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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 140
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Chapter 140 Case Solved

The next morning. reporters surrounded the studio. Since Erin’s news made it to the top of the trending

topics, all major websites sent reporters overnight to follow the developments of the case closely. The

local authorities fell the pressure from public opinion and couldn’t afford to slack off with so many media

outlets watching.

At 8 am, five police cars entered the studio. It was reported that the suspect had turned himself in,

confessing to the crime and the sequence of events. When Erin received this news, she happened to

be in the hotel, and Roman had informed her about it over the phone.

He mentioned that the culprit was either a local resident of Fleuverton or a supporting actor on the set.

The investigators had found the

costumes and animal masks worn by the suspect in his rented house. Everything matched the

description provided by Erin.

The case was quickly solved, disappointing many media outlets that had come to Fleuverton thinking

they could get a sensational story.

Little did they expect it to be resolved so quickly.

The potential scoop of the year became an ordinary criminal case.

However, after this incident, the female actors in the crew became more cautious when going out, and

they often traveled in groups.

By 1 pm, filming resumed in the studio, and all the actors gradually returned to the set.

Following this incident, the staff in the studio and the production crew made a unanimous decision that

everyone entering or leaving the set must present valid identification. Those without identification would

not be allowed in even if they were accompanied by someone familiar. Even all the extras in the crew

obtained temporary actor certificates, which were processed overnight by the production staff.

Rumor had it that it was an order from a big shot. Erin naturally had no idea that this decision was

made due to Chandler putting pressure

on the CEO of the studio.

Originally, Chandler wanted to see Erin personally, but he received urgent news that his grandfather,

Gaston, had suffered a stroke and was hospitalized. Therefore, Chandler took a helicopter back to the

city at 10 am.

Before leaving, he didn’t even make a phone call to Erin. He wanted to see her, but he didn’t dare call

her. He was afraid that he wouldn’t be

able to leave after hearing her voice. He couldn’t afford to stay there any longer as his grandfather’s

condition was quite severe.

Erin also didn’t contact Chandler. She didn’t dare tell him about that incident. On one hand, she didn’t

want him to worry, and on the other

hand, she felt that it was too embarrassing and not worth mentioning. But since the news was already

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known to everyone, Erin was

somewhat disappointed that Chandler didn’t call her to show concern.

As her lawyer, Simon had already represented her in dealing with the investigators. Roman even had

Ken contact a bodyguard company, saying that they would assign someone to protect her. Meanwhile,

her boyfriend, Chandler remained silent. Erin felt that he didn’t care

about her, but she didn’t want to dwell on those negative and subjective emotions.

Feeling guilty about delaying the filming progress, Erin was determined to make up for the loss to the

production crew with her diligence. When she returned to the set, many people passing by would

intentionally or unintentionally look at her. She instantly became the center of attention, overshadowing

even the leading actors in the movie. It was difficult for people not to notice her.

As she had expected, there was a group of Internet users criticizing her online. They accused her of

shamelessly orchestrating and exploiting the incident for publicity, and they even voiced suspicions that

the arrested criminal might be her accomplice.

Of course, these comments were all anonymous. The trolls wouldn’t dare use their real accounts for

fear of overstepping legal boundaries. Currently, netizens weren’t required to register for accounts

using their real names, so they were still free to make irresponsible comments

without any moral restraint.

As Erin walked down a corridor wearing oversized sunglasses and a hat, she overheard two extras

playing palace maids talking about her.

“Why would any guy want to pursue Erin? Isn’t the lead actress, Megan, more beautiful?”

“Haven’t you seen the news online? It’s likely just an unscrupulous marketing stunt!”

“Really? That’s so disgusting!”

“It’s nothing special. Nowadays, people who want fame will do anything-”

“Erin actually looks pretty good and seems reserved. She should’ve just gotten ahead using her looks

to gain favor with the directors or

producers. Why did she have to create this kind of lousy scandal and ruin her own reputation?”

“Whatever. It has nothing to do with us. Let’s focus on our acting. Who knows, we might become

famous after a few years!”

“You’re right. Who would dare openly cause trouble on the set anyway?”

“It doesn’t matter. Erin has gained her lifteen minutes of fame one way or another.”

“It’s a pity that people like us care too much about our reputation. Otherwise, we might have had a

chance to become famous too.”

“Well. C’est la vie. That’s how life is.”

Listening to their malicious slandering, Erin was infuriated to the point of almost confronting them. But

then she realized that she didn’t even know these two extras, and they didn’t know her either. Why

should she bother reasoning with people who loved to gossip and didn’t know her at all? If they had

even an ounce of sensibility, they wouldn’t be gossiping behind someone’s back like this.

In the end, Erin held back her grievances and swallowed them. She should have known that when she

made the decision to report the

incident, she would have to bear the negative impact that came with it.

At that moment, a man’s voice sounded from behind her. “Erin!”

This shout made the two extras in front of her turn around, and their expressions instantly became

awkward and strained when they saw

Erin. They smiled at Erin gingerly and turned around to leave.

With a cold expression on her face, Erin turned around and looked at the man behind her.

“You’re quite proactive in returning to the set, aren’t you?” Percival was dressed casually and hadn’t

changed into his costume yet. He’d

just come back to the set. A young male assistant trailed after him.

Erin didn’t have a good impression of Percival, Whenever she thought about his affair with Megan, she

felt a little disgusted and looked down on him. Unexpectedly, Percival distanced himself from Megan

after she broke up with Simon. Erin had witnessed it twice–Megan

and Percival would cross paths and not acknowledge each other.

“You’re equally as proactive, Mr. Lowe,” Erin replied nonchalantly. She smiled faintly, nodded, and

continued walking forward.

Not taking a hint that Erin didn’t feel like talking to him. Percival took a few quick steps to catch up with

her and prattled away. “Did you know? We have a scene together tomorrow. I don’t know if you’ve

heard about it, but they say the screenwriter worked on it overnight.”

Erin’s footsteps immediately slowed down, and she gave him a sideways glance. “I haven’t heard

anything about it. What kind of change

did they make?”

Percival glanced at the male assistant behind him and said, “You can go back first. Tell the makeup

artist to wait for me in the dressing


“Okay, Percival.” The male assistant gave Percival and Erin a perfunctory smile and left first.

Was there really a need to dismiss the assistant to talk about a scene?

Erin had some doubts in her mind, so she looked at Percival, hoping he would provide an explanation.


Percival glanced at their surroundings and said, “If it’s convenient for you, follow me to the big tree

ahead. I don’t want others to overhear,

and I feel a bit embarrassed to talk about this-”

His suspenseful manner made Erin even more curious. In the previous script, she and Percival didn’t

have any confrontational scenes, and they didn’t even have any dialogue with each other while being in

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the same frame. Both of them were actors in the same crew, so why

couldn’t they talk about it here?

While Erin was hesitating, Megan appeared with Liliana and May. Instantly, the corridor leading to the

dressing room, which was not the

usual route taken by most suddenly became lively.

“Are you trying to seduce naive actresses again, Percival? Someone as calculating as Erin wouldn’t be

fooled by you, right?” Megan asked, sarcasm dripping from every word she said.

Looking at the three women approaching her with gentle steps, Erin could clearly sense that they didn’t

approach her with good intentions.

When she saw her cousin, May, she couldn’t help but sneer. Her expression immediately triggered a

retort from May. “What’s with that expression, Erin? Do you think that an extra like me isn’t worthy of

being friends with an acclaimed actress?”

Erin calmly replied, “I didn’t say anything. But if you choose to interpret it that way, I can’t do anything

about it.”

“Do you see that. May? Having acquaintances in the film industry doesn’t necessarily mean anything. It

would still depend on whether your connections are willing to promote you. You’re better off without a

connection like Erin so as not to tarnish your reputation. After all, she relies on scandals to gain

attention,” Megan said with an expression full of contempt as she stared Erin down.

Liliana added fuel to the fire from the side. “In my opinion, Claire, who plays the rat demon that is junior

to your fox demon, is perfect for the role of the fourth female lead. It’s a pity that auditions can be so

unfair sometimes.”

“You don’t understand, Liliana. Erin has Roman backing her and landing her the role of the fourth

female lead. Nowadays, newcomers only need to look pretty. It’s not like when I started; it was all about

acting skills back then.” Megan sarcastically insinuated that Erin got to where she was through

underhanded methods and connections.

Erin glanced at them casually and smiled courteously. “You can chat among yourselves. I’ll take my


Faced with their provocative words, Erin chose to leave. She turned around in a cool manner and

walked away without looking back.

Percival who had been ignored and left out the entire time, had a nefarious look in his eyes that he

swiftly concealed. There was a faint trace of excitement on his face as he squinted at Erin’s retreating

figure, finding her quite attractive.

Seeing that unfamiliar expression on the face of her former lover, Megan instantly felt displeased and

said, “Percival, don’t delude yourself. Women like Erin only have eyes for men like Roman and

Matthew. How could she be interested in you?”

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