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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 5
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Chapter 5

This was why Aidan basically never went out with her in tow.

Even Oscar had only seen Leanna twice.

Once because Aidan had forgotten to bring a document and Leanna, who was afraid that it

might affect his work, delivered it to his office for him. Although Aidan treated her very

coldly in return and she was disappointed, she did not whine about it. She certainly looked

very obedient and sensible.

The second time was at the birthday banquet of Old Master Pearson, Gordon. It also

happened to be the second year of Leanna and Aidan's marriage. At the same time, it was

evident that everyone from the Pearsons did not treat her kindly as nobody bothered to

introduce her to anyone.

That night, Leanna was no different to a servant of the Pearson Family. Even though she

ran around busily, no one praised her for it. On the contrary, they all found her irritating

and meddlesome.

After that, she stood in a corner while facing everybody's mockery. Despite that, she did

not rebuke as she only lowered her head and stayed further away from the event.

In Oscar's recollection, Aidan's wife was someone whom anyone could pick on as she did

not retort even after being bullied.

The fierce looking woman tonight cannot be her.

A speechless Aidan was still looking into the direction that Leanna had gone to.

With a few coughs, Oscar changed the subject. "I bumped into Harvey at the entrance."

Aidan asked, "Who?"

"The head editor of Lux Jewelry."

"I think I might know him."

Since the Pearson Group had worked with Lux Jewelry a few times prior, Aidan was

acquainted with their head editor.

Oscar continued, "Harvey told me earlier that they found McK. If everything goes well,

she'll become the designer of their magazine. You remember who McK is, right?"

"I don't."

Why should I have to remember people I have nothing to do with?

With that, he explained it to Aidan, "Then, you should at least remember about the

seventh Emerging Designer Competition you sponsored three years ago, right? It was McK

who came first place that year. Originally, she would have been sponsored by your

company to further her studies in Aeras. But for some unknown reason, she gave up on

the opportunity."

"I heard that she found the person-in-charge of the competition and asked if they could

give her cash in lieu of the sponsorship. However, you rejected it after the person-in-

charge inquired about it to you. She vanished after that. Too bad, she really was a talented


Slowly focusing his gaze back at Oscar, Aidan was thinking about something else and did

not hear a word that was said.

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"Oh. Can't recall."

On the ladies' way back, Harvey could obviously feel Leanna's mood had soured after the


Since it would be awkward to ask her outright, he raised his eyebrows at Zoe instead to do

the questioning.

Yet, she lightly shook her head, signaling that it was hard to explain.

The car was parked at the entrance of Zoe's apartment block before Harvey gushed, "Miss

McKinney, I'm looking forward to what you'll come up with and I hope we can achieve a

fruitful collaboration."

Leanna, who had somewhat calmed down, composed herself and nodded. "Thanks, Mr.

Mancini. I'll work hard for it."

The smiling editor concluded, "I won't take up anymore of your time then. Get going. I'll

see you guys around."

When they arrived home, Zoe initiated the topic. "Nana, are you angry over those two?"

A bit dazed, Leanna reacted only after a few seconds. "I'm not. I was thinking about the


The theme Harvey gave her this time was 'first love'. Zoe told her that this was the first

series their magazine would push after they signed their first designer as they were

aiming to break through the youth market.

Therefore, the product this time was very pivotal to them.

Still, 'first love' was something that had become very alien to Leanna.

The blissfulness that came along when spending time with the one you adored had

disappeared in the three years of her marriage.

"Speaking of this, I wanted to ask you this. Hasn't Zayn contacted you at all?" Zoe said.

In response, Leanna shook her head.

Three years ago, she had gotten the chance to further her studies in Aeras when she won

first place in the competition, however, she rejected it.

Back then, Zayn Barnett visited her a few times to ask her reasons for refusing.

In his expression was doubt, loneliness and also disappointment.

Even so, she did not have the guts to tell him the truth even until the end and went as far

as to delete his contact.

What could she have said?

Could I have told him that on the night of winning first place in the competition—just as I

was immersed in joy—I would receive the news that my father, Jethro, had owed the loan

sharks one million?

Even till now, she found it hard to get over that shock.

Sighing, Zoe lay against the couch. "I still think that it was a pity between you and Zayn.

Back then, you two were supposed to be the perfect pair. Even the blind could see that

both of you liked each other. You were so close to being with him. I thought that you two

would be together after going to Aeras. Who knew that kind of thing would happen… Sigh.

Fate really does work in mysterious ways."

It was only after a while did Leanna respond, "It's all in the past now."

"Hey, let's change the subject. Oh right, you wanna know gossip concerning Mia? Let me

tell you, when she first entered the industry for a magazine shoot, she didn't even know

what a fill light was, so she actually…"

That evening, Zoe spent the first half of the night making her best friend laugh with jokes

and exaggeration before proceeding to curse at the shameless couple for the rest of the


However, when Leanna lay on bed, her mind was repeating the words that Mia had said to

her in the toilet.

As much as she knew that those ugly and undignified words would never come out of

Aidan's mouth, she admitted that his description of her would not be too far off.

Knowing that it was her who dragged Aidan down, she had tried her best to be the perfect

wife during their marriage. Regardless of the insults or mockery from the Pearsons that

were hurled at her, never had she once complained about it.

She also knew how much he hated her.

Despite her tough front, she still felt pain after being on the receiving end of countless

vicious comments and insults.

That night, Leanna curled up in her blanket and recalled something in a drowsy state.

Three years ago, after knowing that Jethro had a debt of one million, she tried to get

money in any way she could—going so far as to let down her pride and ask the person-in-

charge of the competition to see if she could exchange the chance of going to Aeras with


Even till now, she remembered clearly what the person told her. "I'm sorry, Miss McK, but

our boss has said that the chance is given to people who really have a passion for design

and not someone who seeks monetary gain."

After hearing this, she was stunned for so long before cursing the so-called boss the entire

night while crying at home.

Who are they looking down at? Who doesn't have a pure and simple dream?

With Jethro's disappearance, the debtors came knocking on their door a few days later,

forcing a choice against Leanna.

It was either they slice one of her brother's hands or she went with them willingly.

Left with no choice, Leanna followed the debtors silently while ignoring Louis no matter

how hard he screamed for her.

The debtors sold her to the Patheon Club, a place where the wealthy went. It was a

destination where pleasure, debauchery and thrill met.

One night, her drink was spiked.

Although she was mentally prepared for this, the moment a fat middle-aged man entered

the room, she suddenly thought of Zayn and their promise to meet at Aeras; a promise

that never came true.

Mustering her strength she never knew she had, Leanna pushed the man aside and

stumbled out the room.

Promptly, there were a bunch of people chasing after her.

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After escaping and running for an unknown amount of time, she finally saw a blurry figure

before her eyes. Crashing onto the ground, she tugged on his expensive-feeling suit pants.

"I beg you. Please, save me…"

Thot evening, Zoe spent the first holf of the night moking her best friend lough with jokes

ond exoggerotion before proceeding to curse ot the shomeless couple for the rest of the


However, when Leonno loy on bed, her mind wos repeoting the words thot Mio hod soid to

her in the toilet.

As much os she knew thot those ugly ond undignified words would never come out of

Aidon's mouth, she odmitted thot his description of her would not be too for off.

Knowing thot it wos her who drogged Aidon down, she hod tried her best to be the perfect

wife during their morrioge. Regordless of the insults or mockery from the Peorsons thot

were hurled ot her, never hod she once comploined obout it.

She olso knew how much he hoted her.

Despite her tough front, she still felt poin ofter being on the receiving end of countless

vicious comments ond insults.

Thot night, Leonno curled up in her blonket ond recolled something in o drowsy stote.

Three yeors ogo, ofter knowing thot Jethro hod o debt of one million, she tried to get

money in ony woy she could—going so for os to let down her pride ond osk the person-in-

chorge of the competition to see if she could exchonge the chonce of going to Aeros with


Even till now, she remembered cleorly whot the person told her. "I'm sorry, Miss McK, but

our boss hos soid thot the chonce is given to people who reolly hove o possion for design

ond not someone who seeks monetory goin."

After heoring this, she wos stunned for so long before cursing the so-colled boss the entire

night while crying ot home.

Who ore they looking down ot? Who doesn't hove o pure ond simple dreom?

With Jethro's disoppeoronce, the debtors come knocking on their door o few doys loter,

forcing o choice ogoinst Leonno.

It wos either they slice one of her brother's honds or she went with them willingly.

Left with no choice, Leonno followed the debtors silently while ignoring Louis no motter

how hord he screomed for her.

The debtors sold her to the Potheon Club, o ploce where the weolthy went. It wos o

destinotion where pleosure, debouchery ond thrill met.

One night, her drink wos spiked.

Although she wos mentolly prepored for this, the moment o fot middle-oged mon entered

the room, she suddenly thought of Zoyn ond their promise to meet ot Aeros; o promise

thot never come true.

Mustering her strength she never knew she hod, Leonno pushed the mon oside ond

stumbled out the room.

Promptly, there were o bunch of people chosing ofter her.

After escoping ond running for on unknown omount of time, she finolly sow o blurry figure

before her eyes. Croshing onto the ground, she tugged on his expensive-feeling suit ponts.

"I beg you. Pleose, sove me…"