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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 11
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Chapter 11 A Misunderstanding

The hotel room door opened abruptly the second Erin rang the doorbell. Darkness was all she could

see as a large hand dragged her inside and pushed her against the door. She could taste the wine from

his lips, dulling her senses. The man was quite impatient.

Erin had been struggling from the start but was completely overpowered by him. Her body felt weak,

making her slide downward to the floor. The man carried her into the bedroom, where he pinned her

down with his body once she was on the bed. His movements were rough, without any trace of


“You look special tonight…”

Not even a few seconds later, Chandler stopped completely in his tracks, and a hand shot out to grab

at Erin’s neck.

Coldly, he said, “Why do I smell another man’s cologne all over you?”

This smell was familiar to him. Erin struggled to breathe and tried to get up, but he had pinned her

down completely. Although the lights were not turned on, she could feel his icy gaze on her. He was

like a black panther, waiting for the perfect time to strike and bite into his prey’s neck. She was terrified.

“Please, let go of me. I can’t breathe.”

Her voice came out in between breaths. Chandler’s gaze darkened and slightly loosened the grip on

her neck, though he still had his hand on her. “Don’t lie to me, I guarantee you will not be able to deal

with the consequences.”

His grip was strong, and it made her gasp in pain.

“I just came from the Royal Chamber and there was an old man there who thought that I was an escort

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and broke my dress strap. Then, another man helped me and even fixed it. Maybe he got some of his

cologne on me when he was fixing the strap. You can look at my dress if you don’t believe me”

Chandler eventually let go of her to turn on the table lamp, and his flawless face filled her vision. It’s

just that, at that moment, the man’s anger was still on full display on his face, deterring anyone from

getting close.

He got up to walk to the living room to look for the dress. Though the dress had been ruined, he could

still clearly see the bows on the straps and that one of the straps had been previously broken. Chandler

tossed the dress aside and domineeringly walked into the bedroom again.

Erin was hiding under the covers in shame and could not look at him. She shuddered as she

remembered how he’d grabbed her neck, and her heart skipped a beat. She never imagined that this

man could be so terrifying when he was angry.

“That’s a valid explanation, so I’ll let you off the hook for now. But remember: no one can ever touch

what is mine!”

His assertive and possessive tone rendered Erin speechless. He was merely a male escort. How could

he be so demanding?

“Can I go now?”

Chandler pulled off the covers in one move and threw them on the ground. There was a deep gaze in

his dark eyes, and he had alcohol on his breath, “That is the funniest thing I’ve heard today.” He

trapped her in his arms. “How could I let you go if I haven’t even started?”

In the end, she could not escape the inevitability of the night. Her listless expression angered Chandler

to no end, and his movements became more violent and aggressive. Two hours later, Chandler was

finally done with her. Erin was curled up in a corner of the room, watching him enter the bathroom.

She could not help but wonder, “Is Chandler a germaphobe?”

At this thought, she stood up and tiptoed to the bathroom to sneak a glance through a crack in the

bathroom door.

“Is there something you want to ask?” A pleasantly deep voice rang out from above her, startling her

before he dragged her into the bathroom. “Scrub my body,” he commanded.

Erin watched him, she knew that if she defied him, she would not be able to leave the bathroom. In the

end, she obediently helped him take a shower. After he was done with his shower and had put on his

clothes, Erin, who was only wearing a hotel robe, worriedly clutched her ruined dress. Chandler opened

the closet and took out a branded shopping bag.

He tossed the bag by her feet and said cooly, “It’s for you. Get dressed, I will take you home.”

He had already walked out of the bedroom. Erin immediately opened the bag and saw that there was a

black dress inside with the tag still attached. She looked at it in disgust. Though the clothes had not

been cleaned, she didn’t have a choice right now. It was either wear this or walk out naked.

Five minutes later, Chandler left the hotel with her. Chandler seemed to be in a bad mood tonight. She

remembered that he had still been gentle with her last time but it was almost as if he were a completely

different person now. She felt aggrieved and humiliation bubbled up within her.

Watching the sights that night and other couples sweetly holding hands, she could not help but feel

envious. Because of Ian’s unfaithfulness, she was the one who suffered in the end. And now she had

been reduced to being a hostage of a male escort due to some photos.

“Do you want to know why I am so careful everytime?” Chandler had on a cold expression, and his

voice was devoid of warmth.

Erin turned her head to look at him with flushed cheeks, “Why?”

He gave her a dismissive glance, “It’s because I would never let something like an accidental

pregnancy ever happen.”

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His answer truly stunned Erin. This is the reason why he used protection every time. He’s afraid that

she would accidentally conceive his child?

“Don’t think too highly of yourself, I treat everyone the same.”

This cold dismissive glance made Erin, who had been tormented the whole night, explode in anger, “

You are so funny, who would be stupid enough to want to conceive your child? Wouldn’t that just be the

most embarrassing thing ever?”

Who would want to have a child with this man? Chandler did not explain and had a hint of a mocking

smile on his face. She had completely misunderstood who he was.

“What are you laughing at? I fulfilled my promise today, there are only nine more times left. Once this is

over, you have to give me back my pictures!”

She decided that she was going to remind him of this every single time.

His gaze froze over, and his tone was upset, “What? Being with me is not enough to satisfy you? Do

you want to get rid of me so desperately?”

“Yes! I cannot wait to get rid of you!”

Her truthful statement triggered immense displeasure in Chandler, and he stomped on the brakes,

making them screech. “Say that again if you dare.”

Erin was terrified. Though it was late and there were not many cars on the road, braking so suddenly

was still way too dangerous. In the end, she said nothing.

Chandler dropped her off at her apartment and sped off. Watching the Maybach leave, she yelled,

“Psychopath! What’s gotten into you!”

Back at his villa, Chandler pulled off his necktie and leaned on his couch. He took out his phone from

his pocket and retrieved a picture. In the picture was a young woman with a radiant smile. She was as

beautiful and delicate as a doll.

He muttered, “Since you had already left with him, why did you come back?”