I need you to remind me about this? Do you think I love to rub salt into

other people’s wounds so much?

Erin is my friend! Chandler is also my friend! I’m fucking troubled myself at the fact that this has

happened …”