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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 133
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Chapter 133 Blessed With Talent

When Erin. Matthew, and Roman arrived at the audition hall, Claire was already there. When she saw

Matthew standing next to Erin, her heart instantly felt a sharp sting that brought with it a mixture of pain

and discomfort.

There weren’t any unrelated personnel in the hall. Besides the director and the producer, there was

only one staff member. Roman walked over and sat next to the director and producer. 1

Erin glanced at Claire without saying a word. She politely greeted the director and producer.

Roman had already told her that the director who was in his forties, was a man of few words. He was

meticulous in his work and somewhat obsessed with directing. Therefore, when the audition candidates

arrived, the audition would start directly.

They started with Claire. It was a scene without props or computer special effects. Hence, it would be

entirely dependent on the actors” own performance. The plot was a scene where the demon hunter

used her special techniques to subdue demons in a battle against the fox demon. Both Erin and Claire

relied on the description of the fight scene in the script to improvise their acting.

This was also the director’s way of testing their ability to perform on the spot and how good their

comprehension was.

Claire was also dressed in men’s clothing. However, her youthful face still looked a tad too childish

even if her makeup was done in a way to accentuate masculinity.

Two minutes later, she’d given a performance that was not unexpected.

The disappointment in the director’s eyes was evident. With a deadpan expression, he gave his

critique. “Claire, your acting style is a bit too over the top. Besides that, your demon capturing wasn’t

believable–it didn’t look convincing.”

Claire was a bit defiant at his remark. She countered. “That’s because I don’t have any props! So, of

course, it would look kind of fake. Besides, I’m a girl. It’s impossible for me to really fight like a man


“Alright, step aside. You go next, Erin.”

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The director didn’t even give Claire another glance. She’d purposely arrived earlier to meet the director

and producer. When they arrived, she went all out to butter them up by acting coquettish and meek.

This greatly worsened the director’s impression of her. Not all directors cared for that kind of behavior,

especially in the entertainment industry. The director had seen all kinds of beautiful women day in and

day out, so he’d long since developed immunity toward pretty faces.

Right then, Erin walked forward and respectfully bowed to the audition panel that consisted of the

director, producer, and Roman. Matthew looked at Erin with anticipation, while Claire glared at Matthew

with anger. Meanwhile, Roman calmly waited for Erin to start her performance.

The moment Erin got into character, she suddenly transformed. She made everyone feel as if they

were onlookers at the scene of the demon capture.

Her fighting style was crafty and practical, invoking the feeling that she was adept at fighting on the go

and hinting at her past experiences. She showed unwavering and pure determination to capture the fox

demon. Unfortunately, the fox demon was too powerful and she was no match for it!

Not long after, she was forced to retreat. Despite using the ultimate move passed down from her

predecessors, she was still struck by the fox demon and suffered a grievous injury. With sheer

determination, she was barely able to remain standing, but she couldn’t hold herself back from spraying

out the blood that had come up to her throat due to the blow. Reacting quickly, she used the ragged

sword for vanquishing demons to shield herself. Blood stained the sword, and she murmured an

incantation to send the sword flying at the fox demon.

However, the fox demon effortlessly sent the sword flying back, and it pierced through the demon

hunter’s chest. Erin widened her eyes in pain and shock as veins popped on her forehead. Finally, she

succumbed to her injuries and fell to the ground as she lost consciousness. Her expression was full of

helplessness as she was unwilling to accept that she’d failed to capture the demon.

It wasn’t until a full half minute had passed that Roman’s applause brought the director and producer

back to their senses. Both of them had been completely immersed in the storyline, hoping for the

demon hunter to awaken, and hoping for someone to come to her rescue. The director felt slightly

embarrassed. He’d auditioned numerous actors, but today, he was captivated by such a simple plot

and an inexperienced amateur. He couldn’t help but think that some people were blessed and imbued

with talent from the day they were born. The moment they were given an opportunity, their talent would

shine through like a sparkling diamond. Erin happened to be one of those

talented individuals.

With the director and producer’s applause, Erin quickly got up from the ground and respectfully bowed

to the audition panel once more.

“Erin, thank you for your performance today. You’ve made me believe that even a supporting actress

can shine brightly!” The director had already gotten up from his seat and walked over to Erin.

“Get ready for filming in two days. Take care of the injury on your call and ask the light coordinator for

some good ointment that professionals use. Well done!” With that, the director left with a smile.

The producer furrowed his brows slightly and called out “Robert while chasing alter the director.

Claire, who had been left aside, was utterly livid. Her father had invested twenty million in the

production, yet the director ignored her presence completely!

She glanced at Erin, whom the director had just chosen implicitly, feeling a mixture of emotions. In

order to find out if that were really the case, she left and chased after the producer too.

Roman approached Erin and said. “You shouldn’t have practiced so hard!”

Both the director and Roman could tell that Erin had practiced many times to be able to perform those

fluid and seamless moves. She’d definitely gotten hurt here and there to achieve that.

Erin smiled and responded, “Okay.”

“Let’s go. I’ll take you to the fight choreographer to get some ointment.”

As the two were about to make a move, Matthew suddenly put an arm around Erin’s shoulder while

clicking his tongue and saying. “You’ve really impressed me, Erin. I’m looking forward to working with

you. There’s a chasing scene between the demon hunter and the general I’m playing. I can’t wait to

have you chase after me.”

Swiftly, Roman pulled Matthew’s hand off Erin’s shoulder and reminded him. “Matthew, don’t create

unnecessary scandals for Erin. You shouldn’t get too close to the actresses on sel. Please be more

mindful of your image as a celebrity.”

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Matthew felt humiliated at having his hand pulled off so unceremoniously. He complained, “Dude,

lighten up!”

“Roman is right. Keep your hands off me and stay away.” Erin’s expression was somewhat serious, but

her tone indicated that she wasn’t genuinely angry.

After Erin said that, Matthew glanced at her and slayed silent. Then, he walked away without saying

another word. And so, the three of them left the side hall. Matthew walked ahead, while Erin and

Roman filed behind. Since Roman and Matthew still had scenes to shoot. Erin went back to Roman’s

dressing room first.

Half an hour later, Erin had changed back into her own clothes and removed her makeup. Just as she

was about to study the script again, she received a text message from an unknown number.

Upon opening it, she saw a photo inside.

The person in the photo was Claire. The lighting in the photo was dim, and she seemed to be drunk as

she slumped on the sofa. Wearing a white dress with the hem slightly lifted and revealing her two

slender legs, she looked quite provocative.

But what caught Erin’s attention the most was the silhouette of a man who seemed to be squatting on

the ground. While others might not be able to recognize who it was, Erin could tell who it was instantly.

That silhouette belonged to none other than Chandler. From the photo, it seemed like he was engaged

in a disgraceful action.

Erin’s heart shattered into pieces, and she was shocked to the core! Her mind was thrown into chaos.

She wanted desperately to confront Chandler about this. Worse still, she couldn’t help but recall the

fact that Chandler used to have feelings for Claire. Could he still have feelings for her now?

The contents of the photo filled Erin’s mind completely. After calming herself down repeatedly, she

suppressed the impulse to call and confront Chandler. She didn’t want to accuse Chandler of cheating

on her without giving him to chance to say his side of the story.

Erin gripped her phone tightly and forwarded the photo to Chandler with the message: “Someone sent

this photo to me.”

Within ten seconds, Chandler’s call came through.

Erin immediately answered. His voice that came through the phone sounded somewhat impassive.

“What do you think of this photo. Erin?”