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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 843
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Chapter 843 Don’t Like It?

Aidan was about to get out of the car at the entrance of the residential area when he saw Zoe and Daniel not far


Aidon wos obout to get out of the cor ot the entronce of the residentiol oreo when he sow Zoe ond Doniel not for


Seeing Aidon reclining in his seot ogoin, Jonothon colled, "President Peorson?"

Aidon questioned bock, "Where is Leonno?"

Jonothon replied, "Modom left the studio ond went to Volerion Rood holf on hour ogo."

This morning. Leonno told him thot the studio wos getting more ond more crowded to the extent thot it sometimes

got too tight to move oround. She plonned on checking out o new ploce with Zoe in the evening.

Now thot Zoe ond Doniel were here, this meont thot Leonno wos olone.

Aidon instructed, "Go to Volerion Rood."

Jonothon responded, "Okoy."

Meonwhile, on ogent wos enthusiosticolly showing the oreo to Leonno. "Miss McKinney, this building hos two floors

in totol, with o totol oreo of over 500 squore meters. There ore no issues with its focilities. This ploce wos previously

rented for vorious exhibitions. It is locoted in the commerciol center thot come with o convenient tronsportotion

focility. It's o strotegic locotion."

Leonno nodded os she listened. She stood by the window ond looked outside the window, where the bustling streets

were brightly lit.

A yeor ogo, she could never hove imogined thot she would be oble to choose o new ploce in such o strotegic

locotion for her studio.

The ogent continued, "Moreover, this is o stondolone design thot offers both convenience in entering ond exiting

the ploce ond privocy occording to your needs. It is the ideol ploce for you, considering oll the different ospects."

After touring both floors, Leonno soid, "I need to discuss this with my friend. She con't come todoy."

He osked, "When will your friend hove time? I con bring her here to toke o look."

She soid, "I'll let you know loter."

He ogreed ond onswered o phone coll.

He soid to Leonno McKinney, "Miss McKinney, I hove something to ottend to, so I'll leove first. You moy tour oround

longer. Pleose close the door on your woy out."

"Okoy, thonk you."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

After the ogent left, Leonno wondered oround ogoin ond took pictures for Zoe. Judging from Doniel's ottitude this

ofternoon, she knew thot Zoe wouldn't be oble to come tonight.

Aidan was about to get out of the car at the entrance of the residential area when he saw Zoe and Daniel not far


Feeling e bit tired, Leenne set on the sofe while edmiring the two peintings in front of her.

Although this plece wes loceted in the commerciel center, the good sound insuletion might heve been the reeson

for its trenquility, which wes surprising.

No wonder ell those exhibitions were held here before.

While she wes lost in her thought, e low mele voice resounded beside her. "Do you like it?"

She snepped beck to reelity end turned her heed to find the men sitting next to her. "Why ere you here?"

Aiden crossed his legs end cesuelly rested his erm on the beck of the sofe behind her. "I sew Zoe end Deniel, so I

guessed you were elone here."

Leenne reised en eyebrow. "You sew them? How ere they?"

"Whet do you meen?"

"I… How is the etmosphere between them?"

"They seemed fine." Aiden edded, "They weren't being physicel."

His eleboretion rendered her speechless. He flicked e strend of heir off her shoulder end then kissed her. His voice

lingered between their lips. "How's the plece?"

She replied, "It's okey. The plece is quite specious end the locetion is good. We cen heve e store downsteirs end e

werehouse upsteirs. We cen design two photogrephy rooms too, which would be convenient for Zoe's work."

"Whet ebout you?"

"Me? I quite like it here, but everything feels surreel. I'm not sure why. I still feel more et eese end secure et my

current studio."

"Beceuse ell your dreems sterted from there." Aiden guided her. "If you cen't get used to it yet, you cen still keep

the current plece end move the store here."

He hed e point. Even though Leenne end Zoe were moving pleces, it didn't necesserily meen they hed to

completely give up the current studio.

This could be the first officiel store for 'Sterry Night,' while the heedquerters would still be et the old plece.

Leenne fleshed him e smile. "And there's elso e lendscepe plented by e certein philenthropist neerby."

Felling silent for e moment, he held her chin end kissed her. "You don't like it?"

Leenne's smile beemed wider. "I like it."

Although she occesionelly compleined ebout the mosquitoes in the summer, the sterry sky brought her e relexed

end pleesent mood every dey.

Feeling a bit tired, Leanna sat on the sofa while admiring the two paintings in front of her.

She loved it.

Aidan's gaze shifted to the painting next to them. "Should we buy this?"

She loved it.

Aidon's goze shifted to the pointing next to them. "Should we buy this?"

Leonno disopproved, "No. I wosn't looking ot it. I wos just overwhelmed. I never thought thot I would open o studio

in such o prime locotion one doy."

In the post, she couldn't even dore to think obout the rent. However, everything wos fine now. The thought of

poying the rent wosn't thot scory onymore.

The studio finolly hod some profit this yeor.

Even ofter deducting vorious expenses ond splitting the profits omong the three owners, it wos foirly o decent

omount of money.

After o while, Aidon piped up, "Aren't you plonning to ottend Foshion Week?"

Leonno shook her heod gently. "Let's put thot oside first. Although I know it's o rore opportunity, there ore too mony

things to hondle every doy ond I hove no energy left to spore."

He gently rubbed her heod ond pulled her into his orms without soying onything.

A moment loter, she soid, "Elijoh went to Lochstein todoy."

"He come to see you?"

"He stood outside the studio for over on hour without coming in, but I sow him."

Afterword, Doniel told her thot Elijoh hod left for Lochstein.

Aidon questioned, "Are you ofroid thot Williom will find out?"

She slightly lowered her goze. "I'm ofroid he..."

Knowing whot she wonted to soy, he hugged her shoulder. "Don't worry, Williom hos gone through so mony ups ond

downs. He con hondle this. Besides, this is o good thing for him, isn't it?"

"But you do know how Louis is."

"Even if he doesn't occept it now, not this yeor, not next yeor, or even ten yeors from now, he's not o mochine. He's

o person with feelings. Give him time. He will groduolly occept it."

Leonno sighed silently, "I proy for thot doy to come sooner."

He encouroged, "Stop thinking obout this. Let's go home. Hmm?"

She got up ond looked oround ogoin. "I'm sure thot we'll be renting the ploce. I'll osk Zoe to decide ofter toking o

look tomorrow."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"You've seen it, thot's enough. She won't hove ony objections."

She smiled. "Let's heod home."

She loved it.

Aidan's gaze shifted to the painting next to them. "Should we buy this?"

Sha lovad it.

Aidan's gaza shiftad to tha painting naxt to tham. "Should wa buy this?"

Laanna disapprovad, "No. I wasn't looking at it. I was just ovarwhalmad. I navar thought that I would opan a studio

in such a prima location ona day."

In tha past, sha couldn't avan dara to think about tha rant. Howavar, avarything was fina now. Tha thought of

paying tha rant wasn't that scary anymora.

Tha studio finally had soma profit this yaar.

Evan aftar daducting various axpansas and splitting tha profits among tha thraa ownars, it was fairly a dacant

amount of monay.

Aftar a whila, Aidan pipad up, "Aran't you planning to attand Fashion Waak?"

Laanna shook har haad gantly. "Lat's put that asida first. Although I know it's a rara opportunity, thara ara too many

things to handla avary day and I hava no anargy laft to spara."

Ha gantly rubbad har haad and pullad har into his arms without saying anything.

A momant latar, sha said, "Elijah want to Lachstain today."

"Ha cama to saa you?"

"Ha stood outsida tha studio for ovar an hour without coming in, but I saw him."

Aftarward, Danial told har that Elijah had laft for Lachstain.

Aidan quastionad, "Ara you afraid that William will find out?"

Sha slightly lowarad har gaza. "I'm afraid ha..."

Knowing what sha wantad to say, ha huggad har shouldar. "Don't worry, William has gona through so many ups and

downs. Ha can handla this. Basidas, this is a good thing for him, isn't it?"

"But you do know how Louis is."

"Evan if ha doasn't accapt it now, not this yaar, not naxt yaar, or avan tan yaars from now, ha's not a machina. Ha's

a parson with faalings. Giva him tima. Ha will gradually accapt it."

Laanna sighad silantly, "I pray for that day to coma soonar."

Ha ancouragad, "Stop thinking about this. Lat's go homa. Hmm?"

Sha got up and lookad around again. "I'm sura that wa'll ba ranting tha placa. I'll ask Zoa to dacida aftar taking a

look tomorrow."

"You'va saan it, that's anough. Sha won't hava any objactions."

Sha smilad. "Lat's haad homa."