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Love at First Night (Frank and Judith)

Chapter 373
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Chapter 373

Now that Frank had found the girl he loved, he didn’t even dare to admit it, just because he was afraid

that Gina would once again destroy the happiness he had obtained with great difficulty. “Mr. Taylor,

sleeping with a wolf every night and you never feel disgusted. You’re amazing.” “Gary, what do you

mean?” Eliza looked at Gary coldly. “What did I mean? You are not deaf. You don’t need me to repeat

myself, do you?” When Gary was angry, he was sharp tongued. Gina looked up at Gary with gloomy

eyes and said bitterly, “Gary, how could you say so? “I’ve never done anything bad to you. Why did you

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call me a wolf?” “You…”

“Gary.” Frank suddenly interrupted Gary. As Frank turned to look at Gina, his ice-cold gaze seemed to be

able to pierce through the soul, causing Gina to shudder. He sneered, “Your acting today is amazing.

Next time, you can meet me on the top floor and jump directly out of that. Then my relationship with my

father will be completely broken, and your goal will be achieved.” After that, he strode downstairs. “Frank,

you…” Carlo roared angrily at the figure that had left without any hesitation. “Frank, wait for me!” Gary

chased after him. He hadn’t released his anger yet! How could Frank endure it? Hearing the faded

footsteps of the two, Gina breathed a sigh of relief! Usually, Frank would come back alone. He had

seldom brought his three buddies with him. However, Gary came with him today, which surprised Gina.

No matter what, Carlo believed her. That was the most important. It didn’t matter if others believe her or

not! Gina’s thin body was on the verge of collapse. Her body gradually slid down. She felt that her whole

body was in great pain! The cold and penetrating gaze from Frank just now had startled her. “Mom, are

you OK?” Eliza worriedly looked at her. When Carlo saw this, he quickly went downstairs to support

Gina. “Gina, you always know Frank’s temper. Why did you chase after him?” Gina looked back at him

with a guilty expression and answered, “Carlo, it’s rare for Frank to come back. I want him to stay and

have a meal with you. You haven’t eaten with him for a long time.” Carlo sighed heavily. “Forget it. He’s

an adult now. If he doesn’t want to come back, just let him! As long as he can live happily outside!” Every

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time Frank returned, there would be an argument. Carlo thought that Frank might never forgive him for

the rest of his life. People made mistakes, but the mistake he had made would never be forgiven by his

son. “Mom, do you want to go to the hospital?” Eliza asked. Her mind was a mess. Thinking back to

Gary’s cold gaze just now, she felt very uncomfortable! “No need. Help me back to my room.” Gina

looked at Carlo with a gentle gaze. All of Carlo’s anger instantly disappeared. “Let’s go! I’ll help you back

to the room!” His tone was much gentler than usual. “Alright!” When Gina heard the gentle voice, a faint

smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. “Carlo, you will never escape my grasp!” Gina thought.

After all, Mila had never appeared again all these years since she had threatened her with Frank and

Kathleen’s lives.