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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 157
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Chapter 157 Finally Pregnant

During the filming period, Roman had seen more than once how Erin’s eyes lit up when she mentioned

Chandler. It was as if all of her smiles had existed for him. As a man who secretly had feelings for her,

Roman could only bury his unrequited love deep down.

He extended his right hand and said, “Erin, I sincerely wish you the best! I hope you’ll have a fun trip

abroad with Chandler. If you have time when the movie is released, you have to attend the premiere

with me.”

Erin extended her right hand as well. “Thank you for your kind wishes, Roman! And thank you for

taking special care of me during this time! I promise that I’ll definitely attend the premiere with you! No

matter what, this is the first movie | acled in!”

Both of them said their farewells after thanking and giving each other well wishes.

Roman walked Erin to the entrance of the hotel and watched her leave after getting into the car.

He stood in place, feeling as if he had personally sent his love away. Sorrow and endless longing could

be seen in his eyes without him

realizing it, so much so that the guests who passed him by dare not bother him.

Roman was a famous, award–winning actor, but even if a few of his fans who occasionally walked past

him were extremely excited, they

did not dare to approach him.

The sorrow in Roman’s dark eyes filled the air around him. It was until his assistant, Ken, came looking

for him that he regained his senses

and returned to the private room.

Matthew–who was only making a cameo appearance–was caught in a drug scandal! It was exposed

online the following day after Erin returned to her hometown because her mother, Cherry, had

attempted to take her own life by taking sleeping pills.

After that, Matthew immediately went back with his manager to handle the public relations crisis. He

never returned to the film set ever

since, and nobody brought this matter up on set as well.

That was because Roman had told Erin that Matthew’s drug scandal might have been a setup. When

the truth was still unknown, the

director strictly prohibited the crew from spreading rumors and gossip. They were a production cursed

by scandals, so everybody was cautious and did not dare to cause any more trouble.

Ever since Matthew was forced to leave the set and Fleuverton, his phone had been turned off.

Therefore, even if Erin had forgiven him and

wanted to comfort and cheer him up while he was suffering from the scandal, she could only choose to

stay silent as she could not reach

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Two days later, Erin and Chandler returned to the city, boarded Chandler’s private plane at the

international airport, and flew to Mufrana.

Erin was tucked under a blanket on the plane and had just eaten a slice of apple. Sitting next to her,

Chandler held an exquisite porcelain plate and was about to stuff a slice of orange into her mouth.

Erin said with heavy eyelids, “I’m very sleepy. I don’t want to eat anymore

“Be good. Finish this before you sleep. You need to have enough vitamins every day.” His tone was

gentle and doting, but his gaze was


Ever since they started trying for a baby, Chandler had been doing the deed with Erin every night, not

letting her rest at all.

Erin’s period was already three days late, which made Chandler extra cautious. Unlike Erin, he did not

blindly think that her period was just

late. His sharp intuition told him that it was very likely Erin was already pregnant!

Feeling helpless, Erin finished the entire plate of fruit salad before she fell asleep.

Compared to shooting the movie, time flew by even quicker when they were having a vacation at

Mufrana. In a blink of an eye, more than a month had passed.

This was the longest vacation Erin had enjoyed since childhood.

Other than the routine video conference every day, Chandler, the perfect boyfriend, had spent all of his

time with her that month. He doted on Erin extremely so.


Erin thought many times that she was only just in a dream. Immersing in happiness completely healed

her from the trauma of her divorce back then. It was as if she had never been hurt before.

She got emotional and sighed in secret a few times. Perhaps her relationship with lan was just God

playing a joke on her, or it might just

be a test in her life.

She felt the time had slowed down every day she spent at Mulrana. She could lay lazily like a sloth

without moving at all. Whenever she wanted food, it would be delivered to her by a pair of attentive


“What are you thinking about?” Chandler was laying on a comfortable lounge chair with Erin in his arms

at that moment.

Erin smiled and said, “I was thinking I’m going to be a fat pig before the child is born!”

A sense of gentleness appeared in his eyes for a moment. He touched her belly gently and kissed the

top of her head. “Silly girl, you didn’t get fat at all aside from this part

Right when he was about to touch her in a naughty way, Erin quickly held his hand. “Don’t torture me.

Don’t torture yourself either. We

can’t do it in the first three months!”

Erin was already more than one month pregnant, and that period was the harshest torture Chandler

had to bear. He was facing a beautiful woman and beautiful scenery every day, but he could only look

at the scenery and was even forbidden to touch the beauty’s belly

Just as Chandler wanted to say something, his phone rang. He grabbed his phone from the small table

next to him and saw that it was

Kyle’s private number. However, the number was saved as “Quentin Frost on his phone.

Erin saw it too.

“Erin, I’m going to take this call. It’s my father.”

She nodded without saying anything.

Chandler took his phone and went inside. It was after he entered the study and closed the door that he

said, “What’s the matter?”

Kyle said, “Mr. Frost, I’m just reminding you that your wedding is in two days.”

His words made Chandler stand still for five whole seconds before replying with a poker lace. “I know.”

“Ms. Lane’s mother and brother arrived in Locaster yesterday. Her brother will officially start going to an

elite school in three days.”

“Alright.” Everything was going according to what he had arranged beforehand. Chandler then asked.

“Anything else?”

Kyle hesitated before he said. “There’s something regarding Ms. Lane’s father.”

Chandler frowned a little and felt slightly curious. Steven’s financial crisis had been completely

resolved. He even had Kyle send someone to invest fifty million dollars in Steven’s company. The last

time Kyle reported the situation to him, he said Steven had turned things around and went from

suffering a loss to starting to gain a significant profit.

“It’s nothing to do with business. What I want to talk about is Steven’s private matter. He had divorced

his wife a week ago and had married another woman two days ago. They even had a grand wedding in

Southwrok County.”

Chandler thought about it for two seconds after hearing what Kyle said. “Who’s the woman who

married him?”

*Tracy Brown.”

Chandler sneered. “Steven’s still got it despite his age, huh? It seems like he didn’t know Tracy used to

be somebody’s mistress.”

Kyle could not help but say, “I didn’t expect Tracy to be so vindictive! She couldn’t have lan, so she’s

taking revenge on Ms. Lane’s family.”

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Chandler said seriously, “Let’s ignore this for now. After all, this is Steven’s private affair. If Tracy only

cares about Steven’s money, then

let her be.”

“Yes, sir.”

After Chandler had supper with Erin al 10 pm, he left Mufrana. He told Erin something urgent had come

up at work, so he needed to return. to handle it in person.

Chandler had been keeping Erin accompanied for more than a month in Mufrana, so of course, she

believed him completely and did not

dare to keep him from his work as well. She even helped him pack his luggage with him.

When he was about to leave, Erin suddenly hugged him. “Chandler, why don’t I leave together with


Chandler hugged her gently. “Didn’t we agree that you’ll stay here and wait for my return?”

Erin’s eyes got teary. “I can’t bear to see you leave…*

“I know. I promise I’ll rush back as soon as possible. I’ve asked Hans and Jack to stay back and protect

you.” His gaze was filled with affection and gentleness. Looking at the woman he loved and was

carrying his child, his mind wavered.

Unfortunately, he could not.

“Erin, I’m going to go. Take care of yourself. I’ve put a card in your purse. You can use it wherever you

go from now on, and it has no limits. *He did his best to hold back his urge to stay back, gave her a

quick peck on the forehead, and left, dragging his luggage behind him.

He did not even have the courage to kiss her lips.

Just as they had agreed before, she did not see him off.

Erin stood in front of the door and watched Chandler leave the oceanfront villa with ten bodyguards.

The remaining thirty bodyguards

would keep Erin protected in shifts.

Erin could not sleep at 3 am.

Without Chandler’s company, the loneliness and desolation she suddenly was boundless.

Having spent more than one month from morning to night together, she had already gotten used to

seeing Chandler every day. The sudden separation made her feel like a huge place in her heart was


Erin could not help but rub her belly and said softly, “Baby, Daddy is only going back to our country for

the time being. He’ll return soon to

be with us. He even said he’ll live aboard with us for a period of time

She never would have known that Chandler had gone back to get married, but she was not the bride.

And Chandler also never would have known that after this farewell with Erin this time, they would be

parted for seven excruciatingly painful
