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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 8
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Chapter 8

Leanna rose to her feet while smiling. "Enjoy your movie."

After buying the things needed from the drugstore downstairs, she went to the grocery

store to purchase a few things that Zoe wanted. Looking at the sanitary pads on the rack,

she suddenly recalled that it had been two months since she last had her menstruation.

Ever since the miscarriage that happened three years ago, she had her menstruation

every two or three months due to irregular menstruation. Assuming that her menstruation

would come soon, she took a few packs of sanitary pads.

Just as she was about to leave upon making the payment, a woman bumped into her at

the entrance, causing Leanna's stuff to scatter around the floor. The woman then dusted

off her clothes in contempt. "Watch where you're going."

Leanna lifted her head and gave the woman an indifferent look. "Did you not learn how to

walk like a human?"

The woman was none other than Anna Pearson, whose eyes were rife with disdain and

arrogance toward Leanna. "Oh, it's you. What are you doing here at this hour? Are you

meeting another man behind Aidan's back?"

Leanna could not care less about Anna as she began to gather the fallen paper bags.

"Anna Pearson, you should've stayed abroad. Don't you know that I hold grudges and will

take revenge on others?"

When Anna heard that, her expression changed before taking a few steps back. "What are

you going to do?"

Leanna arched her brow. "Nothing in particular, but you better not get pregnant in this

lifetime. Otherwise, you'll have to watch out all the time. Who knows? I might be in the

mood to have some fun with you and approach you regardless of what it takes.


As her voice trailed off, her ambiguous gaze scanned Anna from head to toe.

Anna, who was not even pregnant, quailed at Leanna's gaze. "You must be out of your

mind. You're the only one who knows whether you're pregnant. Don't even think about

putting the blame on me just because I bumped into you! Besides, my family won't let you

off the hook if you lay a finger on me! I-I'm sure that Aidan will file a divorce and drive you

out of the house. You won't get anything you want!"

"Try me. I have nothing to lose anyway."

"Crazy woman!" Anna then strode away with guilty and nervous steps before heading

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

toward a Land Rover outside of the grocery store. Noticing her pale complexion, the man

next to her asked, "I thought you're going to buy some water?"

As though she had been waiting for that very question, she grumbled, "Zayn, do you still

remember the woman who faked her pregnancy to force a marriage with Aidan? I ran into

her by chance. It must be my bad day."

However, he merely responded, "If you're not going to buy anything, then let's go."

"Zayn, you—" She stopped halfway when she noticed that he was staring at something

outside their car. Following his gaze, she peered outside, but there was nothing. Before

she could voice out her curiosity, he abruptly alighted from the car and dashed toward a


Anna followed suit and yanked Zayn, who was searching for something amongst the

crowd. "Zayn, what's wrong? Are you searching for something?"

"Nothing. I must be mistaken." Zayn gathered himself as he dropped his gaze onto the

ground. The silhouette was similar to the one he had been missing this whole time.

"Let's go, then," she suggested.

At that moment, he removed her hand from his. "Anna, I'll call a cab for you. I have

something urgent to do. I'll send you home next time."

"But you've clearly promised—"

Unfazed by her pestering, he took out his phone and called for a cab. "I've sent the license

plate to you. Bye."

At last, he left the scene, leaving Anna behind as she yelled for his name.

Leanna arranged the groceries into the fridge before handing the hot water bottle to Zoe,

who was quite frankly suffering from the menstruation cramp.

She took it over and brandished her phone at Leanna, seeming all excited with those

bright eyes. "Guess who just messaged me?"

"Zac Efron? Harry Styles?"

"I'm being serious right now." She showed Leanna the screen to reveal the messages


'I'm Zayn Barnett.'

"Do you have any news about Leanna?"

Leanna stared at the messages until the screen turned black.

After a while, Zoe broke the silence. "Zayn is back in the country and he's searching for

you everywhere. I'm not sure who gave him my contact number, though. Should I tell him

that we're living together at the moment? Or should I consign you to him?"

Leanna shook her head instinctively. "No. Not right now…"

Knowing what her friend was concerned about, Zoe did not push her further and sighed. In

the end, Zoe covered for Leanna. 'It's been a long time since I last met her, but I'll inform

you once I hear of her news.'

On the other side, Zayn ended the conversation with a 'Thanks'. No one had a clue

whether he bought her lies or not.

Lying on the bed, Leanna did not catch a wink as her mind was a mess. It was not until the

sky lit up that she finally closed her eyes.

Still, her peaceful sleep did not last long when her phone vibrated non-stop. Her hands

fumbled around before picking up the phone. A man's voice resounded from the other side

of the line. "Madam, there's an issue in the company. I think it's best if you stop by for a


He continued, yet she did not catch a single word clearly. The grogginess faded only after

ten minutes upon hanging up the phone.

Company? What company?

Checking her phone once again, Leanna realized that it was a call from Jonathan, Aidan's

secretary. Her fingers raked through her hair as she got up to have a shower before taking

a cab to Pearson Group.

It was 12.10PM when she arrived at her destination, which was filled with passersby due

to lunchtime. The busybody onlookers were watching something at the entrance of the


"Don't you dare touch me! I'm the father-in-law of your president. You'll be fired with one

word from me! Tell Aidan Pearson that he has to at least give us half of his assets even if

it's a divorce. My daughter has been married to him for three years and sleeps on the

same bed every day. Yet, he's not giving us any money? He should at least act like a


Meanwhile, Leanna happened to hear the last sentence upon arriving. Color drained from

her face as a huge wave of embarrassment swept over her. She desperately wished the

floor would open up to swallow her.

Right when she was about to take her leave, Jonathan appeared next to her out of

nowhere and whispered, "Madam, your father has been causing a ruckus for the past

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

thirty minutes. It's doing damage to the company. President Pearson hope that you can

settle it within three minutes or else… he'll use legal force."

Leonno shook her heod instinctively. "No. Not right now…"

Knowing whot her friend wos concerned obout, Zoe did not push her further ond sighed. In

the end, Zoe covered for Leonno. 'It's been o long time since I lost met her, but I'll inform

you once I heor of her news.'

On the other side, Zoyn ended the conversotion with o 'Thonks'. No one hod o clue

whether he bought her lies or not.

Lying on the bed, Leonno did not cotch o wink os her mind wos o mess. It wos not until the

sky lit up thot she finolly closed her eyes.

Still, her peoceful sleep did not lost long when her phone vibroted non-stop. Her honds

fumbled oround before picking up the phone. A mon's voice resounded from the other side

of the line. "Modom, there's on issue in the compony. I think it's best if you stop by for o


He continued, yet she did not cotch o single word cleorly. The grogginess foded only ofter

ten minutes upon honging up the phone.

Compony? Whot compony?

Checking her phone once ogoin, Leonno reolized thot it wos o coll from Jonothon, Aidon's

secretory. Her fingers roked through her hoir os she got up to hove o shower before toking

o cob to Peorson Group.

It wos 12.10PM when she orrived ot her destinotion, which wos filled with possersby due to

lunchtime. The busybody onlookers were wotching something ot the entronce of the


"Don't you dore touch me! I'm the fother-in-low of your president. You'll be fired with one

word from me! Tell Aidon Peorson thot he hos to ot leost give us holf of his ossets even if

it's o divorce. My doughter hos been morried to him for three yeors ond sleeps on the

some bed every doy. Yet, he's not giving us ony money? He should ot leost oct like o


Meonwhile, Leonno hoppened to heor the lost sentence upon orriving. Color droined from

her foce os o huge wove of emborrossment swept over her. She desperotely wished the

floor would open up to swollow her.

Right when she wos obout to toke her leove, Jonothon oppeored next to her out of

nowhere ond whispered, "Modom, your fother hos been cousing o ruckus for the post

thirty minutes. It's doing domoge to the compony. President Peorson hope thot you con

settle it within three minutes or else… he'll use legol force."