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Love at First Night (Frank and Judith)

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63

The breakfast diner was as popular as ever, More people gathered there on weekends. Many customers

brought their kids as well. The breakfast looked even more alive than usual. Frank took out his phone,

opened the screen, scanned the QR code, and prepared to take his order. Frank looked at Eric and

asked gently, “Eric, what do you want to eat? I will help you take your order.” Eric paused a bit. He

glanced at his phone and smiled, “Thank you, sir, I want to take the breakfast away and eat it at home

with mom.” Frank pursed his lips slightly, and a deep look flashed across his deep eyes. He continued,

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“Your mom has your dad to be with her, but I’m alone. Could Eric eat here with me?” He was probing.

Frank wondered if Eric had a father. When Eric heard the word ‘dad’, his face suddenly changed and he

sounded colder. “I’m sorry, sir. I think I’d better go home and eat with my mother. So, thanks, but no

thanks. Goodbye!” With that, Eric went to the waiter and ordered some breakfast with cash. He asked to

take it away. Frank sensed the change in Eric’s tone. When Frank mentioned the word “dad”, Eric

sounded more distant, Frank held his phone more tightly as he stood still. Frank was the kind of person

that one could not ignore. The passers-by could not help but look back at him. Frank’s deep black eyes

looked through the crowd, quietly watching the small figure in the crowd. Frank lowered his head, and

the lights in the dining room shone on his face, making him look somewhat lonely.

Eric didn’t have a dad, did he?

Damn Adam! How could he erase everything about Judith? Lack of information made Frank suffocate a

lot. He felt so anxious, The food Eric ordered was quickly packed up. Eric carried his breakfast and

walked out. Suddenly, he saw Frank still standing still. Eric walked over and greeted him politely,

“Goodbye, sir!” When Frank heard Eric’s voice, he was slightly dumbfounded. Frank didn’t expect that

Eric would come over and

greet him. He raised his lips slightly, looked at his handsome little face, and smiled, “Eric, goodbye!”

Frank thought, “Tomorrow, they will meet again.” Eric walked out with a smile.

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A little girl who had been looking at Eric for a long time suddenly shouted at her mother, “Mom, I think I

just saw Eric.” The little girl pointed at Eric’s back, her pink little face brimming with a bright smile. Her

mother just smiled and did not speak, signaling the little girl to sit down and go on eating. Frank glanced

at the little girl, and there was a subtle change in his cold eyes. Frank suddenly smiled and turned to

leave the diner. When Frank got out, he felt his heart slipping away following Eric as he saw Eric off.

Frank took out his phone and dialed Gary’s number. “Hello?” Gary didn’t sound sober. His voice sounded

hoarse. Frank’s face darkened and he roared, “Gary, why are you still in bed? Have you called Eric’s

agent?” On the other side of the line, Gary only felt confused. Being woken up early in the morning, he

felt quite offended. Didn’t Gary deserve a happy weekend? He had been almost exhausted these days.