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Love at First Night (Frank and Judith)

Chapter 406
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Chapter 406

Frank’s words reminded Judith of what Adam had told her.

Frank had several car accidents before because somebody did something to his car

Maybe what Adam had said was true Gina wanted to kill Frunk and then take all of his assets

In her mind, she instantly realized that it wasn’t easy for him.

Sometimes, she could see his fragile side from his sharp and dark eyes

Frank watched as Steve’s car left and he retracted his game.

Looking at Judith from the side, he suddenly saw a bit of worry and pily in her eyes His mood instantly

Improved a lot

“Judy, let’s go straight to the garage.” His tone was low but gentle

“Okay” Judith came back to her senses and nodded in panic

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Frank smiled and went to the garage.

Along the way, neither of thern said a word

Judith looked at Frank’s lonely back, and she couldn’t help but ache in her heart Frank regretted letting

Judith see the scene just now

Steve and Gina were the two people that he hated the most in his life

As soon as Frank saw Gina and Steve, he remembered his past Al that time, he did not have the power

as now Everything was limited to the

He endured the humiliation Even if he was wronged and scolded by his father, he would always bear if in

his mind

The anger in his heart hadn’t erupted until now. Perhaps he would be able to be relieved soon:

Frank opened the car door and let Judith sit in. Only then did he return to the driver’s seat, starting the

car and leaving the garage Only then did Frank speak. Judy, should we go directly to your house or

“Let’s go to the Riverside Road, Judith interrupted him and told him the address.

Frank was a little confused Why didn’t she go home directly?

He asked her. “Judy, what are you going there for?

Judith looked at him with a mysterious smile. “You’ll know when you get there.’

“Alright Frank nodded gently

He drove to the Riverside District

Frank suddenly thought of Edwin’s words and asked, “Judy, does Lucas like 10 use a computer?” Judith

nodded, “He likes it. I also bought him one in his room to watch TV or other things. He likes to be quiet

alone or stays in his room all day, reading books, and occasionally watching TV” is the compuler Just for

watching TV?” Frank asked doubtfully.

Judith looked at him doubtfully, ‘He’s such a young child Are you worried that he’ll go see the others?”

Frank smiled. Judy, you think too much I didn’t mean that. I just feel that Lucas is very obedienii He is

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reading all day long lam very curious that he is very capable of self-discipline”

of course He is my son Judith did not hide her proud tone. Her pretty little face was filled with a proud


Frank replied to her in his heart. “He was also his son”

Judy, can you tell me what happened to you when you were a child?” Frank didn’t know what was going

on Al This moment, he just wanted her to tell him everything!

Judith suddenly looked at him strangely and asked, “Why do you want to know about my childhood?”

We are friends now Can’t you tell me?” Frank saw that there were not many cars in front of hin, so he

quickly glanced at her

Everyone had sorrow and joy in their lives, and he had heard too much of her sadness, so he wanted to

hear something more!

Judith smiled. You are such a strange person. Why do you ask about other people’s childhood? She

said, “Don’t you know that I am Judith? Do you think I will have a good life in the Cooper family?”

Speaking of the past, it was like revealing one’s paint