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Love the Second Time Around Novel

Chapter 159
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Chapter 159 She Is Not Going

After pondering for a while, | decided to buy stby replying to James, “Can you givea little more time

on this? I will try to think it through and update you later.”

Deep down, | knew | had to butter Dominic up at night so he would be willing to share withwhat was playing

on his mind at that time.

James smiled and nodded approvingly but toldnot to take too long.

After that, he assigned his secretary to passa photo album, tellingthat | had the chance to shortlist the

candidates for the male and female lead. If my shortlisted candidates turned out to be ideal ones during the

audition, they would be able to get the roles fixed.

| was over the moon the moment | knew that | had the right to do so. It never crossed my mind that | would be

given the opportunity for the shortlisting. The thought spurred my excitement in an instant.

Shannon was as excited as | was. Our minds were preoccupied with the shortlisting of the candidates for the

male lead. We could not wait to flip through the photo album.

My goodness! This photo album is indeed a collection of pictures of trending celebrities. | can’t believe that | get

to choose from the various types of good-looking male actors, ranging from energetic young ones, macho ones,

and alluring ones. Oh, my god! All of them are simply irresistible for me!

My eyes lit up as | asked James excitedly, “James, if those whom | shortlist attend the audition later, can | come

to have a look? Do | have the right to vote for them?”

James nodded and replied, “Of course. We think highly of your selection. After all, this is your artwork. Thus, we

believe you are the best person who can shortlist the ideal candidates for the male and female lead.”

“All right. I will go through all one by one and choose properly,” | responded delightedly. Shannon and | prepared

to take our leave after that.

She was interested in shortlisting the candidates together with me. Thus, we planned to find a place to sit down

and talk it through.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Right then, James called out to us abruptly. It seemed he had something to tell us.

“Since we have talked about the work matter, let's talk about something more relaxing. Christmas Eve is just

around the corner. Let's meet up for a celebration,” he suggested eagerly.

Christmas Eve? Oh yeah, it’s already nineteenth today. So Christmas will be next week!

| was not keen on celebrating festivals all this while, and | did not really enjoy the boisterous festive atmosphere.

However, Shannon seemed to be interested. My gut instinct toldthat Dominic did not really enjoy celebrating

festivals as well. He did not look like one who would celebrate Christmas.

“Dom, what do you think? Do you have any other plans? If possible, ask both Benjamin and Mitch to join us then.

It has been quite a while since we last had a gathering. How about we grab the chance for a short vacation

overseas?” James asked Dominic excitedly.

Right that instant, | felt like slapping myself. How can | forget that he had spent five years overseas before this?

He must have experienced memorable Christmas celebrations there throughout those years. Did he celebrate it

annually with Camille?

In James’ and the others’ eyes, he and Camille were undoubtedly a pair of lovebirds. If | tagged along with them

this year, | might end up raining on their parade. Apart from that, | foresaw that | would be feeling down in the

dumps along the trip.

No way! | won't be able to stand their public display of affection!

| forced a smile and uttered casually, “You guys go ahead with your plan. I'm not joining, as I'm going back to

accompany my grandpa.”

Shannon turned to look atin disappointment. “Ah! Aren’t you joining us? Con, let's go together. If you

are not going, | will be the only lady in the group. How can you have the heart to leavewatching paint dry

with them?”

James teasedby chiming in deliberately, “Liliana, if you are not joining us, I will invite a group of gorgeous

ladies in bikinis then. Are you sure you won't mind at all?”

| shot him a penetrating glance and scoffed inwardly. Hmph! Just invite as many beauties as you like. That's none

of my business! After all, there'll be someone who keeps Dominic company even if you don’t invite those

gorgeous women!

Thus, | made up my mind and replied firmly, “It’s up to you. I'm not going with you. Shannon, you can still have

fun by joining them.”

| was suddenly not in the mood to go for a meal with Shannon and go through photos of the eye candies.

“Shannon, | have surgent matters to be resolved. Let's meet another day to shortlist the candidates. You

guys go ahead discussing your Christmas trip. I'm leaving now.” | waved at Shannon and walked away.

“Liliana, what's the matter with you? Liliana, wait a minute!” Shannon yelled out hastily, trying to stop me.

Turning a deaf ear to her, | quickened my pace and strode out of the meeting room with piles of documents in my

hand. Later, | hailed a cab hright after stepping out of Galaxy Corporation.

Not long after | reached home, Dominic was has well. Somehow, | did not feel like talking to him. Nor did |

feel like asking him about his feelings when he drew the comic.

When | was about to stand up from the couch and make my way to the bedroom, Dominic moved swiftly and

pinnedon it.

With a grim look, he commanded, “Join us for our Christmas trip. | don’t want to hear you say no!”

| turned my head away and refused to look at him. “I’m not going!”

Grasping my chin, he forcedto look into his eyes and enunciated coldly, “You have no right to say no to me!”

| flipped out instantaneously and gritted my teeth. “Dominic Hartnell, don’t forget that we are supposed to keep

mum about our relationship. If so, why are you insisting that | must join the Christmas trip? Isn't it good enough

since Camille is accompanying you? Besides, | have emphasized numerous times about my loathing toward her,

haven't I? | don’t want to get my mood spoiled by running into her. Do you get me?”

“So you don’t feel like going because of her?” Dominic was stunned before he blurted out the words.

My goodness! Why is he still asking such a simple question?

“Yes, it's because of her! | know well about my role and limitations. I'm not interested in the public display of

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

affection between you and her. Don’t make a fool out of me!” | lashed out at him.

Surprisingly, Dominic did not utter any words. | doubted if he was infuriated by my words. Pfft! Whatever, | have

my temper as well. Why should | need to torture myself by bottling up my feelings?

| was feeling uncomfortable as he was pinninghard on the couch. Mustering up my strength, | tried to shove

him away. “Let go of me. It's tforto go through my script.”

“Allocate ttomorrow to get your passport done,” he said coldly.

| felt my temples start to throb. | have explained so much to him. Why can’t he get what | mean?

“Dominic Hartnell, don’t you get me? | said I'm not going!” | yelled at him.

He glared atand snapped coldly, “Camille won't be joining. It’s just us and the rest. Stop givingthose

absurd excuses again.”

Blinking my eyes, | asked him hesitantly, “Are you sure she is not going?”

Nonetheless, he rose with a sullen look and stomped into the bedroom without sparinga glance.

Seated motionless on the couch for quite a while, | could hardly believe what | had just heard. Did | get him

wrong? Christmas is one of the important festivals for couples to spend ttogether; yet, he said that Camille

is not going. Ah! He even remindedto get my passport done tomorrow. So he is really planning to celebrate

Christmas withoverseas?

All of a sudden, | brightened up at the thought.

By the tDominic stepped out of the bedroom again, he had already changed into casual wear. “Stop

daydreaming! Get the dinner ready now!”

His sudden bellow of anger wokeup from my contemplation. | sprang up from the couch and responded

instantly, “Ah! Okay!”

Since my mood got better, | wanted to ask him further about how he drew the comic. As | needed a favor from

him, | decided to exercise restraint and express my sincerity.

Without hesitation, | poured a glass of warm milk and made my way toward the study.