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Love at First Night (Frank and Judith)

Chapter 112
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Chapter 112

Frank ate for a while and felt Edwin’s gaze. Chewing, Frank looked at Edwin. Seeing that Edwin’s gaze

was very strange, Frank couldn’t help but ask, “Is this your first time seeing me eat? Your curious face

makes me feel a little embarrassed.” Edwin smiled elegantly. His every move was graceful. Edwin said,

“The dishes are cold, but you seem to enjoy them. You look aloof on the outside but very happy on the

inside.” Frank also smiled. He had a son. Of course, he was happy. In the past, he did not even dare to

think about having a son. Suddenly, one day, Frank had a son. The boy was good-looking and a famous

child star, so Frank was naturally happy. Edwin looked at Frank and felt that Frank was hiding something

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from him. Edwin could not help but ask, “Frank, are you hiding something from me?” Frank looked up

with a smile on his handsome face. “Edwin, why do you ask?” Although reserved, Edwin was very

meticulous. Nothing could escape Edwin’s eyes, but for the time being, Frank couldn’t tell Edwin he had

a son yet. The fewer people that knew about it, the better. Edwin looked Frank up and down. After

hearing Frank’s answer, he was even more certain that Frank was hiding something from him. The four

of them were friends who had grown up together. One look or one action, and they could understand

what the other person was thinking.

Even though it was Frank, Edwin knew clearly what he was thinking. Among the four of them, Edwin was

the most meticulous and had the sharpest eyes. Edwin smiled and said, “Every cell of yours is telling me

that you have something on your mind.” “Really?” Frank smiled, “You have always been sharp-eyed.

You’re kind of right. But I can’t tell you what it is now. I’ll tell you later.” After finishing speaking, Frank

lowered his head and continued eating elegantly. Edwin knew Frank well and vice versa. Frank would

not reveal anything he did not want to say. Edwin’s eyes darkened. He had guessed correctly. If Frank

didn’t tell him, it would be a little boring. Adam brought Judith all the way to the villa. That was when

Judith realized that this place was right across from the villa Frank had asked her to buy. But this place

was closer to the school, and it was also very convenient for Judith to pick up and take the children to

and from school.

Under the twilight sky, the afterglow of the setting sun dyed the horizon red. The sunset was gorgeous,

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the light and shadow were mottled. The lights were on Judith got off the motorcycle. What came into view

was a small building with two and a half stories in a foreign style. There was a small courtyard overgrown

with weeds. The ground was covered with fallen leaves. It seemed that no one had lived there in a long

time. Adam took off his helmet and looked back at Judith. He smiled and said, “Judy, do you like this

place?” Judith retracted her gaze and looked at the smiling Adam. She happily nodded. “Adam, thank

you. This place is great.” Adam glanced at the house and pursed his lips. “Judy, let’s go in and take a

look.” “Alright.” Judith smiled and walked in front. Adam looked at her slender figure from behind, and

his beautiful eyes flashed. Adam recalled something. There were too many puzzles in his heart. “Hello,

Mila.” “Adam, I need a favor.” Adam was very surprised when he suddenly received a call from Mila,

Judith’s mom, that day.