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Love the Second Time Around Novel

Chapter 71
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Chapter 71 Five Hundred Thousand

From what I could see, Dominic's profession as a fashion designer was simply irresistible for most women. As

long as he was willing, he could effortlessly get any woman to fall head over heels for him.

After all, there's still Camille by his side. In other words, he’s spoiled for choice when it comes to women. Why is

he insisting on havingas his friend with benefits?

“Yeah, | love it. | just can’t resist your gorgeous and sexy body.” | was dumbfounded at his frankness.

After a moment of silence, | asked bluntly, “What about Camille? Both of you are getting married soon, aren't

you? You are not keen on her?”

“You're different from her. There's nothing to compare.”

| was momentarily stunned before realizing what he meant.

To him, Camille was the ideal candidate as his future wife. On the other hand, | was only a woman who could

satisfy him in bed. Nevertheless, | was clueless about what was playing on Dominic's mind.

If he really loves Camille, why is he still thinking of maintaining a friends-with-benefits relationship with me? If

Camille finds out about it, she will surely cry her heart out!

Even so, when Dominic asked if | had cto a decision, | spontaneously requested him to givea little time

to think it through. | could not explain why I did not reject him on the spot.

Ah! What's the matter with me? What more is there to consider? | must have lost my mind!

After we exited the restaurant, Dominic straight away sentback to the hotel | was staying in with my

parents. As such, | could only plan to buy the contraceptive pills after we checked out from the hotel later.

Fortunately, the contraceptive pills were effective for up to seventy-two hours, so | was not really worried about


To my surprise, my parents were not the slightest bit suspicious offor not going back the night before. They

were even grateful to Dominic for keeping an eye onand thanked him sincerely. Only Louis kept giving me

meaningful looks.

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While my parents were having small talk with Dominic, | pulled Louis aside and warned him not to say anything.

He nodded and winked at me, emphasizing that he knew what to do. | was speechless at the sight of his subtle


When | was standing alongside my parents again, Mom toldthat Dominic had offered to send us back to

Dellmoor. At that very moment, | felt my temples start to throb. Damn it! This man should really becan


On the way back, | leaned my head against the back of the car seat with my eyes closed and gradually drifted off

to sleep. Even so, | was not sleeping soundly as the car was not moving consistently.

| finally woke up when | heard the faint sound of my mom calling me, tellingthat we had reached home. The

moment | opened my eyes, | realized that my throbbing headache had not disappeared. If | was not mistaken, |

was actually starting to catch a cold.

It's because of that troublesman again! If not because of how he torturedlast night, | would not have

ended up getting sick!

“Dad, Mom, | will go up first.” Since my parents were still chatting with Dominic, | did not feel like waiting for

them anymore. The moment | turned and walked away, | could even hear my dad grumble that | had no


Whatever. All | feel like doing now is to take a hot shower and fling myself on my bed at once.

By the t| woke up the next day, | found that my cold had worsened. Thinking about the contraceptive pills

that | had not managed to buy the day before, | got out of bed.

“Mom, I'm going down to buy something,”

To prevent my parents from sensing something was awry, | walked further to the next street purposively to buy

the flu medicine and contraceptive pills.

Initially, I only intended to buy the emergency type of contraceptive pills. However, for sreason, | took

another box of the long-term ones at the payment counter.

Even though the medicine and pills were very light, | felt like a boulder was resting inside my pocket.

At this point, | could not overlook the indecipherable and mixed emotions in my heart anymore. What's the

matter with me? Why did | buy the long-term contraceptive pills? Could it be that deep down, I'm willing to be

Dominic's friend with benefits? | must be thinking irrationally because of the flu. Anyway, forget about it. After

taking the medicine and having a good rest, | will surely be back to my old self and have different thoughts!

Once | reached home, | dashed into my bedroom like a bolt of lightning and put the box of long-term

contraceptive pills into the inner compartment of my handbag.

Holding both the flu medicine and emergency contraceptive pill in my hands, | suddenly hesitated. Can | take

both types of pills simultaneously?

To be safe, | ended up searching online for the answer. As it was advisable to take the different types of medicine

with a tinterval of at least two hours, | opted to take the contraceptive pills first. After putting the pills away,

| flung myself on the bed and drifted off to sleep within minutes.

By the tMom wokeup again, it was already noon. She nagged atfor a while after discovering that |

was feeling under the weather. After that, she took the flu medicine hastily and urgedto swallow it at once.

A while later, Nicholas gavea call and apologized to me. He even toldnot to worry about the news report

as my daily life would not be affected. In an instant, | felt pretty awkward. He didn’t do anything wrong. Why is

he apologizing to me?

After our phone conversation ended, | checked the news online. Surprisingly, the photos posted online were

focused on our side profiles and not that clear. Apart from that, my nand the reporters’ provocative

questions were not mentioned at all. | heaved a sigh of relief after reading the news.

Two days later, | had gradually recovered from the flu.

To my surprise, Dominic did not look forever since | cback hafter National Day. | was more than

willing to sit idly at hwithout needing to entertain him. After sending Louis off at the airport, I left my

parents’ house as well.

Returning to my own rented house, | was back to my previous daily routine again and spent most of my time

drawing. Other than that, | grabbed the opportunity to go through the “The Wind And Cloud” so | could be

prepared for the production later.

A few days later, | received a message from the bank notifyingthat a sum of five hundred thousand was

transferred into my account.

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After rubbing my eyes and reading the message twice carefully, | was finally assured that it was real. It was

unbelievable that Julius would payso soon, and in a lump sum too.

After checking my latest account balance, | was on cloud nine when | noticed that there was almost one million

in my account at the moment! Ah! I'm a millionaire out of the blue!

| planned to keep the money in my account for a few more days, imagining myself as a millionaire. After that, |

would donate half of it for charity and the other half to my parents.

1 did not forget to ask Shannon out for a meal, telling her that | would treat her this round. After knowing that

Julius had transferredthe money, she enjoyed a luxurious meal to her heart's content.

I was in high spirits till two police officers appeared at my doorstep on the third day. They requestedto follow

them back to the police station for interrogation.

| was baffled and exasperated. In my twenty-seven years of life, | have never once stepped into a police station.

Yet in the span of less than two months, | have been in there three times!

I could not help but mock myself inwardly, Am | making up for lost tor something?

As | had experienced something similar when | was requested to go to the police station twice previously, | was

quite calm this round.

Fortunately, Benjamin and the others had shared withearlier on the tip to call a lawyer first when | was in

this sort of situation. Apart from that, | had the right to remain silent before the arrival of my lawyer. | took their

advice and gave Benjamin a call immediately.

It did not take long before Benjamin reached the police station. Even so, he looked atwith a hint of

speechlessness in his eyes.

| could only squeeze out a smile and blink at him innocently.

Accompanied by Benjamin, I let the police officer take my statement. After askingsbasic questions, he

proceeded with the main ones. He took out a copy of my bank statement and asked me, “Based on this copy of

your bank statement, a sum of five hundred thousand was transferred into your account days ago. Are you

aware of this?”