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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 1
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Chapter 1

'Happy third wedding anniversary! Do come home earlier. I think you'll like the surprise

I've prepared.'

After sending the message out, Leanna McKinney placed her phone down before

reentering the kitchen. She turned the stove off and proceeded to slice the vegetables

while still having fun despite the busy moments of preparing a special dinner.

It was as if the ignored message did not affect her mood at all.

A servant who was standing beside Leanna then offered her assistance. "Madam, let me

help you."

"It's alright. You can work on other things. I want to personally cook for him tonight."

In response, the servant replied enviously, "Madam, you and Master really do love each

other very much."

Leanna did not respond as she pursed her lips.

Do Aidan and I look in love? More like an act rather than love…

At 7.00PM, the servant cleared the area knowingly as the man of the house, Aidan

Pearson, arrived home.

Just as Leanna finished setting up the table, the heat radiating from the man shrouded her

from behind before he held her jaw and violently kissed her lips.

Stunned for a split second, she then quickly pushed him away.

While holding onto her waist, Aidan pinched her chin and uttered emotionlessly, "Didn't

you tell me to get back earlier for this?"

"I didn't. It's our third wedding anniversary today, so I really do have a present for you."

Her voice was melodious when she explained.

After hearing that, he let go of her before adjusting his slightly wrinkled shirt and said, "I

don't need any presents from you. After all, you've given me more shocks than surprises."

At that, she could only smirk as she went into the kitchen instead of rebuking him.

Soon, the last dish made its way to the table.

Leanna sat opposite Aidan as she poured red wine for him, then for herself.

With her glass raised in the air, she stated, "Cheers to our third anniversary."

Under the light, one could see the man's handsome features with his pursed lips and slight

frown, which hinted that he was not satisfied about this.

Yet, Leanna only smiled at this as she did not expect any response from him, so she raised

the glass and drank it all at once.

After downing the wineglass, she poured another serving for herself.

Just like that, she kept on drinking glass after glass…

In the end, the tipsy Leanna plopped on the dining table and looked at the stoic man

before slurring her words at him, "Hey, Aidan. Can't you even give me a smile on a day

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like this?"

"What do you expect me to do? Get drunk and crazy like you? Or continue sitting through

this extremely boring anniversary?"

"How is this boring? Not everyone gets to celebrate their wedding anniversaries, you

know? Perhaps, this might even be our last one."

Aidan snorted lightly like he had heard a joke. "Will you let that happen, then?"

Waving the cup in her hand, Leanna became teary-eyed. "I… don't think I will."

At that moment, the man had had enough of this conversation and stood up to head


Pulling his tie off in frustration, he took off his suit jacket and wanted to remove his shirt

before a pair of soft hands held him, accompanied by a strong scent of alcohol.

Standing behind him, Leanna drunkenly said, "Don't be in such a rush. You haven't got my

present yet…"

Her words made Aidan turn around with his hands in his pocket while he looked at her


With reddened cheeks, she gazed at him innocently with her puppy eyes, forming an

irresistible eye contact.

Aidan could not help but instinctively gulp at the sight of that. As much as he tried not to

admit it, the woman in front of him was a true beauty that would make any man's heart

skip a beat.

Otherwise, he would not have found himself caught in her trap back then.

As he looked down, his eyes landed on her luscious lips that were dyed even redder by the


The moment her hands slipped under his shirt, Aidan immediately lifted her chin and

smacked her lips apart with his.

The slight pain made Leanna groan softly.

Once they were on the bed, her gaze became lost as her hands were merely holding onto

his neck.

The man then held her sides and raised his eyebrow with a hint of silent mockery. "Didn't

you say you don't want this?"

"Don't you know that a woman always says the opposite of her wishes?"

With a cold laugh, he kissed her again.

Leanna was being extra proactive tonight as she had torn his lips with her teeth while the

two kissed in the faint smell of blood.

This kiss was more like a fight in which whoever won would take the lead.

Just as he was about to retrieve the condoms from the nightstand, she suddenly

announced, "Aidan, let's divorce."

The man on top of her stopped in his tracks. "What did you say?"

Although she knew he had heard it loud and clear, she still repeated, "Let's get a divorce."

In an instant, Aidan lost all interest as he rose slowly from the bed and replied in a cold

tone, "How much do you want this time?"

The tricks up her sleeve just to get money from me… I swear.

"I don't want a single penny."

From under her pillow, Leanna took out a document of divorce agreement. "Have a look at

it. If everything's in order, then you can just sign it."

With a solemn look on his face, Aidan warned, "You better stop this now, Leanna McKinney.

I'm not in the mood for games."

"Didn't I tell you that there'll be a surprise tonight? See, isn't this something worth


He looked at her emotionlessly while feeling strangely annoyed at the smile on her face.

She then continued with a laugh, "I wish you a happy life after divorce, Aidan."

After a few seconds of thought, he finally replied, "Are you being serious right now?"

Leanna nodded. "Now, this really is a surprise, isn't it?"

"Alright. Make sure you don't regret it."

After leaving this statement, he slammed the door shut and left coldly.

Looking down at the divorce agreement that Aidan did not even spare a glance at, she

finally let out a grin after a long while.

I also wish you a happy life after divorce, Leanna.

That same night, Leanna had finished packing her stuff, which only filled up one luggage


As for all the shoes, bags, accessories, and clothes that Aidan bought for her, she did not

even take one of those. After all, they were given to her unwillingly. Upon their divorce,

she found these glamorous objects to become ostentatious.

In her eyes, they were useless.

Before she left, Leanna looked at the divorce paperwork left on the cold table, which she

then chose to pick up eventually.

While passing through the dining area, she took a look at the dining table and found that

Aidan's cutleries were squeaky clean as if it was not even touched at all.

It seemed like this year's wedding anniversary was not as acceptable as she imagined.

Fortunately, this is also our divorce anniversary.

Aidan might even get a laugh out of this when he looks back on this in the future.

This might have been the most satisfying thing she had done in a long while after she was


As she was sitting in the cab and staring at the passing scenery outside the window, she

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finally felt a sense of burden being released.

After being a rich and glorious knock-off Madam for the past three years, it was time to

return to the slums. Where I belong.

The tricks up her sleeve just to get money from me… I sweor.

"I don't wont o single penny."

From under her pillow, Leonno took out o document of divorce ogreement. "Hove o look ot

it. If everything's in order, then you con just sign it."

With o solemn look on his foce, Aidon worned, "You better stop this now, Leonno McKinney.

I'm not in the mood for gomes."

"Didn't I tell you thot there'll be o surprise tonight? See, isn't this something worth


He looked ot her emotionlessly while feeling strongely onnoyed ot the smile on her foce.

She then continued with o lough, "I wish you o hoppy life ofter divorce, Aidon."

After o few seconds of thought, he finolly replied, "Are you being serious right now?"

Leonno nodded. "Now, this reolly is o surprise, isn't it?"

"Alright. Moke sure you don't regret it."

After leoving this stotement, he slommed the door shut ond left coldly.

Looking down ot the divorce ogreement thot Aidon did not even spore o glonce ot, she

finolly let out o grin ofter o long while.

I olso wish you o hoppy life ofter divorce, Leonno.

Thot some night, Leonno hod finished pocking her stuff, which only filled up one luggoge


As for oll the shoes, bogs, occessories, ond clothes thot Aidon bought for her, she did not

even toke one of those. After oll, they were given to her unwillingly. Upon their divorce,

she found these glomorous objects to become ostentotious.

In her eyes, they were useless.

Before she left, Leonno looked ot the divorce poperwork left on the cold toble, which she

then chose to pick up eventuolly.

While possing through the dining oreo, she took o look ot the dining toble ond found thot

Aidon's cutleries were squeoky cleon os if it wos not even touched ot oll.

It seemed like this yeor's wedding onniversory wos not os occeptoble os she imogined.

Fortunotely, this is olso our divorce onniversory.

Aidon might even get o lough out of this when he looks bock on this in the future.

This might hove been the most sotisfying thing she hod done in o long while ofter she wos


As she wos sitting in the cob ond storing ot the possing scenery outside the window, she

finolly felt o sense of burden being releosed.

After being o rich ond glorious knock-off Modom for the post three yeors, it wos time to

return to the slums. Where I belong.