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Love at First Night (Frank and Judith)

Chapter 75
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Chapter 75

Judith took a sip of water and asked, “Mr. Taylor, where do you want to go for dinner?” She knew that

nich men were used to exotic delicacies. Unfortunately, Judith didn’t think she had enough money to

treat Frank to any expensive restaurants. Frank looked at Judith’s pure face. His eyes flashed slightly as

he pondered. After a while, the corners of his lips curled up. “Let’s go to the restaurant from last time. Its

meals are pretty good.” Frank and Gary also went to this restaurant many times. Judith was happy to

hear that because she could still afford to eat there. “Let’s go then! It’s just the right time. It’s crowded

there on the weekend.” Judith also liked that restaurant very much.

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She couldn’t wait to taste the seafood there. That was her favorite. Judith thought, “I’ll go there with

Adam another day!” “Let’s go!” Frank raised his head and drank some water. Judith looked sideways and

froze a bit. The moment Frank raised his head, his face looked more intoxicating than ever before. Frank

gave others a sense of alienation and indifference, but the light inadvertently shone from his eyes could

always steal the heart of the people who looked at him. He was like Apollo. Frank’s entire body gave off

an oppressive aura as if he was the king, and the others were kneeling down by his feet. Frank was like

the sun. When people passed by him, they couldn’t help but look at this handsome guy with amazement.

Frank suddenly looked at Judith, as if he sensed Judith’s stare. His gaze was deep and seemed to carry

a sense of attraction, causing people to sink to hell if only he gave the order. Judith stared at Frank for a

long time and suddenly realized that she had lost her composure. Judith quickly retracted her gaze, and

her face flushed a lot. Her heartbeat also accelerated. She quickly swallowed and felt extremely

embarrassed for her loss of composure. Judith lowered her head. She, who had always been confident,

did not dare to look at Frank at this moment. She held her bag so tightly that her hand turned pale from

nervousness. Gosh! She was attracted to Frank! Judith didn’t even know when this feeling came up.

Frank smiled evilly as he looked at Judith’s blushing face. Her adorable expression was deeply engraved

in Frank’s heart The girl’s face that he had seen in his childhood overlapped with Judith’s current

appearance. The shocking similarity made Frank’s heartbeat go rapidly, and his eyes lit up with hope.

What he needed to do now was wait for Gary to find out everything. During this period, Patrick, who

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finally compromised, called Frank many times, but Frank did not answer. Frank turned his phone to silent

on purpose. Poor Patrick! He just delayed for a few seconds, and he was blacklisted by Frank. In a short

period, it would be impossible for Patrick to see Frank again. Although Patrick worked hard, he still made

Frank unhappy. More importantly, Patrick made Frank unable to help Judith. After Patrick found out the

reason, he almost cried his eyes out. He was regretful. Why didn’t he agree much earlier? If he had

agreed that earlier, he would even have got a three-story villa from Frank. “Ms. White, I knew you studied

in Mayfield for your bachelor’s degree. I wonder which primary school you went to.” Frank asked

casually. Judith suddenly looked at Frank strangely. Why did he ask about this? Frank smiled and

explained, “Ms. White, sorry if I offended you. I am just curious.” Judith chuckled inwardly, “Wise reason.”

D She thought for a moment and said, “I lost a part of my memory. I just remember that I studied in

Marbleash in primary school. And then I came to Mayfield in junior high school.”